Poll: What is the meaning of life?

For you, what is the meaning of life?

  • It's to be enjoyed by induldging in all it has to offer, be it good or bad, whatever makes me happy.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • It's about passing GOD's test by following his laws and proving my worthyness of his kingdom.

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Life has no meaning. Life is random occurrence. Life sucks!

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • I don't know, I'm still trying to figure that one out.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Something else (please specify).

    Votes: 5 45.5%

  • Total voters
You could read Hitchens' Guide to the Galaxy, it's very brief. This is it:

"God I'm off my face again, where am I? Why is the room spinning?" :clink:
I love meaning of life threads - they allow me to express my total confusion.

I voted "something other" and since I'm an obedient sort of bloke I'm responding to the direction to explain.

I believe that the meaning of life is for the individual to fulfill whatever potential he or she has as a human being. I do think that part of that human potential is to reproduce. For me it's a biological rather than spiritual imperative but that doesn't lessen it.

A brave poll, well done.

The 4 stages of life concept: Being born, growing, reproducing and dying.

Thank you for responding!
I just went to see a short preview of "Guide to the galaxy", and although the movie was pure nonesense, I did see a little white robot running around that looks just like Grind's avatar, which I found to be pretty funny.
The purpose of life is to attempt to discover the true meaning of impermanence. One of the main reasons for suffering is the attempt to hold on to things that bring temporary joy in the hopes of retaining that happiness. It's like a handful of water, the tighter you grip the more slips away.

Interesting concept. I don't mean do bring Christianity into this, however, you are aware that Jesus spoke of this, right?
Interesting concept. I don't mean do bring Christianity into this, however, you are aware that Jesus spoke of this, right?
He spoke far more of it in the Gnostic Gospels. Much of the understanding in the separateness of mind and spirit is within those Gospels rejected by those who created "The Church".
Interesting concept. I don't mean do bring Christianity into this, however, you are aware that Jesus spoke of this, right?
The bible says he did, but it is heresay since I dont think Jesus actually wrote anything in th bible.

Darn I am looped on a Ambian pill...nightynite all.

Hope that mades as much sense as usual for me,
The bible says he did, but it is heresay since I dont think Jesus actually wrote anything in th bible.

Darn I am looped on a Ambian pill...nightynite all.

Hope that mades as much sense as usual for me,

Hey, did you know if you take one of those and force yourself to stay awake you'll start hallucinating? Just some advice.
Ambian....they should have called it Ah'm bien...well it would have sold well in some parts of Louisiana and all of Quebec. :D
"So Dark... Pain it is... Life... "

Emo Poetry. Just shorter. Thanks, Grind.

it's not emo to not believe that there is some sort of universal purpose for mankind. It's arrogant to assume we have some type of divine (or uniquely special) purpose in this life. It just isn't there.
I would have also voted C except for the it sucks part.

It has the meaning you give it.

Some have to have a meaning spoon fed to them complete with accompanied stories to make it easy to remember the meaning.

Others just assume it must all surround arround feelings of pleasure like tasty food, a good shit and masterbastion with or without a partner.

Others cant help but think about it and try to make it comport with logic and facts.

I have never been able to find any inherent meaning in it. I have only been able to deside meaning for myself. That is the wonder and beauty of being human. We in a sense are our own gods. Some gods are evil and cruel and some gods are kind and caring.

I chose to find meaning which encompasses embracing Love, kindness, caring, sharing, compassion and a need to coexsist with all that is alive. It makes me feel like my own loving god. Not your God just my own personal one. Without personally giving meaning to life there is not meaning.