Privatizing Prison Success: Cheaper and Better Results


"Some states, including California, are finding that they can save money by making more use of private prisons.

This is controversial. But contrasting St Clair with a prison operated by the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) suggests that it may not be a bad idea. Their facility in Tutwiler, Mississippi, is light and air-conditioned where St Clair is dark and steaming. It is less crowded and has a freshly-painted feel; St Clair is shabby and peeling. The sports facilities are better. “We try to wear them out so they go to sleep—like you do with your kids,” says the warden, Robert Adams.

Inmates who have tasted both public and private lock-ups say they prefer the latter. “You've more things in CCA. More programmes. Better rec[reational facilities],” says Anthony Palabay, the sex offender in charge of in-jail movies. (Films with too much sex or racial tension are barred.)

The main reason states contract with private jailers is to cut costs. Tony Grande, a vice-president at CCA, says his firm typically charges 5-15% less per prisoner than a state would spend. The firm has economies of scale—it guards more prisoners than any state bar California, Texas or Florida. It can assemble a jail quickly and cheaply using standardised parts. It lacks a state's cumbersome bureaucracy. It builds smart jails, where fewer staff can watch more prisoners, and it builds where land and labour are cheap.

Private prisons are cheaper and at least as humane as public ones. But one way they curb costs is to take prisoners from any state that has more than it can handle and lock them up wherever they have spare capacity. Mr Adams, for example, guards a crowd of Hawaiians and is expecting an influx of Californians soon. This matches supply with demand."

Great idea to push to your local elected officials for saving money, less taxes and less debt.
Another fraud passed off as the wonders of privatization.

America has 5% of the world's population and 25% of all the world's prisoners.

Wnat "cheaper and better", stop locking up so many damn people.

It your wife likes Victoria Secret, buy her some .. it probably came from a prison in South Carolina.

Prisons are a for-profit business in this country. While America is pointing the finger at China for the using of prison slave labor, we are engaging in it ourselves. Some of the "outsourcing" that is costing Americans their jobs is actually insourcing .. using prison slaves to do the work for peanuts.

More that 300 companies now use prison labor, the majority from privatized prisons.

Book a flight on TWA and you're probably talking to a prisoner making your reservation.

Private prisons also have an incentive to gain as many prisoners as possible and to keep them there as long as possible.

Best look a bit deeper before you gleefully sign onto new-age American slave labor.
umm the Ky legislature is discussing the increased cost and other problems asociated with our prision privitization.
Another fraud passed off as the wonders of privatization.

America has 5% of the world's population and 25% of all the world's prisoners.

Wnat "cheaper and better", stop locking up so many damn people.
Sure we can start be repealing the laws on organ selling, why lock up people who freely want to sell their spare kidney to someone who is freely willing to pay? Do you agree?

Prisons are a for-profit business in this country. While America is pointing the finger at China for the using of prison slave labor, we are engaging in it ourselves. Some of the "outsourcing" that is costing Americans their jobs is actually insourcing .. using prison slaves to do the work for peanuts.
Jobs are not static and more are created with savings in productivity. Prisoners working is a great thing, not only because it saves us money in taxes, but also they gain skills and do something productive.

More that 300 companies now use prison labor, the majority from privatized prisons.

Book a flight on TWA and you're probably talking to a prisoner making your reservation.
LOL are you serious?

Private prisons also have an incentive to gain as many prisoners as possible and to keep them there as long as possible.
No that would be their sentence that determines that and the prisoners report being happier there in the article, so that would not seem to fit now would it?

Best look a bit deeper before you gleefully sign onto new-age American slave labor.
I did, I read the whole article, did you?
umm the Ky legislature is discussing the increased cost and other problems asociated with our prision privitization.
Well the facts are in and the private prison person interviewed said they typically charge 5-15% less per prisoner than a state would spend.

They even stated why private prisons cost less:
"It can assemble a jail quickly and cheaply using standardised parts. It lacks a state's cumbersome bureaucracy. It builds smart jails, where fewer staff can watch more prisoners, and it builds where land and labour are cheap."
All while still making a profit and costing us less in taxes.
Dano will like prisioner aids spit on his lettuce or spinach used as butt wipers :)

research in other places besides right wing pundit pages Dano you will learn something.
Don't be just a pundit cut and paster, learn something and think on your own.

You too can one day be as smart as a one line poster :)
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Dano will like prisioner aids spit on his lettuce or spinach used as butt wipers :)

research in other places besides right wing pundit pages Dano you will learn something.
Don't be just a pundit cut and paster, learn something and think on your own.

