Post Rapture Thoughts


Shaken, not stirred!
Now I've witnessed several well publicized "predictions" of the End-of days and the rapture come and go in my life thus far....and I've noticed several constants. 1 - the self proclaimed prophets NEVER give up their claim to religious insight or paranormal abilities. 2 - these prophets and preachers/reverends STILL have a sizeable amount of followers after their very public screw up. 3 - only a brief follow up of all the followers and their leaders is done after the humiliation of publically being proven wrong. 4 - the word CULT is NEVER used when talking about these folks.

And #4 is what really concerns me. Think about had people all over this country actually give up their possessions, take time from their lives and jobs to run around handing out leaflets and standing on corners with bull horns "preaching the message", and giving their hard earned money to various "churches" where the clergy leader(s) has given them the "word". One joker, 89 year old Harold Camping who's a millionaire owning dozens of radio stations for his "Family Radio" programs (aimed at "christian" families) made millions of dollars in donations prior to the predicted doomsday....the idea that those left behind and NOT raptured would need to be guided by Campings church to survive the apocalypse and get right with God.

Sounds like a cult to me....but our media will NEVER (in my humble opinion) call these actions "cultish" because they are based on an interpretation of the Bible....and let's face it, the Catholic church wields a lot of political power in America...and although the neither the Arch Bishop or the Pope in Rome have condoned or supported all this doomsday nonsense, they're hesitant to just come out and say that the parts of the Bible that talk about doomsday is more metaphorical than prophetical. Maybe they're annoyed at all these people NOT waiting for the "official" word on the rapture and doomsday? Anyway, calling any derivative of catholicism a "cult" if NOT something we're likely to see soon.

And what would happen if the Pope or one of his arch-bishops actually sounded the doomsday alarm? Would we see a repeat of the last week increased 100 fold? I mean, what the hell is the difference between this and a bunch of Scientologists, or "moonies" or followers of "Rama" or what have you? This scares me to some degree, because like some grade B horror movie from the 1970's, these people are EVERYWHERE in our in New York City you had a retired Metro Transport Authority worker give up his life savings to buy billboards and such to announce the coming rapture. Did this guy seem rational during his years of service? What would happen if the preachers of this nonsense decided that God and the Bible decrees that heretics, atheists, agnostics, blasphemers and worshippers of false gods be "smited"...or made war against as decreed by Revelations? Because remember, there is no set number of folk that are supposed to be raptured, so a few of the faithful go into hiding, the preachers cry "rapture", and the war between good and evil begins.

Well, the befuddled retired MTA worker was swarmed by the press yeserday after the deadline for death/rapture came and went without incident, he stated, "...I don't know what happened. I don't understand". Well, now financially strapped, maybe he can borrow a few dollars from his relgious mentor Camping...unless Camping has been "raptured" to parts unknown that does not have extradition agreements with the USA.
Now I've witnessed several well publicized "predictions" of the End-of days and the rapture come and go in my life thus far....and I've noticed several constants. 1 - the self proclaimed prophets NEVER give up their claim to religious insight or paranormal abilities. 2 - these prophets and preachers/reverends STILL have a sizeable amount of followers after their very public screw up. 3 - only a brief follow up of all the followers and their leaders is done after the humiliation of publically being proven wrong. 4 - the word CULT is NEVER used when talking about these folks.

And #4 is what really concerns me. Think about had people all over this country actually give up their possessions, take time from their lives and jobs to run around handing out leaflets and standing on corners with bull horns "preaching the message", and giving their hard earned money to various "churches" where the clergy leader(s) has given them the "word". One joker, 89 year old Harold Camping who's a millionaire owning dozens of radio stations for his "Family Radio" programs (aimed at "christian" families) made millions of dollars in donations prior to the predicted doomsday....the idea that those left behind and NOT raptured would need to be guided by Campings church to survive the apocalypse and get right with God.

