Pre-emptive gun law argument.

Five years ago, a friend of mine living in Florida said this during a discussion regarding the gun laws and mass shootings. It speaks for itself, and I submit this before the next mass shooting and SOS arguments occur:

".... Actually, most NRA members DON'T subscribe to the propaganda we see on TV. The NRA is playing to the extremist 4-5% of Americans who don't think our guns laws need at least a little tweaking. Over 95% of Americans in several surveys which include gun-owners, non-gun-owners, conservatives, & liberals alike, feel that we need to do 4 things. 1) Get rid of the so-called "Gun-show Loophole" in which people privately buying/selling guns at gun-shows, online, or out of their homes don't need background check like everybody else. 2) Get weapons of war out of the hands of civilians. 3) Make all background checks go into a Federal Database so someone in one state's law enforcement has access to background information entered by someone in another state. 4) Do something to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. Advocates for the mentally say that HIPAA laws protect the health information privacy of these people, but if health care professionals are allowed to tell prior sex partners if their patient has a sexually transmitted disease and doctors are required by law to report to the DMV that someone is diagnosed with epilepsy, then they should also be allowed to report those being treated for mental illness to the Federal database to keep someone from buying a weapon."

Fallacy. Your "friend's" argument depends upon the false axiom that he somehow speaks for the majority of NRA members, and that he can somehow read their minds.

His argument is rendered false and is summarily rejected.

Personally, I believe 0% of Americans prefer defenselessness in the face of violent crime.

Personally, I notice that 100% mass shootings occur amidst groups of people who are required to be unarmed and defenseless.

Personally, I notice that 100% of defenselessness zones are created by leftists.

Personally, I notice that 100% of the mass shootings that naturally occur in defenselessness zones created by leftists, are used as political support by leftists to create more and more defenselessness zones, propagating them exponentially, almost as if leftists want the entire world to be one huge target-rich mass shooting zone, full of unarmed, defenseless people in which only violent criminals have weapons and can protect themselves.
Regulation, not abolishment. Something our extreme gunner factions just refuse to accept.

Nope. Not the extreme among any group, but the rational and analytical refuse to allow a tyrannical government to decide who gets to protect themselves and who must remain defenseless. Of course, the political party in power will see to it that the opposition remains defenseless and then dispatch violent mobs, e.g. BLM, ANTIFA, etc., to rain violence down upon them amidst their government-imposed defenselessness.

No thank you. No rational, law-abiding citizen would want the government to have the power to throw him to the lions. The government doesn't need that power to function. The correct answer is too easy, i.e. just don't cede that power to the government.
You're not too bright, are ya bunky? Where does it say in the OP or in any of my posts that I want to try and take your weapons?

RB needs to see that therapist about his paranoia.

Registration is the final step to confiscation. Of course, you won't lead the charge to register my guns, because like many of the liberals on this site, you're a blowhard and a coward.

You need to see a therapist about your bewilderment.
:rolleyes: Posts #25, 36 and 41, dear readers.

Our cowardly little former Oather/Threeper just refuses to accept what has been described by legal experts and law enforcement 6 ways to Sunday. Instead he employs the intellectually bankrupt myopia so often used by MAGA minions, Oathers, Threepers, fibbertarians, teabaggers, alt-right rummies and teabaggers. I guess his brain got completed fried when he shat his pant on Jan. 6th.

you're so full of shit.......whatever. i've proven you wrong, as always. all you have left are ad-homs..........mark of a loser
Five years ago, a friend of mine living in Florida said this during a discussion regarding the gun laws and mass shootings. It speaks for itself, and I submit this before the next mass shooting and SOS arguments occur:

".... Actually, most NRA members DON'T subscribe to the propaganda we see on TV. The NRA is playing to the extremist 4-5% of Americans who don't think our guns laws need at least a little tweaking. Over 95% of Americans in several surveys which include gun-owners, non-gun-owners, conservatives, & liberals alike, feel that we need to do 4 things. 1) Get rid of the so-called "Gun-show Loophole" in which people privately buying/selling guns at gun-shows, online, or out of their homes don't need background check like everybody else. 2) Get weapons of war out of the hands of civilians. 3) Make all background checks go into a Federal Database so someone in one state's law enforcement has access to background information entered by someone in another state. 4) Do something to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. Advocates for the mentally say that HIPAA laws protect the health information privacy of these people, but if health care professionals are allowed to tell prior sex partners if their patient has a sexually transmitted disease and doctors are required by law to report to the DMV that someone is diagnosed with epilepsy, then they should also be allowed to report those being treated for mental illness to the Federal database to keep someone from buying a weapon."


Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You're not too bright, are ya bunky? Where does it say in the OP or in any of my posts that I want to try and take your weapons?

RB needs to see that therapist about his paranoia.

Registration is the final step to confiscation. Of course, you won't lead the charge to register my guns, because like many of the liberals on this site, you're a blowhard and a coward.

You need to see a therapist about your bewilderment.

