Preparing for college.

I'm Watermark

So I've been asking around - family, friends, teachers, the like -, and I figure you lovely people could help me as well.

I'm about to graduate high school and will be moving off to college in the fall. What were your experiences starting off? And is there anything you wish you knew/had beforehand?


So I've been asking around - family, friends, teachers, the like -, and I figure you lovely people could help me as well.

I'm about to graduate high school and will be moving off to college in the fall. What were your experiences starting off? And is there anything you wish you knew/had beforehand?



I haver already used this quote today but it is just so apposite to your earnest enquiry that I will use it again.

The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
So I've been asking around - family, friends, teachers, the like -, and I figure you lovely people could help me as well.

I'm about to graduate high school and will be moving off to college in the fall. What were your experiences starting off? And is there anything you wish you knew/had beforehand?



(Deleted because I was an asshole)
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Advice? Take it seriously and party in moderation. Don't overload your courses so that you have no time to enjoy life, but don't slack off. Take some classes that have nothing to do withyour major but which will give you knowledge in an area you enjoy.

Balance is the key.
Ignore him, I've been posting on these boards since I was 16, and Watermark was about 12 when he started!

Are you attending a small or large institution?
Ignore him, I've been posting on these boards since I was 16, and Watermark was about 12 when he started!

Are you attending a small or large institution?

Exactly right!

And if he doesn't spend time on message boards, how would he know that there are absolutely no responsible gun owners, that a toy gun is not a toy gun unless it is a toy gun, or that every remark against Obama is, by definition, racism?
Advice? Take it seriously and party in moderation. Don't overload your courses so that you have no time to enjoy life, but don't slack off. Take some classes that have nothing to do withyour major but which will give you knowledge in an area you enjoy.

Balance is the key.

Good advice. :)

I plan on being careful in that regard. I've taken college classes before, so I've got a sense of how they work, but the first semester will likely be crucial to how I proceed academically. Also, I doubt that any problems will arise with a diversity of courses, because my school is so interdisciplinary - but you never know.
Ignore him, I've been posting on these boards since I was 16, and Watermark was about 12 when he started!

Are you attending a small or large institution?

A fairly small one.

And you're right. It's not at all uncommon for youngsters to use internet boards - the really left wing boards are full of us, haha.
You're such a sweet guy. :)

In any case, I just use message boards to remember things that I read.

The US GPA system confuses me but in the UK we have three classifications namely first, second and third class degree with a further sub-division between upper and lower second.

When I went to university many moons ago, a 2:2 was also known as a drinkers degree, although these days it is called a tutu or a bishop, meaning that it was usually attained by suddenly realising in the third year that you really need to get your shit together and pull your finger out, from wherever it was in the first place!! My sons are a different kettle of fish altogether, both of them are far cleverer than me and much more hard working. My oldest son has just landed a job with Cisco and he has always been the one that struggled in the past, whilst the younger seemed to just blithely sail through. He was born in late July, so that was a handicap, compared to his brother who was born in November but it has never been a problem for him.
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Your first semester will be wild and chaotic. Enjoy it while it lasts. After the first year, many of the entertaining screw-ups that arrive unready for college will be gone, and the campus will feel smaller. Also, the large crowd that you associate with at orientations through the first semester will break up and you'll wind up hanging out with just a few remaining friends from it.
Seriously...have a little fun but concentrate on study.

My better half just returned to college at 45. Talk about a bitch!
So I've been asking around - family, friends, teachers, the like -, and I figure you lovely people could help me as well.

I'm about to graduate high school and will be moving off to college in the fall. What were your experiences starting off? And is there anything you wish you knew/had beforehand?



Seek advice for the area's you're stuggling in.
Don't start thinking that you have 4 years; because you run the risk of goofing off.
Stay away from parties, unless you have enough self control to say NO to getting wasted
If you can do a voice recording of the lectures, do so; because that way you can go back and recheck the recording, against your notes.
Study - study - study
And intend to actually graduate and don't be like a couple of the Mods and become a perpetual student.