Sounds like a cult to me....but our media will NEVER (in my humble opinion) call these actions "cultish" because they are based on an interpretation of the Bible....and let's face it, the Catholic church wields a lot of political power in America...and although the neither the Arch Bishop or the Pope in Rome have condoned or supported all this doomsday nonsense, they're hesitant to just come out and say that the parts of the Bible that talk about doomsday is more metaphorical than prophetical. Maybe they're annoyed at all these people NOT waiting for the "official" word on the rapture and doomsday? Anyway, calling any derivative of catholicism a "cult" if NOT something we're likely to see soon.
And what would happen if the Pope or one of his arch-bishops actually sounded the doomsday alarm? Would we see a repeat of the last week increased 100 fold? I mean, what the hell is the difference between this and a bunch of Scientologists, or "moonies" or followers of "Rama" or what have you? This scares me to some degree, because like some grade B horror movie from the 1970's, these people are EVERYWHERE in our in New York City you had a retired Metro Transport Authority worker give up his life savings to buy billboards and such to announce the coming rapture. Did this guy seem rational during his years of service? What would happen if the preachers of this nonsense decided that God and the Bible decrees that heretics, atheists, agnostics, blasphemers and worshippers of false gods be "smited"...or made war against as decreed by Revelations? Because remember, there is no set number of folk that are supposed to be raptured, so a few of the faithful go into hiding, the preachers cry "rapture", and the war between good and evil begins.

Well, the befuddled retired MTA worker was swarmed by the press yeserday after the deadline for death/rapture came and went without incident, he stated, "...I don't know what happened. I don't understand". Well, now financially strapped, maybe he can borrow a few dollars from his relgious mentor Camping...unless Camping has been "raptured" to parts unknown that does not have extradition agreements with the USA.

OMG-utter nonsense with regards to Christian's being afraid to call out Camping's nonsense as just that. And Camping's nuttiness is in no way a "derivative of Catholicism- it's barely protestant) The so called "Rapture" did not arise as a theology until the end of the 19th century- It is soundly rejected around the world-though LeHaye's books "Left Behind" did increase it's popularity by the un-churched in America. (by un-churched I refer to Christian's who feed their emotionalism more then their theology)
Wow. I don't know what Taichi heard, but every Christian on every radio station seemed to call in with the "Thief in the night" quote and to call this guy a false prophet.

Seriously, most every Christian I heard mocked the guy and flat said he was wrong long before anybody failed to go missing on the 21st.
Wow. I don't know what Taichi heard, but every Christian on every radio station seemed to call in with the "Thief in the night" quote and to call this guy a false prophet.

Seriously, most every Christian I heard mocked the guy and flat said he was wrong long before anybody failed to go missing on the 21st.

touchy only hears what he wants to hear....i can't count the number of posts where he attributes something to all gop or cons the words or actions of one or a few people....and when you point out to him that others have rejected "X"....he ignores it and pulls out the chronology of posts.

i would be curious to see if he admits he is wrong here....doubt it though
What a Dumbass!

A Retired MTA Employee Has Pumped His 140000 Life Savings Into An Ad Campaign Warning That The World Will End On May 21 Daily Mail Via Pams House Blend Yet Another Example Of Religions Toxic More..

Robert Fitzpatrick The MTA Worker Who Gave His Life Savings Of
Robert Fitzpatrick The MTA Worker Who Gave His Life Savings Of 140000 For Doomsday Billboards Waits In Time Square Yesterday For The Rapture Calendar May 22 2011 Posted By Test HTML Embed This Pic On Your Website Or Myspace More..

140K Flushed Away Retired Subway Worker Invests Life Savings In
140K Flushed Away Retired Subway Worker Invests Life Savings In 5212011 Rapture Ads And Related Posts Pam39s House Blend Front Page A Retired MTA Employee Has Pumped His 140000 Life Savings Into An Ad Campaign Warning That The World Will Staten Island Man Pours His Life Savings Into End Of The World Rapture Ads Barstool Sports New York City Former New York MTA Worker Spends Life Savings To Warn Of Judgment Day On May 21 Alan Colmes Liberaland More..

This is sad, someone so stupid to spend his life savings on some sh*t like the rapture!
what you guys don't understand is the rapture actually happened!
Jesus took a look and saw there were no true believers.
OMG-utter nonsense with regards to Christian's being afraid to call out Camping's nonsense as just that. And Camping's nuttiness is in no way a "derivative of Catholicism- it's barely protestant) The so called "Rapture" did not arise as a theology until the end of the 19th century- It is soundly rejected around the world-though LeHaye's books "Left Behind" did increase it's popularity by the un-churched in America. (by un-churched I refer to Christian's who feed their emotionalism more then their theology)

OMG - have you heard ANY news report on this silliness call Camping and his followers a "cult" or "cult followers"? I haven't, and if you can produce such a quote from the Big 3 or Fox or CNN, then please do.

