Pre-emptive gun law argument.

You're nowhere near qualified to walk around freely among civilized people,
never mind dealing in firearms.

Because you say so snowflake? More puerile projection from the halfwit.

Your status as free individual is an indictment of American justice and mental health care alike,
but it's only a matter of time before you fuck up and go down. I'm pretty confident of that.

More projection from the halfwit. I'll take your smarmy bullshit as a capitulation on the topic halfwit. Simpletons like you can seldom make a coherent defense of their loony views.
The bottom weapon, even though it may be a civilian version without the three-shot automatic burst,
has no business being in the hands of civilians, and certainly not in the hands of an idiot like yourelf.

The picture is small, but the top one looks like a Garrand-type rifle without a fore stock.

That would be an antiquated military-style weapon, and while ugly as shit compared to a true sporting arm, it's suitable for civilian ownership.
It is top loading if it works like a Garrand, which is a super pain in the ass and not too fast to do, and it doesn't hold an excessive number of rounds.

BOTH weapons are identical in operation other than their looks halfwit. As expected, you know less than even I gave you credit for. :palm:
Your friend, as are most dishonest leftists, does not speak for NRA members, me being a lifetime member, and merely ticks off the dumb leftist list of things that will do NOTHING to prevent another shooting.

There is no "gun show loophole". That is a media lie. A semi-automatic rifle is NOT a weapon of war, that is another dumb DNC lie. The so-called background check system is universal and does just that. It doesn't matter what state you are in. It checks crime statistics everywhere. We already have laws on the books to that do not permit the mentally ill to buy or own a gun.

Once again, we see a litany of dumb arguments that argue the guns are the problem. Or, the equally stupid argument that we don't have enough gun laws. But in almost every mass shooting case, the guns were either obtained legally, stolen primarily from a family member, or acquired in some other nefarious method.

Criminals do not obey laws. Why leftists believe that more laws will suddenly stop them is a sign of mental illness or extreme dishonesty.

Many of the young men committing these heinous crimes have similar backgrounds of mental health issues that were, as usual, ignored. All were dropouts. They used drugs. They were reclusive and spent inordinate amounts of time on the internet. Many family members even state they tried to warn authorities to no avail. Then you have the terrorist attacks. They certainly don't care about laws.

We do not have a GUN problem in the US any more than our government has a REVENUE problem. What we do have is a serious societal problem that seeks to defund the police, provide excuses for bad behavior and seeks to prevent long term incarceration even for multiple repeat offenders. Fix that and you will solve many of the problems with shootings.

:rolleyes: Okay, I'll forgo addressing your usual MAGA/gunner blathering and just pull the rug out from under you:

1) If you had READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY the OP, you would have noted that my friend was referring to polls and surveys (easily verified with simple research), NOT her personal opinion.

2) Posts #25 and #36 regarding the "gun show loophole". Please READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY. Thank you.
That link doesn't support the false claim that there is some kind of gun show loophole.

MOST gun shows no longer allow private sales at their shows. You cannot sell guns at a gun show without a valid FFL license. You cannot buy a gun from one of the sellers without the proper paperwork and mandatory waiting period.

If you meet another private buyer in the parking lot and make the transaction, that is not gun show related and for now, private individuals can buy and sell their weapons without government interference.

Post #25, #32 & #41.
Do you honestly believe that criminals will care about such a law? That they'll suddenly say, "well darn it, they want me to register it so I'll just have to pass!" How naive and dumb does one have to be to have such beliefs?

That's because people with brains know that it's an absurd and asinine proposal that will do NOTHING to stop gun crimes. Do you actually believe that laws stop crime? DUMB!

They are intellectually above your low IQ comprehension level. You actually believe that laws prevent crime. Really DUMB

1) For your education:

2) You keep demonstrating your inability to use the brains you were born with. Laws are enforced .... laws, police, judicial...GET EDUCATED, MAN! THINK before you type (or get sober....or both).
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
translation: another intellectually impotent/cowardly/dishonest MAGA mook who can't concede a FACT, so he blathers "psychobabble" as if that solves everything. How much do you want to bet that this Resident Bonehead didn't even read the content of the link? It's not unusual for the MAGA mooks to proudly display willful ignorance. Not unlike the other MAGA moron who spews silly catch phrases and words at every turn.

Carry on.

There were ZERO facts that support your claim of this "gun show loophole." It doesn't exist. It is a media fabrication. :palm:

Again, Posts #25, 36 & 41. Nuff said.
The point is not selling any more guns will limit the availability for criminals and hotheads to get them. That is a good thing. Toss in felons and people with violent behavior, and America becomes a lot safer.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Given how you MAGA morons keep voting against your interest and seem cool with mass shootings and such, I dare say you may be right. But as I said, you don't have a logical reason for your stance or be against what I state here and what is in the OP.

Tell me something, does it feel to be a sucker for a gun lobby that puts profit over people?

There you go with the moronic lies and dumb strawmen. So, you think people are okay with mass shootings? That's not merely stupid, but a dumb lie.

What does the gun lobby have to do with criminal behavior? Again, guns are not the problem. But, leftist socialist policies are.

Fascinating how you expound on your ignorance of a subject with pride. Observe and learn, if you dare:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
:palm: God, you truly are fucking stupid.

THAT'S the point, you ignoramus! Clowns like you can go can literally sell your weapons anywhere to anyone without any type of registered legal transfer. So if you sell to someone you trust or access is trustworthy, then they in turn can do the same....problem is that the weapon can end up in the hands of criminals or nut cases, and how it got there is untraceable by cops. That's because a guy with no criminal record can buy this weapon for his criminal associates. He can also do this from a reputable licensed gun dealership. This contributes to an "iron pipeline", where criminals in a tough gun law state obtain the weapons purchased in the aforementioned way.

