Poll: Most under-30 Arkansans back gay marriage

Your representation makes it seem that Hollywood pushed it on us. This plays into the ignorant conspiracy theories of fascist who claim it is a Marxist (sometimes Jewish or Zionist) plot.

You live in the San Francisco Bay area. Do you honestly believe Hollywood was ahead in representing the reality of homosexuals in your community? I lived there for several years myself and Hollywood was waaaayyyyy behind. Even before that, living back here there were far more openly homosexuals among my family, friends and coworkers than was represented on TV or in film. Hollywood finally quit hiding the reality and that helped to further open minds but they were never pushing the envelope.

Hollywood did didn't they? Do you really believe this is just an organic change and Hollywoods portrayal of gays on television hasn't had a role? I guess you can suspend disbelief long enough :)
That's your interpretation of what I said. I didn't say Hollywood pushed it on us. Not every place in America is San Francisco where we have a large gay population that lives openly (and even that didn't really happen until the late '60's and the '70's). So people who live in areas where there aren't a lot of gays may get more exposure to gay folks via TV and see they aren't all this bad stuff some may say about them. So you can call it Hollywood pushing something I say it's simple exposure.

I did not claim you meant to imply it.

Who were the openly gay people on TV in the 60s or 70s? Yes, San Francisco is unusual but TV still vastly under represented homosexuals. My city is very purple and while Ellen's character was just coming out of the closet there were plenty of open homosexuals in my every day life. Even in the small little town I grew up in it was not nearly as rare or as hushed as it was on TV. Hollywood was about as far ahead of that curve as they were on Murphy Brown as a single mother. That is, they were way behind and actively repressed proportionate representation of it.
I did not claim you meant to imply it.

Who were the openly gay people on TV in the 60s or 70s? Yes, San Francisco is unusual but TV still vastly under represented homosexuals. My city is very purple and while Ellen's character was just coming out of the closet there were plenty of open homosexuals in my every day life. Even in the small little town I grew up in it was not nearly as rare or as hushed as it was on TV. Hollywood was about as far ahead of that curve as they were on Murphy Brown as a single mother. That is, they were way behind and actively repressed proportionate representation of it.

If you are under 30 you have grown up seeing gay people on TV and living more openly than did their parents. The youth of today have far more exposure to gay people than did their parents. That is why I believe we see such a difference in opinion on gay marriage between the younger generation and older generation.
I did not claim you meant to imply it.

Who were the openly gay people on TV in the 60s or 70s? Yes, San Francisco is unusual but TV still vastly under represented homosexuals. My city is very purple and while Ellen's character was just coming out of the closet there were plenty of open homosexuals in my every day life. Even in the small little town I grew up in it was not nearly as rare or as hushed as it was on TV. Hollywood was about as far ahead of that curve as they were on Murphy Brown as a single mother. That is, they were way behind and actively repressed proportionate representation of it.

In case you haven't noticed, we aren't living in the 60s or 70s. Just thought you would like to know. However, if you would like to get more current, then it is inarguable that gays have been highly represented on television and the movies. There aren't many shows that don't have their token gay person prancing around the screen, most notably Will and Grace. I watched Will and Grace because it was a funny show. Jack was hilarious (as I said I love stereotypical humor). But, I think they have taken it too far. It seems EVERY show has to have a gay person on it, which if we are honest isn't very representative of society. I mean at best, gays are 1% of the US population.
gee imagine that its as if the real world has gay people on every street.

guess what fool.

that is the reality
In general, Hollywood does not lead; it follows. Whether its minorities in roles other than servant; whether it's gays/lesbians being shown as "real" people rather than stereotypes; even if it's Archie Bunker showing racism blows; they follow the culture, they don't lead it.
If you are under 30 you have grown up seeing gay people on TV and living more openly than did their parents. The youth of today have far more exposure to gay people than did their parents. That is why I believe we see such a difference in opinion on gay marriage between the younger generation and older generation.

I don't disagree that it has a lot to do with the change of opinion. But TV/Film was and maybe still is odd for its lack of homosexuals not for its over representation of them.
In case you haven't noticed, we aren't living in the 60s or 70s. Just thought you would like to know. However, if you would like to get more current, then it is inarguable that gays have been highly represented on television and the movies. There aren't many shows that don't have their token gay person prancing around the screen, most notably Will and Grace. I watched Will and Grace because it was a funny show. Jack was hilarious (as I said I love stereotypical humor). But, I think they have taken it too far. It seems EVERY show has to have a gay person on it, which if we are honest isn't very representative of society. I mean at best, gays are 1% of the US population.

Well, ILA, you are honest about your bigotry. But you're still a bigot. I'm glad more and more people are moving away from homophobia. Maybe one day you will too.
gee imagine that its as if the real world has gay people on every street.

guess what fool.

that is the reality

How do you know it is EVERY street? Have you counted? Are you saying that there isn't one street in the world that doesn't have a gay person on it?
Well, ILA, you are honest about your bigotry. But you're still a bigot. I'm glad more and more people are moving away from homophobia. Maybe one day you will too.

What was bigoted about my response? The fact that I said I enjoyed watching Will and Grace?

OK. I hated watching Will and Grace. Is that better? It isn't true, but maybe that will appease you.
Random sampling of what is on a couple channels tonight.

