Poll: Am I mean?

Is Tiana Mean?

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Speaking of which you NY, PA and CT drivers are the worst when you come to Jersey. Do they not have merging lanes on highways in those states? Why is it that you people come to a complete stop with like 1/2 a mile to use to gain speed? What's up with that?
I had some Indian dude (dot, not feather) in front of my on the entrance ramp the other day. He mosied down the ramp and then he hit the freakin brakes - 35 mph at the point where the ramp meets the interstate and the merge lane begins. Without looking, but now up to 55, he pops on the blinker and starts a slow drift to the left and goes right over to the left lane. The SLOW lane in GA does 80mph, you better be hauling ass when you hit the merge. I passed him in the merge lane and got the hell away from him before he got me killed. The big Ford "dualee" on the ramp was damn near in my back seat.
Shoot, I tend to flick them off. Of course, being a Chicago type of soul, I've learned to look before flipping.
nice... i acutly got in trouble for litering, i threw a half full pop on an assholes windsheild when he tried too cut me off, unfortunly there was a cop 2 spots behind him, we both got a tickit, i went to court and didnt have to pay a fine cause i volontered to do community service and clean up litter on the highway. it was well worth it
Tiana... to be quite honest, you were too nice to the douche. The sarcastic smile and wave is sweet though. The cop probably enjoyed it just about as much as you. The few cops I know personally take great pleasure in pulling those reckless assholes over. Next time, if you have the time, pull in behind the cop and file a complaint against the bastard for reckless driving. Pretty much eliminates any chance they have of reducing the ticket.
Tiana... to be quite honest, you were too nice to the douche. The sarcastic smile and wave is sweet though. The cop probably enjoyed it just about as much as you. The few cops I know personally take great pleasure in pulling those reckless assholes over. Next time, if you have the time, pull in behind the cop and file a complaint against the bastard for reckless driving. Pretty much eliminates any chance they have of reducing the ticket.

I'll bet you flip out at least twice a week behind the wheel, in road-rage incidents.
nice... i acutly got in trouble for litering, i threw a half full pop on an assholes windsheild when he tried too cut me off, unfortunly there was a cop 2 spots behind him, we both got a tickit, i went to court and didnt have to pay a fine cause i volontered to do community service and clean up litter on the highway. it was well worth it

I don't think I'd ever throw something at a person's car. Not if I know they will catch me.
Tiana... to be quite honest, you were too nice to the douche. The sarcastic smile and wave is sweet though. The cop probably enjoyed it just about as much as you. The few cops I know personally take great pleasure in pulling those reckless assholes over. Next time, if you have the time, pull in behind the cop and file a complaint against the bastard for reckless driving. Pretty much eliminates any chance they have of reducing the ticket.

Now that's how you dig it in!
I'll bet you flip out at least twice a week behind the wheel, in road-rage incidents.

Not really, I generally have my ipod running... So I am usually paying more attention to my singing abilities than I am to what other drivers should be doing. At 5'1", 320 pounds, driving a mini cooper and STILL looking small, most people just feel sorry for me and don't cut me off.

Not really, I generally have my ipod running... So I am usually paying more attention to my singing abilities than I am to what other drivers should be doing. At 5'1", 320 pounds, driving a mini cooper and STILL looking small, most people just feel sorry for me and don't cut me off.


LOL. I guess they would.
I don't think I'd ever throw something at a person's car. Not if I know they will catch me.

it was dumb.. but it felt good, i wasnt tring to damage anything although i could have. i just cant stand people being so selfish.
I keep saying this: I want an airhorn -- 18 wheeler style -- for idiots like this. Also for the moron in front of me last night who was all over the road, 10 mph under the limit, because he was texting while driving. Those reading or applying makeup would receive the same treatment.

I'd like to have an electronic device to point at these people to make their cellphones emit an earsplitting high-pitched squeal. That goes for the ones who are holding the phones to their ears as well, and weaving between lanes (due to inattention, nothing else) going erratic speeds, usually well under the limit. If you have only one arm or hand, the DOT requires you to have special controls in your car. Grrrrr!
I keep saying this: I want an airhorn -- 18 wheeler style -- for idiots like this. Also for the moron in front of me last night who was all over the road, 10 mph under the limit, because he was texting while driving. Those reading or applying makeup would receive the same treatment.

I'd like to have an electronic device to point at these people to make their cellphones emit an earsplitting high-pitched squeal. That goes for the ones who are holding the phones to their ears as well, and weaving between lanes (due to inattention, nothing else) going erratic speeds, usually well under the limit. If you have only one arm or hand, the DOT requires you to have special controls in your car. Grrrrr!

I'm sorry Thorn, I will try to do better.
Good luck with that crappy traffic, y'all!

Ever since I moved to this mellow beach community, I don't even think I've even seen a rude driver, heard a horn honked, or had the bird flipped at me.

I keep saying this: I want an airhorn -- 18 wheeler style -- for idiots like this. Also for the moron in front of me last night who was all over the road, 10 mph under the limit, because he was texting while driving. Those reading or applying makeup would receive the same treatment.

I'd like to have an electronic device to point at these people to make their cellphones emit an earsplitting high-pitched squeal. That goes for the ones who are holding the phones to their ears as well, and weaving between lanes (due to inattention, nothing else) going erratic speeds, usually well under the limit. If you have only one arm or hand, the DOT requires you to have special controls in your car. Grrrrr!

i want one too... or a fog horn, or a train horn