Again, dumb parrots like you have been squawking that mantra for date, NO gun law has been a precursor to confiscation in any state where law abiding citizens purchase weapons. And since you can't produce a post with me advocating confiscation, you're just lying as usual.
Let me dumb it down for you, states where there are CCW laws, one has to (wait for it) REGISTER VIA AN APPLICATION FOR THAT PERMIT.....been that way for a LONG time. To date, I haven't heard any rumblings from any new proposed gun laws to confiscate those weapons under any circumstances.

So this "final step" noise you make is just more LaPierre style gunner BS. You have no logical or rational argument...that's why you bluff and bluster with all the personal attacks and threats.

You're a joke when it comes to debating an issue, RB. That's why I periodically tolerate show the reading audience just how intellectually bankrupt and dishonest you are. Carry on.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Posts #25, 36 and 41, dear readers.

Our cowardly little former Oather/Threeper just refuses to accept what has been described by legal experts and law enforcement 6 ways to Sunday. Instead he employs the intellectually bankrupt myopia so often used by MAGA minions, Oathers, Threepers, fibbertarians, teabaggers, alt-right rummies and teabaggers. I guess his brain got completed fried when he shat his pant on Jan. 6th.

you're so full of shit.......whatever. i've proven you wrong, as always. all you have left are ad-homs..........mark of a loser

So sayeth the Jan. 6th Oather/Threeper coward. :laugh:

Posts #25, 36 & 41 folks. The end.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Just do a google on "gun laws in America", and you'll have a multitude of information links to choose from.

But will anyone follow those laws?

Did you do the research? If not, do so .... and then look into gun crime rates. Remember, a large portion of the mass shootings in the last 30 years used a weapon that was formerly on the 1994 AWB list.

I'm not going to do your homework for you, nor follow you in this stall tactic of inane questions.
Your friend, as are most dishonest leftists, does not speak for NRA members, me being a lifetime member, and merely ticks off the dumb leftist list of things that will do NOTHING to prevent another shooting.

There is no "gun show loophole". That is a media lie. A semi-automatic rifle is NOT a weapon of war, that is another dumb DNC lie. The so-called background check system is universal and does just that. It doesn't matter what state you are in. It checks crime statistics everywhere. We already have laws on the books to that do not permit the mentally ill to buy or own a gun.

Once again, we see a litany of dumb arguments that argue the guns are the problem. Or, the equally stupid argument that we don't have enough gun laws. But in almost every mass shooting case, the guns were either obtained legally, stolen primarily from a family member, or acquired in some other nefarious method.

Criminals do not obey laws. Why leftists believe that more laws will suddenly stop them is a sign of mental illness or extreme dishonesty.

Many of the young men committing these heinous crimes have similar backgrounds of mental health issues that were, as usual, ignored. All were dropouts. They used drugs. They were reclusive and spent inordinate amounts of time on the internet. Many family members even state they tried to warn authorities to no avail. Then you have the terrorist attacks. They certainly don't care about laws.

We do not have a GUN problem in the US any more than our government has a REVENUE problem. What we do have is a serious societal problem that seeks to defund the police, provide excuses for bad behavior and seeks to prevent long term incarceration even for multiple repeat offenders. Fix that and you will solve many of the problems with shootings.

Not as serious as all that.

The States enjoy a very low gun homicide rate. There are at least 70 nations with a gun homicide rate higher than ours, and many of them are very restrictive on gun ownership.
Note that the mass shootings tend to happen in 'gun free zones'.

Want to stop a bad guy with a gun? Have a good guy with a gun shoot back.
Again, dumb parrots like you have been squawking that mantra for date, NO gun law has been a precursor to confiscation in any state where law abiding citizens purchase weapons.
Lie. See the SDTC (formerly California), the SOTNY (formerly the State of New York), Connecticut (the attempt failed due to citizens threatening government agents), the battles of Lexington and Concord and the reason for them, and, of course, abusive governments such as China, the USSR, Argentina, and others.
And since you can't produce a post with me advocating confiscation, you're just lying as usual.
You are advocating confiscation even now.
Let me dumb it down for you, states where there are CCW laws, one has to (wait for it) REGISTER VIA AN APPLICATION FOR THAT PERMIT.....been that way for a LONG time.
Nope. Some 29 States now have no permit required for concealed carry. That number is increasing.
To date, I haven't heard any rumblings from any new proposed gun laws to confiscate those weapons under any circumstances.
I have already listed territories, nations, and States where it occurred.
So this "final step" noise you make is just more LaPierre style gunner BS. You have no logical or rational argument...that's why you bluff and bluster with all the personal attacks and threats.

You're a joke when it comes to debating an issue, RB. That's why I periodically tolerate show the reading audience just how intellectually bankrupt and dishonest you are. Carry on.
You cannot change what is and what was. Ignoring it will not make it go away.
The bottom weapon, even though it may be a civilian version without the three-shot automatic burst,
has no business being in the hands of civilians, and certainly not in the hands of an idiot like yourelf.

The picture is small, but the top one looks like a Garrand-type rifle without a fore stock.

That would be an antiquated military-style weapon, and while ugly as shit compared to a true sporting arm, it's suitable for civilian ownership.
It is top loading if it works like a Garrand, which is a super pain in the ass and not too fast to do, and it doesn't hold an excessive number of rounds.
