Poll: Am I mean?

Is Tiana Mean?

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JPP Modarater
In addition to almost driving Damo to suicide this afternoon, I can be.......we'll say 'particular' behind the wheel.

This was debated in my office yesterday, and I'm curious as to what you guys think:

When I go to work in the morning on the turnpike, the entrance only lane is usually backed up and there is a solid white line which indicates no passing for people that are backed up trying to get on. What a lot of people do is cheat and come up along the left hand side and cut off everyone who's already waited for their turn to enter the turnpike which causes even more backup. So.....yesterday morning I was in my usual position, and I saw this douchebag with a shiny silver Mercedes try to cut me off. So naturally I rode the very left of the lane to the point where I'm almost in the other lane and the bumper of the person in front of me so that no one could get infront of me. In response to this the douchebag jumps 2 cars infront of me and cuts off a car infront of me and in doing so, he ran right into the police trap they occassionally have set up for just that thing. Naturally I was elated. The very douche that was trying to cut me off was getting a ticket. As I rode by I beeped my horn, laughed, waved and the cop waved back. Was that a normal reaction or am I just mean?
In addition to almost driving Damo to suicide this afternoon, I can be.......we'll say 'particular' behind the wheel.

This was debated in my office yesterday, and I'm curious as to what you guys think:

When I go to work in the morning on the turnpike, the entrance only lane is usually backed up and there is a solid white line which indicates no passing for people that are backed up trying to get on. What a lot of people do is cheat and come up along the left hand side and cut off everyone who's already waited for their turn to enter the turnpike which causes even more backup. So.....yesterday morning I was in my usual position, and I saw this douchebag with a shiny silver Mercedes try to cut me off. So naturally I rode the very left of the lane to the point where I'm almost in the other lane and the bumper of the person in front of me so that no one could get infront of me. In response to this the douchebag jumps 2 cars infront of me and cuts off a car infront of me and in doing so, he ran right into the police trap they occassionally have set up for just that thing. Naturally I was elated. The very douche that was trying to cut me off was getting a ticket. As I rode by I beeped my horn, laughed, waved and the cop waved back. Was that a normal reaction or am I just mean?

No that is normal. I know exactly what you mean and I hate when people do that. Unless...it's me.
No that is normal. I know exactly what you mean and I hate when people do that. Unless...it's me.

I know....I've done it too. Just the other day I had to cut some trucker off and he tried to run me off the road. I think the poor thing almost had a heart attack trying to get me back.
I know....I've done it too. Just the other day I had to cut some trucker off and he tried to run me off the road. I think the poor thing almost had a heart attack trying to get me back.


That is soo typical. I think people who get the maddest are the ones who do it themselves, but didn't do it that day. That's how I am. It's a real mental disturbance. I admit it.

That is soo typical. I think people who get the maddest are the ones who do it themselves, but didn't do it that day. That's how I am. It's a real mental disturbance. I admit it.

Which is why I think I was so schadenfreude(ny) over the guy getting pulled over yesterday.
The rules of the road are simple; Make your own rules.

Honestly I would have handeled the situation worse, I'm particular to road rage (read road JUSTICE).
Oh, I do it. You would probably be looking to kick my ass if you lived in NY, it's a good thing you're in Jersey. I really don't go to Jersey, nobody I know does. lol

Speaking of which you NY, PA and CT drivers are the worst when you come to Jersey. Do they not have merging lanes on highways in those states? Why is it that you people come to a complete stop with like 1/2 a mile to use to gain speed? What's up with that?
The rules of the road are simple; Make your own rules.

Honestly I would have handeled the situation worse, I'm particular to road rage (read road JUSTICE).

LOL. "Road Justice"

Alright, so I'm not some excessively mean. That's good to know.
Speaking of which you NY, PA and CT drivers are the worst when you come to Jersey. Do they not have merging lanes on highways in those states? Why is it that you people come to a complete stop with like 1/2 a mile to use to gain speed? What's up with that?

Really? I hate that. That is one of my pet peeves. If you can't merge without becoming petrified and stopping, get off the road.
Really? I hate that. That is one of my pet peeves. If you can't merge without becoming petrified and stopping, get off the road.

That's my big pet peeve, but what's slowly becoming an even bigger pet peeve of mine is when people come to a complete stop in the EZ Pass lane. I mean.....what is that? Its not called "EZ Stop".....
Naturally I was elated. The very douche that was trying to cut me off was getting a ticket. As I rode by I beeped my horn, laughed, waved and the cop waved back. Was that a normal reaction or am I just mean?


I swear, its times like that that make me think there really is a God.