OMG - can you produce a public quote from the Vatican in the last 50 years officially dismissing the "rapture", or the Book of Revelations?

OMG - can you produce any quote from ANY Catholic/Protestant church leader condemning Camping and his followers as cultist, or just flat out stubborn on being dead wrong? I don't mean the occasional parish priest, I'm talking the hierarchy.

OMG - it's real funny to see you personally determine who is or isn't a "christian"....because as someone who went through the Catholic school/church from 1st through 12th grade, I personally consider ANYONE who continues to support and abide by the dictates of the Vatican or the Chruch of England after numerous sex scandals and corruption as "un-churched christians". So I guess it's all how you look at things, isn't it?
what you guys don't understand is the rapture actually happened!
Jesus took a look and saw there were no true believers.

So we're all screwed! Now, if the biblical analyst and self proclaimed prophets can narrow down when everything goes to hell, we're set. Maybe the Mayans had it more together than anyone is willing to admit! Oh well, we'll see in December 2012!
A Retired MTA Employee Has Pumped His 140000 Life Savings Into An Ad Campaign Warning That The World Will End On May 21 Daily Mail Via Pams House Blend Yet Another Example Of Religions Toxic More..

Robert Fitzpatrick The MTA Worker Who Gave His Life Savings Of
Robert Fitzpatrick The MTA Worker Who Gave His Life Savings Of 140000 For Doomsday Billboards Waits In Time Square Yesterday For The Rapture Calendar May 22 2011 Posted By Test HTML Embed This Pic On Your Website Or Myspace More..

140K Flushed Away Retired Subway Worker Invests Life Savings In
140K Flushed Away Retired Subway Worker Invests Life Savings In 5212011 Rapture Ads And Related Posts Pam39s House Blend Front Page A Retired MTA Employee Has Pumped His 140000 Life Savings Into An Ad Campaign Warning That The World Will Staten Island Man Pours His Life Savings Into End Of The World Rapture Ads Barstool Sports New York City Former New York MTA Worker Spends Life Savings To Warn Of Judgment Day On May 21 Alan Colmes Liberaland More..

This is sad, someone so stupid to spend his life savings on some sh*t like the rapture!

But he's not the only one! There have been reports of numerous people giving up their possessions, lefe savings, etc. Hell, my parents (both in their 70's) remember similar stuff going on when they were kids.

I guess P.T. Barnum was right.
Wow. I don't know what Taichi heard, but every Christian on every radio station seemed to call in with the "Thief in the night" quote and to call this guy a false prophet.

Seriously, most every Christian I heard mocked the guy and flat said he was wrong long before anybody failed to go missing on the 21st.

But I'm not talking about the average schmoe, Damo....I'm talking about the religious hierarchy and the MSM....why hasn't the word "cult" been used to describe what is obviously people acting with a cult mentality?
OMG - have you heard ANY news report on this silliness call Camping and his followers a "cult" or "cult followers"? I haven't, and if you can produce such a quote from the Big 3 or Fox or CNN, then please do.

OMG - can you produce a public quote from the Vatican in the last 50 years officially dismissing the "rapture", or the Book of Revelations?

OMG - can you produce any quote from ANY Catholic/Protestant church leader condemning Camping and his followers as cultist, or just flat out stubborn on being dead wrong? I don't mean the occasional parish priest, I'm talking the hierarchy.

OMG - it's real funny to see you personally determine who is or isn't a "christian"....because as someone who went through the Catholic school/church from 1st through 12th grade, I personally consider ANYONE who continues to support and abide by the dictates of the Vatican or the Chruch of England after numerous sex scandals and corruption as "un-churched christians". So I guess it's all how you look at things, isn't it?

Let's see what prominent Christian Leaders had to say about Camping on May 20th...

Harold Camping, the self-proclaimed Doomsday prophet who predicted that on May 21, 2011 200 million people will Rapture and the rest will perish in a series of cataclysmic events, including violent earthquakes, till October 21, 2011, is being branded as a false prophet by eminent Christian leaders.


Camping’s critics are relying on popular Biblical verses, viz. Acts 1:7 (“It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority) and Matthew 24:36 (“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father”) to debunk Doomsday prediction.

"Camping's faith will survive the impending disappointment, as will his ministry and radio empire. He'll make excuses and set another date. I don't worry about him; I worry about his followers and their families,” Christian author Jason Boyett wrote on The Washington Post’s On Faith page. Boyette has written several books, including “Pocket Guide to the Apocalypse” and “O Me of Little Faith”.

