Shaken, not stirred!
Five years ago, a friend of mine living in Florida said this during a discussion regarding the gun laws and mass shootings. It speaks for itself, and I submit this before the next mass shooting and SOS arguments occur:
".... Actually, most NRA members DON'T subscribe to the propaganda we see on TV. The NRA is playing to the extremist 4-5% of Americans who don't think our guns laws need at least a little tweaking. Over 95% of Americans in several surveys which include gun-owners, non-gun-owners, conservatives, & liberals alike, feel that we need to do 4 things. 1) Get rid of the so-called "Gun-show Loophole" in which people privately buying/selling guns at gun-shows, online, or out of their homes don't need background check like everybody else. 2) Get weapons of war out of the hands of civilians. 3) Make all background checks go into a Federal Database so someone in one state's law enforcement has access to background information entered by someone in another state. 4) Do something to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. Advocates for the mentally say that HIPAA laws protect the health information privacy of these people, but if health care professionals are allowed to tell prior sex partners if their patient has a sexually transmitted disease and doctors are required by law to report to the DMV that someone is diagnosed with epilepsy, then they should also be allowed to report those being treated for mental illness to the Federal database to keep someone from buying a weapon."
".... Actually, most NRA members DON'T subscribe to the propaganda we see on TV. The NRA is playing to the extremist 4-5% of Americans who don't think our guns laws need at least a little tweaking. Over 95% of Americans in several surveys which include gun-owners, non-gun-owners, conservatives, & liberals alike, feel that we need to do 4 things. 1) Get rid of the so-called "Gun-show Loophole" in which people privately buying/selling guns at gun-shows, online, or out of their homes don't need background check like everybody else. 2) Get weapons of war out of the hands of civilians. 3) Make all background checks go into a Federal Database so someone in one state's law enforcement has access to background information entered by someone in another state. 4) Do something to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. Advocates for the mentally say that HIPAA laws protect the health information privacy of these people, but if health care professionals are allowed to tell prior sex partners if their patient has a sexually transmitted disease and doctors are required by law to report to the DMV that someone is diagnosed with epilepsy, then they should also be allowed to report those being treated for mental illness to the Federal database to keep someone from buying a weapon."