Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Damo, you need to learn to fucking read and stop trying to substitute YOUR version of what has transpired. I asked, "... have you heard ANY news report on this silliness call Camping and his followers a "cult" or "cult followers"?
And I asked, "... can you produce any quote from ANY Catholic/Protestant church leader condemning Camping and his followers as cultist, or just flat out stubborn on being dead wrong? I don't mean the occasional parish priest, I'm talking the hierarchy.
I read your article and it's links, and responded accordingly. Now grow the fuck up Damo, and spare me the tired game of lying about what I write and then moving the goal post when I logically contradict your assertions. But if you're going to be stubborn and parrot your disproven silliness, I'll let you go solo.
Right, you asked for "any news stories"...
this silliness call Camping and his followers a "cult" or "cult followers"? I provided some and a way, if you were genuinely curious, to find more. In fact, prominent Christians were speaking out against this guy long before you ever heard of him, shoot, long before I ever heard of him.
WTF is the matter with you, Damo? Do you just pick out parts of a sentence that appeal to you and ignore the rest? I completed the sentenc above for those interested in an HONEST discussion.
Again you live up to my expectations. The "chronology" of all of this, including the stories I gave pretty much showed what I was talking about, and your continued attempts to say that "nobody" talked about this guy is weak.
The chronology of the post shows YOU, Damo, to be just acting silly. I mean seriously, do you think that trying take what I write out of context and then attach your bogus babbling gives you legitimacy? C'mon, Damo...I'd expect that shit from neocon peanut gallery!
If the guy was Catholic I might see the Catholic church talking about the guy, but since the Catholic Church doesn't support rapture theology you might be searching hard for an official position they've long ago put out there for all to see.
Once again for the cheap seats.....Camping and jokers like him use the SAME book that the Catholic Church uses. And last time I checked, the Vatican sure as hell didn't omit or edit out the Book of Revelations. Despite all their differences and interpretations, christians, catholics, evangelical christians, etc., are all preaching from the same book. So until there's a new decree that there will be a massive reprint of the Bible sans the Book of Revelations, my observations remain valid, and my opinion/assertions does have a basis in reality for discussion.
What you need to find are the rapture theologists speaking out against the guy. So far every one of them I've found certainly did that...
Reality: Christians spoke out against the guy.
Fantasy: "There wasn't even one story out there"...