Some explicitly said that Camping is heretical. “Camping’s teaching reaches the status of heresy in his recent appeal to the world, ‘Judgment Day,’” said W. Robert Godfrey, president of Westminster Seminary California.

More at link...

A President of a Seminary, other Christian leaders calling him a Heretic and a False Prophet... Interesting. It seems that Taichi only sees what he wants and doesn't listen. The "Chronology of the Story" will tell you they even proclaimed it before the prediction was proven failed.

Look at this one proclaiming him a false prophet in 2010...

Yeah, Christians just "didn't speak out"... (Note the "chronology" of that blog)...

My guess is you simply don't read anywhere they might actually speak out and therefore missed it...

I'll let you have a shot at using a bit of google. You know his name is camping, you can type "false prophet"... My bet is you won't, because you know you are flat wrong on this.
OMG - have you heard ANY news report on this silliness call Camping and his followers a "cult" or "cult followers"? I haven't, and if you can produce such a quote from the Big 3 or Fox or CNN, then please do.

OMG - can you produce a public quote from the Vatican in the last 50 years officially dismissing the "rapture", or the Book of Revelations?

OMG - can you produce any quote from ANY Catholic/Protestant church leader condemning Camping and his followers as cultist, or just flat out stubborn on being dead wrong? I don't mean the occasional parish priest, I'm talking the hierarchy.

OMG - it's real funny to see you personally determine who is or isn't a "christian"....because as someone who went through the Catholic school/church from 1st through 12th grade, I personally consider ANYONE who continues to support and abide by the dictates of the Vatican or the Chruch of England after numerous sex scandals and corruption as "un-churched christians". So I guess it's all how you look at things, isn't it?

OMG the Catholic Church DOES NOT TEACH RAPTURE THEOLOGY. and btw dipstick the Catholic Church is not responsible for non catholic nuttiness anymore then you are! Camping IS NOT A CATHOLIC he is a nut-bird with a bible...and guess what, any nut-bird with a bible can do what Camping did.

OMG maybe if you had been tuned into Christian radio you would have heard ALL OF THE CONDEMNATIONS- instead of hanging out on non religious forums espousing dog stupid twaddle shit as if you know something about it.

I couldn't give a shit less what conclusions you have drawn based on your personal choices. The response to you was about whose responsibility is is/was to speak out about Camping. No one in authority lays claim to Camping nor his nutty views-no one Catholic or Protestant. Camping belongs to no church and has no church affiliations- he owns a fucking radio broadcast and his followers don't belong to any church either-got the idea yet dildo duck?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
OMG - have you heard ANY news report on this silliness call Camping and his followers a "cult" or "cult followers"? I haven't, and if you can produce such a quote from the Big 3 or Fox or CNN, then please do.

OMG - can you produce a public quote from the Vatican in the last 50 years officially dismissing the "rapture", or the Book of Revelations?

OMG - can you produce any quote from ANY Catholic/Protestant church leader condemning Camping and his followers as cultist, or just flat out stubborn on being dead wrong? I don't mean the occasional parish priest, I'm talking the hierarchy.

OMG - it's real funny to see you personally determine who is or isn't a "christian"....because as someone who went through the Catholic school/church from 1st through 12th grade, I personally consider ANYONE who continues to support and abide by the dictates of the Vatican or the Chruch of England after numerous sex scandals and corruption as "un-churched christians". So I guess it's all how you look at things, isn't it?

Let's see what prominent Christian Leaders had to say about Camping on May 20th...

Harold Camping, the self-proclaimed Doomsday prophet who predicted that on May 21, 2011 200 million people will Rapture and the rest will perish in a series of cataclysmic events, including violent earthquakes, till October 21, 2011, is being branded as a false prophet by eminent Christian leaders.


Camping’s critics are relying on popular Biblical verses, viz. Acts 1:7 (“It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority) and Matthew 24:36 (“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father”) to debunk Doomsday prediction.

"Camping's faith will survive the impending disappointment, as will his ministry and radio empire. He'll make excuses and set another date. I don't worry about him; I worry about his followers and their families,” Christian author Jason Boyett wrote on The Washington Post’s On Faith page. Boyette has written several books, including “Pocket Guide to the Apocalypse” and “O Me of Little Faith”.

