Poor Israel

I wasn't too proud that I thought that, but I did and if I were them I wouldn't. I can think of a thousand exceptions as to why that wouldn't necessarily be the case, but the fact is that they hate each other over there. Having thousands of homeless & angry Palestinian refugees in Israel given their recent history, could be recipe for trouble. Would I risk if it were in my yard? No.
Having thousands of homeless & angry Palestinian refugees in Israel given their recent history, could be recipe for trouble.

Those members of Fatah who are waiting at the checkpoint in Gaza are trying to reach the West Bank, not stay in Israel. It just happens that Israel was plonked between them..
Having thousands of homeless & angry Palestinian refugees in Israel given their recent history, could be recipe for trouble.

Those members of Fatah who are waiting at the checkpoint in Gaza are trying to reach the West Bank, not stay in Israel. It just happens that Israel was plonked between them..

I still think Israel should try to keep as neutral policy and close up its borders to the fighting. They have nothing to gain at this point. Its not even like unfreezing those funds is going to change the hearts and minds of their neighbors.
I still think Israel should try to keep as neutral policy and close up its borders to the fighting. They have nothing to gain at this point. Its not even like unfreezing those funds is going to change the hearts and minds of their neighbors.
Have you even considered that Israel might be the "CAUSE" of that fighting????
I wasn't too proud that I thought that, but I did and if I were them I wouldn't. I can think of a thousand exceptions as to why that wouldn't necessarily be the case, but the fact is that they hate each other over there. Having thousands of homeless & angry Palestinian refugees in Israel given their recent history, could be recipe for trouble. Would I risk if it were in my yard? No.

If you were the Levite or the Priest, you would not help.

But, if you were the Samaritan man, you would help them.

So, I guess it is a hard decision to make, but the "right" answer has been given already, in a form of a parable from someone pretty darn smart imho.


And Hiya Tiana! What's new and how are ya? Did you get the house or end up dropping it?

If you were the Levite or the Priest, you would not help.

But, if you were the Samaritan man, you would help them.

So, I guess it is a hard decision to make, but the "right" answer has been given already, in a form of a parable from someone pretty darn smart imho.


And Hiya Tiana! What's new and how are ya? Did you get the house or end up dropping it?


Well, as prime minister or security advisor, I'd probably side against it.

As for the house, we ended up dropping that one. LOL a few weeks later they lowered the asking price online by like $20K. Looking back I'm kind of glad we let it go. We'll have a lot more $ for a down payment in the fall it turns out, so we're happy about that.
Have you even considered that Israel might be the "CAUSE" of that fighting????

They were not the cause of this latest eruption of violence. And sadly they have more to lose than gain if they take these people in.
Well, as prime minister or security advisor, I'd probably side against it.

As for the house, we ended up dropping that one. LOL a few weeks later they lowered the asking price online by like $20K. Looking back I'm kind of glad we let it go. We'll have a lot more $ for a down payment in the fall it turns out, so we're happy about that.
You should relook at some of the homes you have already viewed again at the end of the summer!

Despearation sets in if there have been no hits on your home by the end of summer and prices start to drop like mad.

Waiting till fall is a very good idea Tiana! This was a very good learning experience. You have gone through the "financing" aspect, whether to go through an inspection ahead of time, negotiating the price...and all this kind of stuff will help you on the next one!
You should relook at some of the homes you have already viewed again at the end of the summer!

Despearation sets in if there have been no hits on your home by the end of summer and prices start to drop like mad.

Waiting till fall is a very good idea Tiana! This was a very good learning experience. You have gone through the "financing" aspect, whether to go through an inspection ahead of time, negotiating the price...and all this kind of stuff will help you on the next one!

Yeah. We definitely learned a lot. I'm just glad we weren't out any money. Thta would have sucked if we got an inspection and stuff. Fortunately the lawyer didn't charge us. I was sure he woudl though.
There she was trying to mind her business with all her neighbors fighting and then bam.....sucked in.