How I Met Your Mother - No homosexual characters :)
2 Broke Girls - I don't think so, at least not in any of the main or even secondary characters
Mike and Molly - None
Under the Dome - Only seen the pilot, but none yet

Raising Hope - A big cast none in the regulars and I can't think of any in the smaller roles, there were some on My Name is Earl
New Girl - none
The Mindy Project - none

NBC and CBS has reality shows or something I have never seen.

They are everywhere. OMG!!!
See? they are everywhere!!! oh wait they aren't, are they? "they" the infamous "they"

ILA, when you are complaining about too many of "THEM" on TV, you are showing your bigotry. Of course, you've done it throughout this thread. You must prefer that they stay in a closet where you won't have to see "them"
Random sampling of what is on a couple channels tonight.

How I Met Your Mother - No homosexual characters :)
2 Broke Girls - I don't think so, at least not in any of the main or even secondary characters
Mike and Molly - None
Under the Dome - Only seen the pilot, but none yet

Raising Hope - A big cast none in the regulars and I can't think of any in the smaller roles, there were some on My Name is Earl
New Girl - none
The Mindy Project - none

NBC and CBS has reality shows or something I have never seen.

They are everywhere. OMG!!!

Well, you must have never watched How I Met Your Mother then because a recurring character on the program is Barney's gay brother played by Wayne Brady. Not only is his brother gay, but he is black as well. Score Two for the politically correct. And he wasn't just on one time. He got married on the show and adopted a child. Nice try though. I know this because I watch the show and it is hilarious.

As to the others, I can't speak to them because I don't watch them.

Of course you leave out Glee, Modern Family etc.

So you are making it sound like they are NOWHERE. Stop it with your falsehoods.
See? they are everywhere!!! oh wait they aren't, are they? "they" the infamous "they"

ILA, when you are complaining about too many of "THEM" on TV, you are showing your bigotry. Of course, you've done it throughout this thread. You must prefer that they stay in a closet where you won't have to see "them"

Nope, I didn't say that at all. I don't like things gratuitously shoved down my throat which in my opinion is what is happening. You are free to disagree. As you said earlier, I am free to change channels which I do.

On a final note, I am sure you must love the fact that I am not insulting you while you have free rein to insult me. I mean you claim that you are so civil in your discourse, yet you feel free to call me a bigot because I don't share your same views. Don't worry, I know what you are thinking. "You are a bigot, so why can't I call you a bigot". Therein lies the problem. The left feels fully justified in insulting and calling names of those they disagree with but get really butthurt when it is turned around on them. Just an observation. I don't expect any change in your behavior and nor will I engage in tit for tat. That is how I let myself get out of control in the first place. I am merely pointing it out.

Have a nice day :)
You are right; you are a bigot, so I call you one. Would you prefer I call you homophobic?

What I'm NOT doing that you used to do is swearing at you, insulting your spouse, threatening you, calling you stupid, etc. And even though we disagree, your new style is much easier to read.

Feel free to call me a bigot if you think I am one. Just don't comment on my sex life or do the other crap you used to do.
Kids watch much more MTV than they do the networks prime-time lineups. MTV has been showing gay people for years whether it's on the Real World or dating shows etc. They have had a major influence, in my opinion, on the exposure of gays nationally.
You are right; you are a bigot, so I call you one. Would you prefer I call you homophobic?

What I'm NOT doing that you used to do is swearing at you, insulting your spouse, threatening you, calling you stupid, etc. And even though we disagree, your new style is much easier to read.

Feel free to call me a bigot if you think I am one. Just don't comment on my sex life or do the other crap you used to do.

What is wrong with calling you stupid if I think you are stupid? Seems a little hypocritical to me. Calling someone a bigot is an insult. Calling someone homophobic is an insult.

I never threatened you so I would appreciate it if you apologized for accusing me of that.

I knew that you would reply in the way that you did. Liberals always feel justified in their actions. I find it quite humorous that you feel quite comfortable and justified insulting me, but take major offense if it is turned around on you.

Have no fear, I have no intention on returning the insults. I am just pointing out the inconsistency.

Have a great evening :)
This. And it has become so gratuitous that it is sickening. It is like every show needs to have its token gay on it now. The upside is I watch less TV these days. But, can't get enough Duck Dynasty

So how's that new leaf thingy going? Crumbled into bigoted mulch, huh?

Hollywood did didn't they? Do you really believe this is just an organic change and Hollywoods portrayal of gays on television hasn't had a role? I guess you can suspend disbelief long enough :)

Rock Hudson. Liberace. Hundreds more. Recently, Jodie Foster. Hollywood has been notoriously behind the times out of fear. Try reading this:


Because they suck.

Some of us suck reeeeeeaaaaaaalllllllll good. :)

In case you haven't noticed, we aren't living in the 60s or 70s. Just thought you would like to know. However, if you would like to get more current, then it is inarguable that gays have been highly represented on television and the movies. There aren't many shows that don't have their token gay person prancing around the screen, most notably Will and Grace. I watched Will and Grace because it was a funny show. Jack was hilarious (as I said I love stereotypical humor). But, I think they have taken it too far. It seems EVERY show has to have a gay person on it, which if we are honest isn't very representative of society. I mean at best, gays are 1% of the US population.

Bullshit. It's the "chicken or egg" thing. As public perception towards gays became more open, television started bringing in more gay characters, not the other way around. Sure, Ellen D had a lot to do with it, Will and Grace helped, but it was the public that wanted it.

And, your last comment? Fucking insane. Where do you get these numbers? Hell, there's more than 1% of closet cases in our society, yourself included. Once they come out the real number will most likely be near 15%.