Some explicitly said that Camping is heretical. “Camping’s teaching reaches the status of heresy in his recent appeal to the world, ‘Judgment Day,’” said W. Robert Godfrey, president of Westminster Seminary California.

More at link...

A President of a Seminary, other Christian leaders calling him a Heretic and a False Prophet... Interesting. It seems that Taichi only sees what he wants and doesn't listen. The "Chronology of the Story" will tell you they even proclaimed it before the prediction was proven failed.

Look at this one proclaiming him a false prophet in 2010...

Yeah, Christians just "didn't speak out"... (Note the "chronology" of that blog)...

My guess is you simply don't read anywhere they might actually speak out and therefore missed it...

I'll let you have a shot at using a bit of google. You know his name is camping, you can type "false prophet"... My bet is you won't, because you know you are flat wrong on this.

Let's see, a couple of Evangelical pastors and "christian" Diocesan leaders of either Roman Catholic or Protestant church, no bishops from either church, nothing from the Vatican like I asked for. And not even the evangelicals and theologians use the word "cult" to describe jokers like Camping and his followers. Remember, I said, "...I don't mean the occasional parish priest, I'm talking the hierarchy."

So next time you want to condescend to someone, Damo....learn to fucking READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY before your fingers hit the keys...makes you look less foolish
Let's see, a couple of Evangelical pastors and "christian" Diocesan leaders of either Roman Catholic or Protestant church, no bishops from either church, nothing from the Vatican like I asked for. And not even the evangelicals and theologians use the word "cult" to describe jokers like Camping and his followers. Remember, I said, "...I don't mean the occasional parish priest, I'm talking the hierarchy."

So next time you want to condescend to someone, Damo....learn to fucking READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY before your fingers hit the keys...makes you look less foolish

You asked for "one" prominent Christian and "news stories" in fact you said "any news stories".... I gave you a couple, and a way to find more if you were genuinely curious. I even bet that you wouldn't be, mostly because you are more interested in attacks on Christians than you are in truth....

I thank you for once again living up to expectations.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
OMG - have you heard ANY news report on this silliness call Camping and his followers a "cult" or "cult followers"? I haven't, and if you can produce such a quote from the Big 3 or Fox or CNN, then please do.

OMG - can you produce a public quote from the Vatican in the last 50 years officially dismissing the "rapture", or the Book of Revelations?

OMG - can you produce any quote from ANY Catholic/Protestant church leader condemning Camping and his followers as cultist, or just flat out stubborn on being dead wrong? I don't mean the occasional parish priest, I'm talking the hierarchy.

OMG - it's real funny to see you personally determine who is or isn't a "christian"....because as someone who went through the Catholic school/church from 1st through 12th grade, I personally consider ANYONE who continues to support and abide by the dictates of the Vatican or the Chruch of England after numerous sex scandals and corruption as "un-churched christians". So I guess it's all how you look at things, isn't it?

OMG the Catholic Church DOES NOT TEACH RAPTURE THEOLOGY. and btw dipstick the Catholic Church is not responsible for non catholic nuttiness anymore then you are! Camping IS NOT A CATHOLIC he is a nut-bird with a bible...and guess what, any nut-bird with a bible can do what Camping did.

OMG...the Ice Dancer doesn't know WTF he's talking about--AGAIN!...because the Book of Revelations is part of the BIBLE, and the BIBLE is the basis for Catholic teachings......that's were I was put in touch with it after 12 years of Catholic school education. So unless you're one of those folk that reject the New Testament, you were taught about Revelations at one point or another. Oh, and the Catholic Church isn't responsible for a LOT of society's problems, yet they sure as hell get air time to shoot their mouths off about it. I'm just pointing out a curious silence by them regarding a subject that touches home.

OMG maybe if you had been tuned into Christian radio you would have heard ALL OF THE CONDEMNATIONS- instead of hanging out on non religious forums espousing dog stupid twaddle shit as if you know something about it.

"Christian radio" is another version of what Camping's stations have been doing? Heard them on and off for years, my Ice Dancing clown...the sane ones and the silly ones.....and like I said, can YOU produce me the quote where Camping and his cohorts are called cultists or rightly condemned? I'm not interested in your Ice Dancing supposition and conjecture, I want proof of what you say.

