Pre-emptive gun law argument.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Though this exception is often referred to as the "gun show loophole," it actually applies more broadly to unlicensed individuals, whether they are selling at a gun show or somewhere else.

the OP and your bullshit link are still fucking bullshit. take your MAGA bullshit and shove it. the word speak and twist you use for that shit is insanity, at best. If I am not a dealer, I do not NEED license to sell my personal property. THAT is not a loophole, you stupid assed moron.

:palm: God, you truly are fucking stupid.

THAT'S the point, you ignoramus! Clowns like you can go can literally sell your weapons anywhere to anyone without any type of registered legal transfer. So if you sell to someone you trust or access is trustworthy, then they in turn can do the same....problem is that the weapon can end up in the hands of criminals or nut cases, and how it got there is untraceable by cops. That's because a guy with no criminal record can buy this weapon for his criminal associates. He can also do this from a reputable licensed gun dealership. This contributes to an "iron pipeline", where criminals in a tough gun law state obtain the weapons purchased in the aforementioned way.

The OP and my oft repeated suggestion makes sure the original owner isn't guilty of a crime should the weapon be traced back to him....and the straw man purchaser for the criminal element can be identified.

Got it now, bunky? Or are you going to ignore everything and just parrot the SOS?
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Given how you MAGA morons keep voting against your interest and seem cool with mass shootings and such, I dare say you may be right. But as I said, you don't have a logical reason for your stance or be against what I state here and what is in the OP.

Tell me something, does it feel to be a sucker for a gun lobby that puts profit over people?

Arby the rural rube worries that people are coming to take his guns :laugh:

Yeah, remember when that was the battle cry for our retarded resident MAGA mooks? I guess after 30 years of crying wolf, they're beginning to feel stupid saying that crap out loud.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Given how you MAGA morons keep voting against your interest and seem cool with mass shootings and such, I dare say you may be right. But as I said, you don't have a logical reason for your stance or be against what I state here and what is in the OP.

Tell me something, does it feel to be a sucker for a gun lobby that puts profit over people?

More psychobabble. Must suck to be you :laugh:

:rolleyes: Boy, that was lame!

Poor RB is so frustrated that his retorts are now 3rd schoolyard level.

The OP and my subsequent posts here are just too much for his fevered MAGA mind. It's what happens when you try to pretend that people getting killed for your mental comfort ideology doesn't matter.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
translation: another intellectually impotent/cowardly/dishonest MAGA mook who can't concede a FACT, so he blathers "psychobabble" as if that solves everything. How much do you want to bet that this Resident Bonehead didn't even read the content of the link? It's not unusual for the MAGA mooks to proudly display willful ignorance. Not unlike the other MAGA moron who spews silly catch phrases and words at every turn.

Carry on.

You want to take my guns? Come and get 'em, cunt. :laugh:

You're not too bright, are ya bunky? Where does it say in the OP or in any of my posts that I want to try and take your weapons?

RB needs to see that therapist about his paranoia.
:palm: God, you truly are fucking stupid.

THAT'S the poing, you ignoramus! Clowns like you can go can literally sell your weapons anywhere to anyone without any type of registered legal transfer. So if you sell to someone you trust or access is trustworthy, then they in turn can do the same....problem is that the weapon can end up in the hands of criminals or nut cases, and how it got there is untraceable by cops. That's because a guy with no criminal record can buy this weapon for his criminal associates. He can also do this from a reputable licensed gun dealership. This contributes to an "iron pipeline", where criminals in a tough gun law state obtain the weapons purchased in the aforementioned way.

The OP and my oft repeated suggestion makes sure the original owner isn't guilty of a crime should the weapon be traced back to him....and the strawman purchaser for the criminal element can be identified.

Got it now, bunky? Or are you going to ignore everything and just parrot the SOS?

why are you terrified of freedom, dumbass?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post

:palm: God, you truly are fucking stupid.

