Really? Only chicken shits own guns?
Is that what he said? Or was he addressing someone specifically?
Really? Only chicken shits own guns?
anyone who thinks they are unsafe in this country without one is a chickenshit
Who's going to pay for the guns and training?
No. Police. One cop could have stopped this guy before any blood loss.
How many schools are there in the US?
How many schools are there in the US?
Maybe Dixie could cough up a couple of Billion to arm them.
Maybe Dixie could cough up a couple of Billion to arm them.
I was thinking of the cost of putting a cop in every school.
anyone who thinks they are unsafe in this country without one is a chickenshit
Tell ya what puddin. You go walk the streets of south side Chicago all by your lonesome and tell me how safe you feel.
I have with no problems. But then I'm not a scared shitless pussy like you.
Then come take my gun.
That sounds like a come-on.
Howey, are you 'game'?
I'll send a homo gang after his fat ass...
Think they will be wiling to take the gerbils out of your ass long enough to do it fagboy?
Principal killed after lunging at shooter
NEWTOWN, CT - The Sandy Hook school principal and another staffer were killed after lunging at a gunman who forced his way inside to begin a deadly shooting spree, the regional school superintendent said Saturday.;_ylv=3
is it possible that if the principle was armed or had access to an arm in her office, could she have stopped the shooting and spared her life?
Maybe Lanza was just 'standing his ground' after being lunged at.
do you ever say anything intelligent?