Principal killed after lunging at shooter

Who's going to pay for the guns and training?

Of teachers? It's not worth even talking about, we are too far away from it ever happening, given the fact that 90% of all teachers would need to be replaced due to the liberal veiwpoint on guns.

The guards? Is a policeman per school to much to ask?
I was thinking of the cost of putting a cop in every school.

A lot of schools on the Cape have an officer, but some were cut back, likely due to the budget cuts mentioned earlier. Regardless, most towns with schools already have police forces.
As also pointed out earlier, school shootings are acts of terrorism, and Homeland Security seems to spend tons of money on issues of questionable value. Hopefully protecting children isn't as questionable.

It funny though how the expense of metal detectors and several armed guards isn't too much for courthouses and government buildings though, isn't it?
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Principal killed after lunging at shooter

NEWTOWN, CT - The Sandy Hook school principal and another staffer were killed after lunging at a gunman who forced his way inside to begin a deadly shooting spree, the regional school superintendent said Saturday.;_ylv=3

is it possible that if the principle was armed or had access to an arm in her office, could she have stopped the shooting and spared her life?

Maybe Lanza was just 'standing his ground' after being lunged at.