THAT'S the poing, you ignoramus! Clowns like you can go can literally sell your weapons anywhere to anyone without any type of registered legal transfer. So if you sell to someone you trust or access is trustworthy, then they in turn can do the same....problem is that the weapon can end up in the hands of criminals or nut cases, and how it got there is untraceable by cops. That's because a guy with no criminal record can buy this weapon for his criminal associates. He can also do this from a reputable licensed gun dealership. This contributes to an "iron pipeline", where criminals in a tough gun law state obtain the weapons purchased in the aforementioned way.

The OP and my oft repeated suggestion makes sure the original owner isn't guilty of a crime should the weapon be traced back to him....and the strawman purchaser for the criminal element can be identified.

Got it now, bunky? Or are you going to ignore everything and just parrot the SOS?

why are you terrified of freedom, dumbass?

Yep, just as I thought....our cowardly little former Oather/Threeper doesn't (or won't) get it, so he's parroting the SOS. Not unexpected.
A couple of decades ago, the NRA was pro thorough background checks and limiting who could have weapons. It was an entirely logical and adult stance. Then gun manufacturers took them over. They make profits selling guns and military weapons to the masses. They do not care how many die. They are corporations. All that matters is making money. Gun lobbyists swayed the SCOTUS to make a terrible mistake and for that many die and many more live in fear. Kids are afraid in schools. People are scared in bars and nightclubs. Active shooter drills in kids' schools and you think nothing should be done? What a sad way to bring up children. More guns are not the answer. They are the problem.
Yep, just as I thought....our cowardly little former Oather/Threeper doesn't (or won't) get it, so he's parroting the SOS. Not unexpected.

wrong, idiot. YOU don't get it. there is no such loophole if the exemption is CLEARLY written in to the law. everything else you're spewing is anti gun bullshit.
You misread the 2nd amendment because you want a gun. You can not win through discussions.

you haven't read the 2nd Amendment, nor the founders quotes and commentaries. what you HAVE done is taken your fear of guns to ignore those founders words, that you claim are taken out of context, and focused on a single statement from a chief justice uttered in stupidity 200 years AFTER ratification, rooting your moronic belief in that single statement. talk about out of context.
A couple of decades ago, the NRA was pro thorough background checks and limiting who could have weapons. It was an entirely logical and adult stance.
It was an entirely unconstitutional and traitorous approach, which is why true Constitutionalists call it the Negotiate Rights Away club

Gun lobbyists swayed the SCOTUS to make a terrible mistake and for that many die and many more live in fear.
there are many cases throughout our history, at both state and federal level, that clearly stated that the 2nd Amendment is an individual right that the government cannot infringe or restrict. SCOTUS' only mistake was not making that clear 200 years ago.

Kids are afraid in schools. People are scared in bars and nightclubs. Active shooter drills in kids' schools and you think nothing should be done?
What a sad way to bring up children. More guns are not the answer. They are the problem.

this is totally false. YOU WANT people and kids defenseless so you can dance in their blood and demand guns be eliminated from society, except in the hands of the government. It is an enormous display of ignorance, given the history of nearly every government that has done the the tune of over 200,000,000 innocent lives murdered by their governments who told them that they would protect them if they gave up their guns. Those kids are scared because YOU won't let us protect them. YOU won't let people provide for their own protection. YOU are the fucking problem, not guns.
you haven't read the 2nd Amendment, nor the founders quotes and commentaries. what you HAVE done is taken your fear of guns to ignore those founders words, that you claim are taken out of context, and focused on a single statement from a chief justice uttered in stupidity 200 years AFTER ratification, rooting your moronic belief in that single statement. talk about out of context.

