Presidental Prediction

Today 10:12 AM #27 | Top

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Quote Originally Posted by Liberty View Post

I think the only reason Romney got it (other than money) is the poor choices the reps had to choose from.
That works for both sides. Did in 2012, may in 2016.

the world doesn't agree that Obama was a poor choice.

don't hate me for being correct

What is this? ^^^^

OMG, is this the reason you avoid quoting?! LOL I've never seen anyone not actually be able to master it but maybe you could just practice more.
How does taking access to health care away from 48 million Americans produce opportunity and prosperity?
Americans already have the spirit of liberty in their hearts, now they need affordable heath care to keep their hearts pumping.
Twenty-six states have refused to expand Medicaid. What the hell are our country's most poor and needy supposed to do?
Don't tell me Ted Cruz is smart because his own state, Texas, refuses to expand Medicaid.
The bloviating clown has no end game.

America is just now waking up to what liberty is thanks to Obamacare.

How does disrupting the life of millions of americans help the dems. People are losing their jobs, getting their hours cut to 29 hours, losing their (company paid) healthcare insurance to get thrown on the exchanges. Most of the 48,000,000 you speak of are pissed off about being forced to go on line, and give personal info, (a lot are illegal aliens) and a host of other reasons, so the poor point you bring up is not flying anymore. Over half of americans don't want it, so that would equate to 150,000,000+ people.

Reality is something other than what you've been led to believe.
Fox News ratings have plummeted.
Bill O'Reilly said God told him to write the Killing of Jesus. Really?
Did God tell him to say that not one Republican was invited to the MLK day? Or did God tell him to apologize?

Fox Sucks. So what's your point.

They're almost as bad as the news you've been watching.
America is just now waking up to what liberty is thanks to Obamacare.

How does disrupting the life of millions of americans help the dems. People are losing their jobs, getting their hours cut to 29 hours, losing their (company paid) healthcare insurance to get thrown on the exchanges. Most of the 48,000,000 you speak of are pissed off about being forced to go on line, and give personal info, (a lot are illegal aliens) and a host of other reasons, so the poor point you bring up is not flying anymore. Over half of americans don't want it, so that would equate to 150,000,000+ people.

Reality is something other than what you've been led to believe.

Are you of the belief that not all Americans should be treated equally?
Saving lives, particularly those who have fallen through the cracks because of lack of heath care, is not a disruption. Perhaps it is to someone like you, but for those of us who care, it's shinning a light on America's integrity.
Hopefully, you are insured. Were you required to give your personal information, or did the insurance company just sign you up?
Why are people losing their jobs because of the ACA?
Are you telling me that someone of your moderate grade of intelligence cannot extrapolate my point?
Look,,,, If you can't converse as an adult, with some form of respect for others who don't agree with you, put me on ignore. You're just a newbe who just showed a real lack of ability to ingage in a real adult conversation.

Fox News is the republican pravda channel. Why don't you bring up mad cow, or that strange guy with the excited leg problem in addition to fox, and show that you really get what's going on?
Look,,,, If you can't converse as an adult, with some form of respect for others who don't agree with you, put me on ignore. You're just a newbe who just showed a real lack of ability to ingage in a real adult conversation.

Fox News is the republican pravda channel. Why don't you bring up mad cow, or that strange guy with the excited leg problem in addition to fox, and show that you really get what's going on?

I'm quite capable of being conversant; however, you seem to be exasperated because you can't keep up, and you have resorted to non sequitur responses.
Are you of the belief that not all Americans should be treated equally?
Saving lives, particularly those who have fallen through the cracks because of lack of heath care, is not a disruption. Perhaps it is to someone like you, but for those of us who care, it's shinning a light on America's integrity.
Hopefully, you are insured. Were you required to give your personal information, or did the insurance company just sign you up?
Why are people losing their jobs because of the ACA?

Yes, the UnACA is a job killer.

I lost my health insurance to get thrown on the exchanges. Great insurance I didn't have to pay a dime for. And I'm paying out of pocket now, and I'm damn pissed about it. Just like millions of other americans. And I won't be giving personal info to our East German gov't.

People falling threw the cracks? People who care?

People like you don't give a crap about all the people being victimized by this law. (no offense Rana) It's heartless, and inhumane.
Today 10:12 AM #27 | Top

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Quote Originally Posted by Liberty View Post

I think the only reason Romney got it (other than money) is the poor choices the reps had to choose from.
That works for both sides. Did in 2012, may in 2016.

the world doesn't agree that Obama was a poor choice.

don't hate me for being correct

are you too stupid to use the 'reply with quote' feature?
Yes, the UnACA is a job killer.

I lost my health insurance to get thrown on the exchanges. Great insurance I didn't have to pay a dime for. And I'm paying out of pocket now, and I'm damn pissed about it. Just like millions of other americans. And I won't be giving personal info to our East German gov't.

People falling threw the cracks? People who care?

People like you don't give a crap about all the people being victimized by this law. (no offense Rana) It's heartless, and inhumane.

So your real beef is the fact that you now have to share the cost of your insurance premium. How lucky were you that your employer footed the entire bill because millions don't even have health care coverage.
Is East Germany insuring Americans?
I can't deal with you.
I'm quite capable of being conversant; however, you seem to be exasperated because you can't keep up, and you have resorted to non sequitur responses.

I'm also working right now.

I'm so pissed off over this healthcare law. My wife is expecting, I need healthcare, and you're trying to justify this draconian law.
Are you of the belief that not all Americans should be treated equally?

You need to do some reading on the founders writings.

Your view of being treated equally is a marxist view. Which is as evil as a gov't can be.