You too can one day be as smart as a one line poster :)

It's the frickin Economist dude which is not some right-wing rag. I've seen you challenge no one who posts from DailyKos, commondreams or thinkprogress because of course you agree with those posts. Then you want to call someone out for posting from the Economist? Wow.
Most of those who post from the liberal sites are not natural assholes....

they're not assholes because you agree with them correct?

The Economist is one of the best publications around and you tell someone not to read it and think for themselves but one who reads only DailyKos, Commondreams, thinkprogress don't need to think for themselves because you agree with them and they are not assholes. Wonderful logic.
they're not assholes because you agree with them correct?

The Economist is one of the best publications around and you tell someone not to read it and think for themselves but one who reads only DailyKos, Commondreams, thinkprogress don't need to think for themselves because you agree with them and they are not assholes. Wonderful logic.

ahh you never change, just keep spinning my replies into something that suits you don't you ?
Is it a deceit or a comprehension problem ?
Another fraud passed off as the wonders of privatization.

America has 5% of the world's population and 25% of all the world's prisoners.

Wnat "cheaper and better", stop locking up so many damn people.

It your wife likes Victoria Secret, buy her some .. it probably came from a prison in South Carolina.

Prisons are a for-profit business in this country. While America is pointing the finger at China for the using of prison slave labor, we are engaging in it ourselves. Some of the "outsourcing" that is costing Americans their jobs is actually insourcing .. using prison slaves to do the work for peanuts.

More that 300 companies now use prison labor, the majority from privatized prisons.

Book a flight on TWA and you're probably talking to a prisoner making your reservation.

Private prisons also have an incentive to gain as many prisoners as possible and to keep them there as long as possible.

Best look a bit deeper before you gleefully sign onto new-age American slave labor.

Holy crap, I did not know about this.

Aside from the morality of prison labor, I also have to say, I personally would not be too thrilled to know that I just booked a flight with a felon. What if he is in there for rape? Or, credit card fraud?
ahh you never change, just keep spinning my replies into something that suits you don't you ?
Is it a deceit or a comprehension problem ?

I'm not spinning anything Citizen. When your answers go all over the map one must try to coral them back together.

What does certain people being assholes have to do with you trying to claim one of the best publications around, the Economist, is a right wing rag?
Holy crap, I did not know about this.

Aside from the morality of prison labor, I also have to say, I personally would not be too thrilled to know that I just booked a flight with a felon. What if he is in there for rape? Or, credit card fraud?

Blackascoal, do you have any link that shows prisoners are booking flights? I'm not saying your lying I just have never heard that and find it very hard to believe.
I'm not spinning anything Citizen. When your answers go all over the map one must try to coral them back together.

What does certain people being assholes have to do with you trying to claim one of the best publications around, the Economist, is a right wing rag?

Nothing at all Cawacko, some people are just assholes.
Dano is one.
ahh you never change, just keep spinning my replies into something that suits you don't you ?
Is it a deceit or a comprehension problem ?

No cawacko nailed it, the Economist even recommended Clinton over Dole and Kerry over Bush, they are probably the most objective magazine out there.
Yet lefties like Desh post links to even the most absurd leftwing blogs and you always accept that as automatic fact.
Why? Because you are an unthinking partison Liberal, much as you like to pretend you are objective you are stubborn as all hell in sticking to the left's point of view.
No cawacko nailed it, the Economist even recommended Clinton over Dole and Kerry over Bush, they are probably the most objective magazine out there.
Yet lefties like Desh post links to even the most absurd leftwing blogs and you always accept that as automatic fact.
Why? Because you are an unthinking partison Liberal, much as you like to pretend you are objective you are stubborn as all hell in sticking to the left's point of view.

Maybe it's because Desh isn't an insulting asshole Dano, did you ever think about that? And you are. And yeah, that's going to carry over into attitudes about what you post. Too bad.
Maybe it's because Desh isn't an insulting asshole Dano, did you ever think about that? And you are. And yeah, that's going to carry over into attitudes about what you post. Too bad.
Oh did Darla get upset over having her child insult get thrown back in her face? I don't start shit, remember that.

And thank you for admitting that Liberals go with emotion in arguments over facts and reason. I mean we all know it to be true, but it's nice to finally see a Liberal with the balls to admit it.

(Just like lefties to have the first of their kind that has balls end up being a woman...)