Typical right-wing gun crazy insult. Militia, being,Arms, shall not be infringed. Can you understand what a well-regulated Militia is? It is not endless idiots walking around in public with guns. Nor in 1776 do they know what kind of weapons manufacturers would come up with. I doubt they would casually accept this carnage so you guys could express manhood with guns. Franklin suggested a total rewrite every 19 years. By now, they would have written the 2nd out. It is way past usefulness.
Well regulated Militia. Militia capitalized. It does not say what you gun nuts claim. We have a standing army, a huge one. We do not need militias. Nor do we need thousands of people dying from guns every year.
Berger's statement, which was written by a real jurist is just one. Lots of intelligent people know the interpretation of the 2nd is a terrible disaster for America.It was wrong. However if it was not, the 2nd should be rewritten.
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Typical right-wing gun crazy insult. Militia, being,Arms, shall not be infringed. Can you understand what a well-regulated Militia is? It is not endless idiots walking around in public with guns.
A well regulated militia is the body of the people as a whole. It means that the people, themselves, are well armed, well trained, ready to defend their communities and country with their own weapons. YOUR bias of people with guns being idiots is YOUR problem, not anyone elses.

Nor in 1776 do they know what kind of weapons manufacturers would come up with. I doubt they would casually accept this carnage so you guys could express manhood with guns.
the founders were well aware of technological advances, even in weaponry, so your theory of their ignorance is laughable. The founders were also very clear about their arms being exempt from any authority of the government via the Constitution. What's also laughable is you trying to use a single justices remark 200 years after ratification as solid evidence of your view of the 2nd when it's countered by dozens of references specifically referring to individual rights of the people.

Franklin suggested a total rewrite every 19 years. By now, they would have written the 2nd out. It is way past usefulness.
this is your opinion. one based on no evidence whatsoever.
Well regulated Militia. Militia capitalized. It does not say what you gun nuts claim. We have a standing army, a huge one. We do not need militias. Nor do we need thousands of people dying from guns every year.
The founders were wary of standing armies as the bane to liberty, so it makes no sense to believe that they would approve of ours now and conclude that their is no need for the citizens militia.

Berger's statement, which was written by a real jurist is just one.
and the government was not the final arbiter of the meaning of the Constitution. we the people wrote it, not the courts. There are NUMEROUS citations from people who lived at the time of ratification, who actually debated about it. Those trump any of your 'jurists'.

Lots of intelligent people know the interpretation of the 2nd is a terrible disaster for America.It was wrong. However if it was not, the 2nd should be rewritten.
Given the history of the worlds nations, where over 200 MILLION people have been murdered by their government, how the hell do you consider it wrong that it should be rewritten???? do you prefer government monopolies on violence?
Typical right-wing gun crazy insult. Militia, being,Arms, shall not be infringed. Can you understand what a well-regulated Militia is? It is not endless idiots walking around in public with guns. Nor in 1776 do they know what kind of weapons manufacturers would come up with. I doubt they would casually accept this carnage so you guys could express manhood with guns. Franklin suggested a total rewrite every 19 years. By now, they would have written the 2nd out. It is way past usefulness.
Well regulated Militia. Militia capitalized. It does not say what you gun nuts claim. We have a standing army, a huge one. We do not need militias. Nor do we need thousands of people dying from guns every year.
Berger's statement, which was written by a real jurist is just one. Lots of intelligent people know the interpretation of the 2nd is a terrible disaster for America.It was wrong. However if it was not, the 2nd should be rewritten.

^^^^^^^^^HORSE SHIT ALERT ^^^^^^^^^
Five years ago, a friend of mine living in Florida said this during a discussion regarding the gun laws and mass shootings. It speaks for itself, and I submit this before the next mass shooting and SOS arguments occur:

".... Actually, most NRA members DON'T subscribe to the propaganda we see on TV. The NRA is playing to the extremist 4-5% of Americans who don't think our guns laws need at least a little tweaking. Over 95% of Americans in several surveys which include gun-owners, non-gun-owners, conservatives, & liberals alike, feel that we need to do 4 things. 1) Get rid of the so-called "Gun-show Loophole" in which people privately buying/selling guns at gun-shows, online, or out of their homes don't need background check like everybody else. 2) Get weapons of war out of the hands of civilians. 3) Make all background checks go into a Federal Database so someone in one state's law enforcement has access to background information entered by someone in another state. 4) Do something to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. Advocates for the mentally say that HIPAA laws protect the health information privacy of these people, but if health care professionals are allowed to tell prior sex partners if their patient has a sexually transmitted disease and doctors are required by law to report to the DMV that someone is diagnosed with epilepsy, then they should also be allowed to report those being treated for mental illness to the Federal database to keep someone from buying a weapon."