The OP and my oft repeated suggestion makes sure the original owner isn't guilty of a crime should the weapon be traced back to him....and the straw man purchaser for the criminal element can be identified.

Got it now, bunky? Or are you going to ignore everything and just parrot the SOS?

Again, a national registration system of ownership will do NOTHING to prevent a criminal from ..... wait for it....breaking laws. Historically, national gun registration systems have been useful to tyrannical governments in confiscating their citizens guns that might prevent them from ruling over the rubes.

Again, the FACTS regarding the "gun show loophole" and "iron pipeline" are well documented (I've addressed your similar claims in other posts today). The reasons for my proposal specify these. Historically, tyrannical gov't are just that...tyrannical, WITHOUT the checks & balances written into their gov't creation that makes the USA unique. To date, the most "tyrannical" laws that take away Americans freedom of choice have come from the MAGA crowd (i.e., abortion).

Again, you have countries with seriously strict gun laws who are well functioning democracies: The United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Australia, Norway, Scandinavia, Sweden.

Again, NO GUN LAW PROPOSAL IN THE LAST 60 YEARS HAS INCLUDED CONFISCATION FROM LAW ABIDING CITIZENS WHO LEGALLY PURCHASED A WEAPON. Crime did NOT go rampant when the 1994 AWB was in place, BUT purchase and use in criminal actions of a weapon on that list occurred when the GOP let the law sunset.

So PLEASE spare us all having to read the usual LaPierre BS regurgitations. Thank you.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Yeah, remember when that was the battle cry for our retarded resident MAGA mooks? I guess after 30 years of crying wolf, they're beginning to feel stupid saying that crap out loud.

Ironic in that the only ones constantly crying out wolf are the same dunces shrieking "BUT TRUMP." You don't have any self-awareness, do you halfwit? :palm:

You're too dimwitted to properly use terms like "ironic"....given that the Orange Oaf you worship has been documented in his private and public life acting in his own personal interests....wiping his feet on fools like you as you defend him. But not to detour, you run to this blather because you can no longer logically or factually debunk the OP....your denials and stubborn parroting of LaPierre mantras non-withstanding. As I previously pointed out, NO GUN CONTROL LAW ADVOCATED CONFISCATION FROM LEGAL PURCHASES BY LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. Carry on.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Poor RB is so frustrated that his retorts are now 3rd schoolyard level.

This from a halfwit calling everyone MAGA morons. You don't have any self-awareness do you halfwit?

Not "everyone", TD....just trolls and yahoos like you who consistently wail about "nanny state" yet advocate forcing a woman (mature or child) to bring a rape induced pregnancy to term. That's just for starters, but enough for any sane, rational and educated person to see the moronic belief that such will "make America great again". Carry on.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Yep, just as I thought....our cowardly little former Oather/Threeper doesn't (or won't) get it, so he's parroting the SOS. Not unexpected.

What doesn't he get that you think you get? Do you actually believe that more laws will stop criminals? Is there any data to support that laughably naive and stupid nonsense?

I've already addressed your proud stupidity least twice. If you're going to stand up for your fellow yahoos, at least make the effort to be more intelligent.
wrong, idiot. YOU don't get it. there is no such loophole if the exemption is CLEARLY written in to the law. everything else you're spewing is anti gun bullshit.

:rolleyes: Posts #25, 36 and 41, dear readers.

Our cowardly little former Oather/Threeper just refuses to accept what has been described by legal experts and law enforcement 6 ways to Sunday. Instead he employs the intellectually bankrupt myopia so often used by MAGA minions, Oathers, Threepers, fibbertarians, teabaggers, alt-right rummies and teabaggers. I guess his brain got completed fried when he shat his pant on Jan. 6th.
Originally Posted by SmarterthanYou View Post
you haven't read the 2nd Amendment, nor the founders quotes and commentaries. what you HAVE done is taken your fear of guns to ignore those founders words, that you claim are taken out of context, and focused on a single statement from a chief justice uttered in stupidity 200 years AFTER ratification, rooting your moronic belief in that single statement. talk about out of context.

Typical right-wing gun crazy insult. Militia, being,Arms, shall not be infringed. Can you understand what a well-regulated Militia is? It is not endless idiots walking around in public with guns. Nor in 1776 do they know what kind of weapons manufacturers would come up with. I doubt they would casually accept this carnage so you guys could express manhood with guns. Franklin suggested a total rewrite every 19 years. By now, they would have written the 2nd out. It is way past usefulness.
Well regulated Militia. Militia capitalized. It does not say what you gun nuts claim. We have a standing army, a huge one. We do not need militias. Nor do we need thousands of people dying from guns every year.
Berger's statement, which was written by a real jurist is just one. Lots of intelligent people know the interpretation of the 2nd is a terrible disaster for America.It was wrong. However if it was not, the 2nd should be rewritten.

Denial and revisionism (with a heavy dose of insipid stubbornness) are the cornerstones of mindsets like STY....when he's not throwing all his former alliances under the bus.
And you're too stupid to realize that I'm not an anti-firearms zealot.
I just have reservations about para-military weapons.

I include none of those among my own nine firearms because I'm not an idiot, seditionist cracker.

And there lies the problem. The extreme, fringe element in the gun law discussion have zero tolerance for people who think/act as you do. Best we re-create the Wild West (which wasn't really all that wild all the time) to make our LaPierre style gunners feel safe....mass shootings, iron pipelines and "gun show loopholes" be damned.