On an evil republicanny note, I don't think Israel should let the refugees in.


Too much of a security risk IMO.

The palestinians of course, shoulder a lot of the blame.

But, let's not kid ourselves: Bush/Israel policies set the stage for this and inflamed it.

Bush ran his mouth about democracy and elections. The palestinians called his bluff and elected Hamas. OOOPS! Bush wasn't really for democracy -- he was for installing pro-american goverments. Not democratic ones. So what happens? Bush starts arming the losing side- Fatah. What the hell? Bush calls for elections, and then arms the losing side (the one he wanted to win).

that's a recipe for inflaming a civil war
They were not the cause of this latest eruption of violence. And sadly they have more to lose than gain if they take these people in.
Wrong. they have been the initial and continuing cause of the violence since 1947.
The palestinians of course, shoulder a lot of the blame.

But, let's not kid ourselves: Bush/Israel policies set the stage for this and inflamed it.

Bush ran his mouth about democracy and elections. The palestinians called his bluff and elected Hamas. OOOPS! Bush wasn't really for democracy -- he was for installing pro-american goverments. Not democratic ones. So what happens? Bush starts arming the losing side- Fatah. What the hell? Bush calls for elections, and then arms the losing side (the one he wanted to win).

that's a recipe for inflaming a civil war

You can go back and arbitrarily put the onus on any number of nations for the current state of middle east. This latest flare up was not the fault of Israel. No matter how you spin it. They weren't even involved until they were being shelled. As such, if I were responsible for Israeli security I wouldn't let any of them in.
You can go back and arbitrarily put the onus on any number of nations for the current state of middle east. This latest flare up was not the fault of Israel. No matter how you spin it. They weren't even involved until they were being shelled. As such, if I were responsible for Israeli security I wouldn't let any of them in.

OK, Israel has a right to respond to missle attacks. That’s a very small part of the story you posted. It’s mostly about the violence in Gaza and the refugees.

As for the violence in Gaza: Israel and the U.S. most definitely played a role and inflamed it. Bush babbled on about elections and democracy, and then when Hamas won legal and legitimate elections, Bush and Israel did everything they could to deny Hamas' election victory - including arming the losers of the election: Fatah. When you try to meddle in an election, and then arm the election losers, that's going to piss people off. That doesn't mean I'm a fan of Hamas. That's just a fact. Hamas are assholes. But, it’s not my country.

Bush told Arabs to lay down their guns and hold elections. Hamas said “Okay”, and did. Hamas won the elections. Then Bush armed and funded the groups that lost, to decapitate the victors, Hamas. This is stupid. It makes us look like hypocrites and liars. This american policy simply doesn’t work, and makes things worse.
OK, Israel has a right to respond to missle attacks. That’s a very small part of the story you posted. It’s mostly about the violence in Gaza and the refugees.

As for the violence in Gaza: Israel and the U.S. most definitely played a role and inflamed it. Bush babbled on about elections and democracy, and then when Hamas won legal and legitimate elections, Bush and Israel did everything they could to deny Hamas' election victory - including arming the losers of the election: Fatah. When you try to meddle in an election, and then arm the election losers, that's going to piss people off. That doesn't mean I'm a fan of Hamas. That's just a fact. Hamas are assholes. But, it’s not my country.

Bush told Arabs to lay down their guns and hold elections. Hamas said “Okay”, and did. Hamas won the elections. Then Bush armed and funded the groups that lost, to decapitate the victors, Hamas. This is stupid. It makes us look like hypocrites and liars. This american policy simply doesn’t work, and makes things worse.

Like I said. You can arbitrarily go back to any point in time and lay the blame at the feet of a number of governmental factions. THIS latest stint of fighting was not the fault of Israel. Israel did not make Hamas throw the Fatah security officer from the building. Nor were they responsible for Fatah's reaction. Secondly, based on Hamas bloody response who knows what kind of damage they would have done if Fatah wasn't armed.