There is nothing 'extremist' about the 2nd amendment or the right to defend yourself.
It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any weapon, including any gun.
Five years ago, a friend of mine living in Florida said this during a discussion regarding the gun laws and mass shootings. It speaks for itself, and I submit this before the next mass shooting and SOS arguments occur:

".... Actually, most NRA members DON'T subscribe to the propaganda we see on TV. The NRA is playing to the extremist 4-5% of Americans who don't think our guns laws need at least a little tweaking. Over 95% of Americans in several surveys which include gun-owners, non-gun-owners, conservatives, & liberals alike, feel that we need to do 4 things. 1) Get rid of the so-called "Gun-show Loophole" in which people privately buying/selling guns at gun-shows, online, or out of their homes don't need background check like everybody else. 2) Get weapons of war out of the hands of civilians. 3) Make all background checks go into a Federal Database so someone in one state's law enforcement has access to background information entered by someone in another state. 4) Do something to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. Advocates for the mentally say that HIPAA laws protect the health information privacy of these people, but if health care professionals are allowed to tell prior sex partners if their patient has a sexually transmitted disease and doctors are required by law to report to the DMV that someone is diagnosed with epilepsy, then they should also be allowed to report those being treated for mental illness to the Federal database to keep someone from buying a weapon."

Your friend, as are most dishonest leftists, does not speak for NRA members, me being a lifetime member, and merely ticks off the dumb leftist list of things that will do NOTHING to prevent another shooting.

There is no "gun show loophole". That is a media lie. A semi-automatic rifle is NOT a weapon of war, that is another dumb DNC lie. The so-called background check system is universal and does just that. It doesn't matter what state you are in. It checks crime statistics everywhere. We already have laws on the books to that do not permit the mentally ill to buy or own a gun.

Once again, we see a litany of dumb arguments that argue the guns are the problem. Or, the equally stupid argument that we don't have enough gun laws. But in almost every mass shooting case, the guns were either obtained legally, stolen primarily from a family member, or acquired in some other nefarious method.

Criminals do not obey laws. Why leftists believe that more laws will suddenly stop them is a sign of mental illness or extreme dishonesty.

Many of the young men committing these heinous crimes have similar backgrounds of mental health issues that were, as usual, ignored. All were dropouts. They used drugs. They were reclusive and spent inordinate amounts of time on the internet. Many family members even state they tried to warn authorities to no avail. Then you have the terrorist attacks. They certainly don't care about laws.

We do not have a GUN problem in the US any more than our government has a REVENUE problem. What we do have is a serious societal problem that seeks to defund the police, provide excuses for bad behavior and seeks to prevent long term incarceration even for multiple repeat offenders. Fix that and you will solve many of the problems with shootings.
Maybe. A second 6-year-old showed up in school with a gun. This one did not shoot the teacher. So kids should certainly be allowed guns in grade schools.

Absurdity; the last desperate refuge for the ignorant, the dishonest and the stupid. Yay you!
:rolleyes: Not quite, my cowardly former Threeper/Oather friend. Read the following carefully and comprehensively:

PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

That link doesn't support the false claim that there is some kind of gun show loophole.

MOST gun shows no longer allow private sales at their shows. You cannot sell guns at a gun show without a valid FFL license. You cannot buy a gun from one of the sellers without the proper paperwork and mandatory waiting period.

If you meet another private buyer in the parking lot and make the transaction, that is not gun show related and for now, private individuals can buy and sell their weapons without government interference.