Prediction: Zimmy Verdict!

Zimmy: Guilty or Not Guilty

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I see you have just decided to resort to your usual abilities, when you find you're arguments won't hold water and you're not allowed to just run around in circles.

It was to be expected though.

My arguments are just're that thinks George had every right to chase the kid down. I say that throws away his claim of self defense.
My arguments are just're that thinks George had every right to chase the kid down. I say that throws away his claim of self defense.

And my arguments are just as're the one that thinks Trayvon had every right to confont and then assault Zimmerman. I say that throws away everyone one of the liberals claims.
And my arguments are just as're the one that thinks Trayvon had every right to confont and then assault Zimmerman. I say that throws away everyone one of the liberals claims.

But Zimmerman could have driven away...but he chose to exit his vehicle and pursue Martin.....with a loaded gun...he was also angry."these assholes always getting away" etc.

That indicates he was looking for a confrontation.
But Zimmerman could have driven away...but he chose to exit his vehicle and pursue Martin.....with a loaded gun...he was also angry."these assholes always getting away" etc.

That indicates he was looking for a confrontation.

Martin could have gone home. We can do this all night. Why is Zimmerman the only one who could have made different decisions that night? Why can't Martin? Is it your racism? Don't say it is because he had a gun. A gun doesn't make you invincible.
Martin could have gone home. We can do this all night. Why is Zimmerman the only one who could have made different decisions that night? Why can't Martin? Is it your racism? Don't say it is because he had a gun. A gun doesn't make you invincible.

Was there a curfew? Did Martin have a right to be walking? Oh that's right...he's a "thug", he has no rights.
Martin could have gone home. We can do this all night. Why is Zimmerman the only one who could have made different decisions that night? Why can't Martin? Is it your racism? Don't say it is because he had a gun. A gun doesn't make you invincible.

Because.Martin is the hands of Zimmerman.
why are you guys still arguing about what happened in this case? Its been 18 months now. No one is changing their minds. It's an exercise in futility and absolute torture. I learned this, I did my trial thread which was very successful because we restricted it only to talking about the trial itself, what happened in the trial, and analysis of the trial.

Both sides would give ground, because in looking at trial progress there is more wriggle room for analyzing those things objectively.

Don't torture yourselves with the back and forth about the facts of the case, both sides. You aren't changing anyones mind.
Why is it always the American men who will deny a woman the right to make choices, the very ones that want to see the racist hate and gun murders continue? There has to be a connection and it has to be in 'their' sick heads.