post here to build your rep power

I hope this Grind guy is better at taking care of trolls than AOL was. Word has it that the administrators here turn their backs on some who troll when they're "special".

Maybe demwit is such?:cool:

Grind, since this troll, who does my bidding and has worked so hard for me in order to build my powers, will you please give me 3 times the amt of rep power he has's called rep power by osmosis.
Spammers ain't ever special! Demwit is my pawn and I own him! :cool:

I have not seen any checks from you yet. You don't own crap.

A real man would not mess around with someone who goes by the fairy handle of Ice Dancer.
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I have not seen any checks from you yet. You don't own crap.

A real man would not mess around with someone who goes by the fairy handle of Ice Dancer.

You ain't no real man, you're just a dumb desperate troll who begs for rep points in disguise...and I own your sorry ass!

That's why my rep points increased without having to beg :cool: