Seriously...have a little fun but concentrate on study.
My better half just returned to college at 45. Talk about a bitch!
She'll beat the pants off her classmates. I was good out of high school, picked up two BA and a minor in 4 years, 3 semesters at University of Chicago, still managed a 3.75. Did much better with 3rd BA, only took 18 months and picked up teaching creds. 4.0.
That is likely my problem in replying to this out of high school, going to university poster. While I'm currently working with high school students, I often am hearing myself as a 38 year old, entering college for the second time. Way different experience.
At 18, one cannot be 38, no matter how committed or mature. One, hormones. Two, those 19 and 20 year old guys are really cute! LOL! Hormones.
Seriously, hormones aside, to the poster: You seem a basically serious student, good for you. Still, have fun in moderation. Especially good advice if high school sucked socially. Being 'smart' and focused in college is really a turn on, so many aren't. Don't let folks copy your notes!
Take a page from one of my kids if you can. Volunteer. Keep your grades up and take as many courses as you can while maintaing good grades. Double major if possible. Apply for RA at the end of freshman year. Not many are allowed as sophomores, at my son's university only 2 out of over 50. He was one. Why? His grades, his extra-curricular sports participation, (he turned down an athletic scholarship in cross country, he didn't think he could do what he felt he had to academically if traveling), and volunteering at both an animal shelter and an Alzheimer's home, (which he'd done throughout high school.)
For 2.5 years, he didn't have to worry about room and board nor books or spending money. Along with the RA job, which covers room and board, he also had 'duties' that paid slightly above minimum wage. That covered the books and spending money. His academic scholarships covered nearly all of his tuition. He took two semesters, (one was summer), at Disney, major applied in 'law enforcement.' He still graduated in 4 years and 1 semester, with high honors. His total debt? Less than $4k. He spent 1 semester in apartment off campus, he wanted that experience. Lord knows he had 'fun,' we have too many pics of him with 'friends' and his not being fully attired, while running through the quads. Mom