Poor Israel

No wonder Darla always talks about 'Code Pink' her idol is non other than 'Susan' the 'Green Peace' candidate and founder of 'Code Pink' not to mention they both live in the same dyed in the wool hippy Height Ashbury district of San Fran Freako!


Your posts become more irrelevant and child-like by the day.

As the oldest poster on the board, how is it that you act the most child-like?

Do you feel like contributing anything worthwhile to the board, or is this your M.O.: to hurl childish comments from the peanut gallery?
Oh pa-lease forgive me...

Your posts become more irrelevant and child-like by the day.

As the oldest poster on the board, how is it that you act the most child-like?

Do you feel like contributing anything worthwhile to the board, or is this your M.O.: to hurl childish comments from the peanut gallery?

I keep forgetting how well educated and above all of us simpletons you are...albeit you make alot of mistakes when you attempt to call someone out!
Now please go play in the elitist sandbox with Darla or is that Susan...I get them confused from time to time...so in closing all I can offer you for your time is: :321:

addendum: I do believe 'doniston' gets the title for the oldest poster...can't you get anything right?
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Your posts become more irrelevant and child-like by the day.

As the oldest poster on the board, how is it that you act the most child-like?

Do you feel like contributing anything worthwhile to the board, or is this your M.O.: to hurl childish comments from the peanut gallery?
Just out of curiosity, How old is he? I'm 78.