I couldn't give a shit less what conclusions you have drawn based on your personal choices. The response to you was about whose responsibility is is/was to speak out about Camping. No one in authority lays claim to Camping nor his nutty views-no one Catholic or Protestant. Camping belongs to no church and has no church affiliations- he owns a fucking radio broadcast and his followers don't belong to any church either-got the idea yet dildo duck?

It's pretty pathetic when jackasses like Ice Dancer take the time and effort to post several responses before claiming they don't care about my opinions and posts. They do this after I either logically and/or factually take them to taskfor their assertions and they come up short. Like I said above, the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church heirarchy have their yaps flapping about social mores, customs, politics, etc., yet they seem strangely quiet in condemning the cult like actions of a bunch of theological yahoos that use the same "holy books" as references.

I never said the Catholic Church was personally responsible for Camping's cut ups, now did I?

Seems some legitimate questions and observations have the Ice Dancer slipping and falling all over the place!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Let's see, a couple of Evangelical pastors and "christian" Diocesan leaders of either Roman Catholic or Protestant church, no bishops from either church, nothing from the Vatican like I asked for. And not even the evangelicals and theologians use the word "cult" to describe jokers like Camping and his followers. Remember, I said, "...I don't mean the occasional parish priest, I'm talking the hierarchy."

So next time you want to condescend to someone, Damo....learn to fucking READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY before your fingers hit the keys...makes you look less foolish

You asked for "one" prominent Christian and "news stories" in fact you said "any news stories".... I gave you a couple, and a way to find more if you were genuinely curious. I even bet that you wouldn't be, mostly because you are more interested in attacks on Christians than you are in truth....

I thank you for once again living up to expectations.

Damo, you need to learn to fucking read and stop trying to substitute YOUR version of what has transpired. I asked, "... have you heard ANY news report on this silliness call Camping and his followers a "cult" or "cult followers"?

And I asked, "... can you produce any quote from ANY Catholic/Protestant church leader condemning Camping and his followers as cultist, or just flat out stubborn on being dead wrong? I don't mean the occasional parish priest, I'm talking the hierarchy.

I read your article and it's links, and responded accordingly. Now grow the fuck up Damo, and spare me the tired game of lying about what I write and then moving the goal post when I logically contradict your assertions. But if you're going to be stubborn and parrot your disproven silliness, I'll let you go solo.
Damo, you need to learn to fucking read and stop trying to substitute YOUR version of what has transpired. I asked, "... have you heard ANY news report on this silliness call Camping and his followers a "cult" or "cult followers"?

And I asked, "... can you produce any quote from ANY Catholic/Protestant church leader condemning Camping and his followers as cultist, or just flat out stubborn on being dead wrong? I don't mean the occasional parish priest, I'm talking the hierarchy.

I read your article and it's links, and responded accordingly. Now grow the fuck up Damo, and spare me the tired game of lying about what I write and then moving the goal post when I logically contradict your assertions. But if you're going to be stubborn and parrot your disproven silliness, I'll let you go solo.

Right, you asked for "any news stories"... I provided some and a way, if you were genuinely curious, to find more. In fact, prominent Christians were speaking out against this guy long before you ever heard of him, shoot, long before I ever heard of him.

Again you live up to my expectations. The "chronology" of all of this, including the stories I gave pretty much showed what I was talking about, and your continued attempts to say that "nobody" talked about this guy is weak.

If the guy was Catholic I might see the Catholic church talking about the guy, but since the Catholic Church doesn't support rapture theology you might be searching hard for an official position they've long ago put out there for all to see.

What you need to find are the rapture theologists speaking out against the guy. So far every one of them I've found certainly did that...

Reality: Christians spoke out against the guy.
Fantasy: "There wasn't even one story out there"...
because the Book of Revelations is part of the BIBLE, and the BIBLE is the basis for Catholic teachings......that's were I was put in touch with it after 12 years of Catholic school education

dude, you apparently flunked......the Catholic Church doesn't believe in the "rapture".......only a small percentage of fundamentalist protestants do...........
OMG-utter nonsense with regards to Christian's being afraid to call out Camping's nonsense as just that. And Camping's nuttiness is in no way a "derivative of Catholicism- it's barely protestant) The so called "Rapture" did not arise as a theology until the end of the 19th century- It is soundly rejected around the world-though LeHaye's books "Left Behind" did increase it's popularity by the un-churched in America. (by un-churched I refer to Christian's who feed their emotionalism more then their theology)

If there's not going to be any rapture does that mean God's people will suffer along with the rest of us heathens when the "horsemen" come?