Professional Ranges

how old are you, little feller? still playing video games? no wonder you are a trump stooge!!

"Video-gaming technology can effectively deliver engaging, high-repetition movement practice. Use of video games for rehabilitation can be as effective as
more conventional approaches."

Video games are being used for rehabilitation and as aids in Senior citizen groups. You are a retarded asshole!
"Video-gaming technology can effectively deliver engaging, high-repetition movement practice. Use of video games for rehabilitation can be as effective as
more conventional approaches."

Video games are being used for rehabilitation and as aids in Senior citizen groups. You are a retarded asshole!

and they are quite challenging for retards and goobers. for kids, long as they play outside in the real world more. but adults still playing silly ass video games more than just occasionally? get a life, bitches!!
and they are quite challenging for retards and goobers. for kids, long as they play outside in the real world more. but adults still playing silly ass video games more than just occasionally? get a life, bitches!!

Psychobabble. That's all you have.
Has anyone here ever regretted paying the $5-8K for one for their home?

I am looking for someone to talk me out of it.


Don't spend all that! I see them all the time for a lot less used and on Craigslist!

Hopefully you won't have to wreck out your cabinetry to find room enough for one as they take up a large footprint in the kitchen!

But do you really need 6 burners and dual convection ovens? Great for the holidays! But not so much the other 50 weeks in a year!
Has anyone here ever regretted paying the $5-8K for one for their home?

I am looking for someone to talk me out of it.


Are you the sort of semi-pro or professional cook that entertains a lot? Or, are you looking for a status symbol? Because that's what you are really getting here. The additional cost simply isn't worth it if all you're going to do is cook dinner for the family or yourself on it, that sort of thing.
A good quality appliance will cost you half as much, last 15 to 20 years and cook just as well as the commercial grade unit will. The commercial ones are expected to be in use like 16 hours a day, every day in a restaurant, that sort of thing so they take a lot more abuse and use than residential units do.
If you have little kids, be aware the commercial units have no particular child-proof features on them if that's important to you.
Are you the sort of semi-pro or professional cook that entertains a lot? Or, are you looking for a status symbol? Because that's what you are really getting here. The additional cost simply isn't worth it if all you're going to do is cook dinner for the family or yourself on it, that sort of thing.
A good quality appliance will cost you half as much, last 15 to 20 years and cook just as well as the commercial grade unit will. The commercial ones are expected to be in use like 16 hours a day, every day in a restaurant, that sort of thing so they take a lot more abuse and use than residential units do.
If you have little kids, be aware the commercial units have no particular child-proof features on them if that's important to you.

I am a retired chef who was doing some catering before COVID but I dont need a WOLF to do that. Partly I am fixing things up so that I can die in this house and not have any problems. Partly I am putting money into my house because I spend all my time here and so can enjoy it and I am very concerned that hyper inflation is coming so I want to spend some money while it is still worth something. But mostly getting a Wolf would be fun and narcissism. Which is not how I was raised and I have for decades now been a saver.
Unless they're gas, leave it alone.
My uhh..whatever the hell it is old ass electric thing works great.
Something goes wrong, I just change out burner ..whatever those things are..pans?, elements, and resistors. Simple.
All 3 pieces are $10 or less. I can fry eggs and I made Spanish bean soup tonight..(pressure cooker)
Need to change out the left front because it caught on fire tonight..and I have a new one waiting..
I'll clean the old and keep it fer backup. :)
Idk what mine says "The Self Cleaning Oven" lol!
It works.
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Don't spend all that! I see them all the time for a lot less used and on Craigslist!

Hopefully you won't have to wreck out your cabinetry to find room enough for one as they take up a large footprint in the kitchen!

But do you really need 6 burners and dual convection ovens? Great for the holidays! But not so much the other 50 weeks in a year!

They make a 30" four burner, the wife actually wants to do a kitchen remodel but I dont see the point, I want just this one thing....maybe.

Holidays were a complete bust this year because of COVID, to include Halloween, very sad, maybe next year.
They make a 30" four burner, the wife actually wants to do a kitchen remodel but I dont see the point, I want just this one thing....maybe.

Holidays were a complete bust this year because of COVID, to include Halloween, very sad, maybe next year.

I love some of the options with professional stoves like the Flat grills or the downdraft grill options. Anything to speed up breakfast preparation or grilling meat indoors. I also like the choices for the higher end vent systems these days as well.

But even Lowes has some pretty nice affordable options in conventional ranges with these very same options.