This is terrifying to Trump voters and probably accounts for their xenophobic fantasies of increasing Norwegian immigration while denying entry to people from"shithole" countries like Haiti and African nations
maybe so goyim but your kind pasty faced goyim will be worm food and no longer the majority , by 2060 pastry faces will be only 10% of the world's population

Less than half a percent of the world population is Jewish and that’s not expected to change in the next 30 years. So what exactly is your angle regarding non goyim’s? What’s going to change in the world for the Jews?
This is terrifying to Trump voters and probably accounts for their xenophobic fantasies of increasing Norwegian immigration while denying entry to people from"shithole" countries like Haiti and African nations

Yeh well we can't all be woke right-on bullshitters like you.
Less than half a percent of the world population is Jewish and that’s not expected to change in the next 30 years. So what exactly is your angle regarding non goyim’s? What’s going to change in the world for the Jews?

Guano is an avowed racist, yet the progressives here think the Sun shines out of his arse.
Demographers project that whites will become a minority in the U.S. in around 2045, dropping below 50% of the population. That is a quarter-century from now – still a long way away, right? Not if you focus on children. White children right now are on the eve of becoming a numerical minority.

Slightly more than one-fifth of whites are age 65 and older, while elders account for only about one-tenth of nonwhites. Indeed, today in the U.S. there are more white elders than white children. The older age of whites is mainly due to fewer white births than white deaths. Between July 2017 and July 2018, there were 0.88 white births in the U.S. for every 1 white death. In the case of Latinos, the ratio was 5 births for every 1 death. Whites also have lower fertility rates than most other racial and ethnic groups.

The reality is that whites will not dominate demographically as they have throughout most of U.S. history, when they accounted for as much as 90% of the country’s population


Something ELSE to make us worried about the future of our country.
maybe so goyim but your kind pasty faced goyim will be worm food and no longer the majority , by 2060 pastry faces will be only 10% of the world's population

Who is going to support all the niggers that refuse to support themselves. Are they going to take care of each other. They can't take care of themselves. They rely on those you call pasty faces.
Guano is one of most racist posters here, yet I've never seen anybody that purports to be Liberal call him out.

Is this whataboutism? My experience is that people call out those who annoy, insult or bother them, not everybody. You know that's true. I do it, you do it, we all do it.

But just as an aside, I remember the days when you recognized phoniness when you saw it. Toxic is just JPP's version of Abrystal and his "salutations."
Guano is one of most racist posters here, yet I've never seen anybody that purports to be Liberal call him out.

People profess to dislike racism, bigotry, antisemitism etc. but what that often really means is they dislike it when done by someone they don't like or disagree with politically. Because partisan politics trumps all people on their own side get a pass.
Demographers project that whites will become a minority in the U.S. in around 2045, dropping below 50% of the population. That is a quarter-century from now – still a long way away, right? Not if you focus on children. White children right now are on the eve of becoming a numerical minority.

Slightly more than one-fifth of whites are age 65 and older, while elders account for only about one-tenth of nonwhites. Indeed, today in the U.S. there are more white elders than white children. The older age of whites is mainly due to fewer white births than white deaths. Between July 2017 and July 2018, there were 0.88 white births in the U.S. for every 1 white death. In the case of Latinos, the ratio was 5 births for every 1 death. Whites also have lower fertility rates than most other racial and ethnic groups.

The reality is that whites will not dominate demographically as they have throughout most of U.S. history, when they accounted for as much as 90% of the country’s population

Easy solution. Give white European immigrants preferential status.
Is this whataboutism? My experience is that people call out those who annoy, insult or bother them, not everybody. You know that's true. I do it, you do it, we all do it.

But just as an aside, I remember the days when you recognized phoniness when you saw it. Toxic is just JPP's version of Abrystal and his "salutations."

Yeh Abrystal was an arsehole and Top may well be as well but she's never bothered me. I just don't get how you all pile in on her, you advised me to ignore Desh before now. I ban her from pretty much all my threads these days so why can't the Owl Patrol do likewise? I also think that Politalker is pretty vomit inducing with her hello schtick.
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Bloody good idea but no doubt there's a law against it.

No actually there isn’t. In fact Western Europeans already have preferential immigration status due to the quota system. They’re just not immigrating.

70% of our legal immigrants are sponsored by direct or extended family members. A very large percentage of that are citizens marrying spouses from abroad and they’re not marrying White Europeans.

Besides....and I think most Americans are in agreement here. We’d rather have Mexicans immigrating here, legally, then the bloody Irish. ;)
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