Poll: 60% of Americans Opposed to Syria Attack, Just 9% Support it

There is no way we just sit back and allow a leader to kill people so they can keep control.

never again do we sit and watch a WWII just get out of control before we step in.

WWI was why we hesitated.

hesitating now would be the same thing

Never Again: The History of the Holocaust

Martin Gilbert is one of the world's pre-eminent historians of the Holocaust. Representing 40 years of research that Gilbert began in Poland in 1959, this comprehensive, illustrated volume traces the history of the Jewish people in Europe before, during, and after the Holocaust. Gilbert brilliantly blends this great swath of history with fresh, detailed accounts of individual drama: the rise of Nazism in Germany, the Jewish children who found refuge in Britain, the rejected refugees of the U.S.S. St Louis, the Warsaw Ghetto revolt, the stories of Anne Frank, Oscar Schindler, and the children of Izieu, as well as the reflections of survivors today. Never Again paints a deeply personal and cultural portrait of the Holocaust. Gilbert's sharp historical knowledge makes this work on the Holocaust enormously informative and tangibly real.
There is no way we just sit back and allow a leader to kill people so they can keep control.

never again do we sit and watch a WWII just get out of control before we step in.

WWI was why we hesitated.

hesitating now would be the same thing

Well, as I said, I am against this nonsense (and frankly, it's horseshit as well. the holocaust rhetoric is actually ludicrous, and you'd do yourself a big favor to knock that off) when Bush is president, and I'm against it when Obama is president. You are against it when Bush is president, and for it when Obama is president.

Enough said.
why not take the cases individually.

Bush used LIES and scraps of ole history to get people to back a war for oil.

This is NOT a war for oil.

This would be stopping an out of control government from murdering its people.

they are NOT the same thing and political tit for tat
I don't think so.

"we just allow them to massacre their population"

Sorry but two hundred dead is in no way a massacre of a country's population. I can make a much better case that the United States is massacring its population via lack of health care.
It's not nothing. But it's a loonnnnngggggg way from the Holocaust, which is what you are ludicrously attempting to compare it to.

Most importantly - air strikes only kill more children. That is what they do. Always. Period. The End.
It's not nothing. But it's a loonnnnngggggg way from the Holocaust, which is what you are ludicrously attempting to compare it to.

Most importantly - air strikes only kill more children. That is what they do. Always. Period. The End.

ask the dead babies if they wish someone had bombed the delivery system before they were gassed
Well, call me crazy, but I don't think piling up an additional few thousand bodies is a sane response. You wouldn't either if a republican wanted to do it.

I don't think so.

"we just allow them to massacre their population"

Sorry but two hundred dead is in no way a massacre of a country's population. I can make a much better case that the United States is massacring its population via lack of health care.

It's not nothing. But it's a loonnnnngggggg way from the Holocaust, which is what you are ludicrously attempting to compare it to.

Most importantly - air strikes only kill more children. That is what they do. Always. Period. The End.

Your numbers are way off. Over 100,000 people have been killed in this civil war so far. At the rate Assad's killing his own people, there won't be any more of those children you're mourning left anyhow.

Most importantly - air strikes only kill more children. That is what they do. Always. Period. The End.

Why is that, Darla? Because they're used as human shields. The government's embedding itself in schools and hospitals and residential neighborhoods, knowing full well that bleeding hearts like you will scream "WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!"

Those same people fighting against Assad right now are parents. They have children killed by their leader. They want to end this fighting as much or more than you do.

Let them make the determination whether to put their child in danger now with military strikes or let it go on for years and years under Assad.
Your numbers are way off. Over 100,000 people have been killed in this civil war so far. At the rate Assad's killing his own people, there won't be any more of those children you're mourning left anyhow.


No my numbers are not off. We were discussing the chemical attack victims. A civil war is different than a massacre or a genocide...or, just by the way, a Holocaust.
Why is that, Darla? Because they're used as human shields. The government's embedding itself in schools and hospitals and residential neighborhoods, knowing full well that bleeding hearts like you will scream "WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!"


Every right wing war monger in the world uses this transparent crap to defend bombing civilians.

The fact is you're a hack. If Obama does it it's okay. If a Republican does it, it's evil.

Here is my position; air strikes are always immoral.
I had this pulled up but didn't read it until I typed my above reply to Darla.


Why would a regime, even a brutal dictatorship, send its thugs to kill women and children, even babies? Does it make any sense, even by the twisted logic of armed conflict and tyranny?

In a most perverse, sickening way, it makes perfect sense. And for the logic underlying this most inhuman tactic, one need only look at what has transpired in recent months and years as uprisings have sprung throughout the region, from Iran to Tunisia.

The Syrian dictator is trying to restore a balance of fear, perhaps the most powerful weapon in the hands of tyrants throughout history. Killing children is supposed to intimidate the opposition.