Your friend, as are most dishonest leftists, does not speak for NRA members, me being a lifetime member, and merely ticks off the dumb leftist list of things that will do NOTHING to prevent another shooting.
There is no "gun show loophole". That is a media lie. A semi-automatic rifle is NOT a weapon of war, that is another dumb DNC lie. The so-called background check system is universal and does just that. It doesn't matter what state you are in. It checks crime statistics everywhere. We already have laws on the books to that do not permit the mentally ill to buy or own a gun.
Once again, we see a litany of dumb arguments that argue the guns are the problem. Or, the equally stupid argument that we don't have enough gun laws. But in almost every mass shooting case, the guns were either obtained legally, stolen primarily from a family member, or acquired in some other nefarious method.
Criminals do not obey laws. Why leftists believe that more laws will suddenly stop them is a sign of mental illness or extreme dishonesty.
Many of the young men committing these heinous crimes have similar backgrounds of mental health issues that were, as usual, ignored. All were dropouts. They used drugs. They were reclusive and spent inordinate amounts of time on the internet. Many family members even state they tried to warn authorities to no avail. Then you have the terrorist attacks. They certainly don't care about laws.
We do not have a GUN problem in the US any more than our government has a REVENUE problem. What we do have is a serious societal problem that seeks to defund the police, provide excuses for bad behavior and seeks to prevent long term incarceration even for multiple repeat offenders. Fix that and you will solve many of the problems with shootings.