Presidental Prediction

Cruz is truely loved by rep voters, and he can out debate anyone else without a teleprompter. He's smarter than anyone else.

Green eggs and ham? Tweeting a speech given by Ashton Kutcher?
Ted Cruz is smart? What's his end game?
You may be right about the R nomination, but is Cruz is any part of any ticket it is doomed.
I disagree. People love liberty. Something Romney never talked about. When he starts talking about liberty, he'll get all the votes he needs.
you are the most brainwashed person on the planet if you really think Cruz is going to be seen as anything other than a moraless shill after this behavior.

the people on Fox news are NOT representative of the American people.
Green eggs and ham? Tweeting a speech given by Ashton Kutcher?
Ted Cruz is smart? What's his end game?

The green Eggs bit was a bed time story for his kids, and everyone listening at that time ate it up.

Not sure about Kutcher.(?)

Yes. He's smart.

His end game is to get liberty back into the hearts, and minds of people, which produces opportunity, and prosperity.
you are the most brainwashed person on the planet if you really think Cruz is going to be seen as anything other than a moraless shill after this behavior.

the people on Fox news are NOT representative of the American people.
I would agree about Fox News. They're almost as bad as cnbc, cnn, abc, cbs, and nbc.
The green Eggs bit was a bed time story for his kids, and everyone listening at that time ate it up.

Not sure about Kutcher.(?)

Yes. He's smart.

His end game is to get liberty back into the hearts, and minds of people, which produces opportunity, and prosperity.

How does taking access to health care away from 48 million Americans produce opportunity and prosperity?
Americans already have the spirit of liberty in their hearts, now they need affordable heath care to keep their hearts pumping.
Twenty-six states have refused to expand Medicaid. What the hell are our country's most poor and needy supposed to do?
Don't tell me Ted Cruz is smart because his own state, Texas, refuses to expand Medicaid.
The bloviating clown has no end game.
The ratings would indicate they in fact are.

Fox News ratings have plummeted.
Bill O'Reilly said God told him to write the Killing of Jesus. Really?
Did God tell him to say that not one Republican was invited to the MLK day? Or did God tell him to apologize?
Huh. I must have missed where the whole world voted. Not to mention that I'm part of the world and it applies to me.

But you get extra credit for quoting me!

who said voting ?

I said the world doesn't agree with you
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Quote Originally Posted by Liberty View Post

I think the only reason Romney got it (other than money) is the poor choices the reps had to choose from.
That works for both sides. Did in 2012, may in 2016.

the world doesn't agree that Obama was a poor choice.

don't hate me for being correct