Proffesor Baxter is RS

LMWAO!!! Still, this would be so much funnier if it weren't so sad.

90% (or so) of Prof Bax posts on this board are either anti-religion, anti social conservatives or anti-Zimmerman pro-Trayvon Martin. These are all positions Desh supports. On issues like war and civil liberties Bax is even to the left of Desh.

Yet Desh thinks he's some right-wing kook.
is it based on the same math as all the other schools of economics?

is it held in high reguard by all the other schools?

On what math are the other schools of economics based? Your critic, Caplan, seemed to hold it in some regard, but I don't why that matters.
he is professing the Austrian economic theory.

he is a paul guy.

that is why I took him to task.

Yes, you surely schooled him.

You have absolutely no idea what he believes in. How do I know this? Because you've never asked him. You just make assumptions of what he believes in. You have no idea of where he stands on really any economic issue. Just yelling "Austrian school" doesn't mean a thing.
so you claim the Austrians don't refuse the use of mathematic tools the rest of the field uses?

I already showed you proof they don't have much respect for the AS.

why do you deny I have?
he is professing the Austrian economic theory.

he is a paul guy.

that is why I took him to task.

Bullshit! I did not bring up Austrian economics. You started badgering me about it in a thread to which it had no relevance. I still tried to give you an opportunity to explain yourself, but you have not done a very good job of it.
A. Did you really just link me to a thread we are all having a discussion in?


B. Where did he state his personal position in that? He didn't. To know Austrian economic theory does not mean that's what he personally believes.

LOL and I'm a clone for that? Too funny.

you were defending it too bonehead

Austrian School of Economics

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Forerunner of unrestrained free market (libertarian) economics, its central concept is that the coordination of human effort can be achieved only through the combined decisions and judgments of individuals and cannot be forced by an external agency such as a government. It emphasizes complete freedom of association and sovereignty of individual property rights. Its other main tenets include (1) abolishment of central banks and return to the gold standard, (2) elimination of bank deposit insurance schemes so that bank failures punish bad investments, (3) institution of an information system that make real-time prices data available to everyone, (4) abandonment of mathematical models as too rigid and limited to be of any use. Most of its recommendations are fiercely opposed by the mainstream (both capitalist and socialist) economists who call it 'anarchist economics,' and barely acknowledge its existence. Read more:
they refuse the mathematical models all other economics schools use.

they go by what they believe instead of the math
that is why they are known as the short bus school

Its just like the bullshit about believing only the scientists who don't agree with the other 97% on GW.

its pretend science to back the wealthy peoples aim to own the fucking world by duping idiots
blather blather repeat.

everyone who knows they are the short bus school

now you want to pretend I have not answered you about something


because you have had your whole economic theory trashed
that is why they are known as the short bus school

Its just like the bullshit about believing only the scientists who don't agree with the other 97% on GW.

No, it is not. Caplan would disagree with you.

tits pretend science to back the wealthy peoples aim to own the fucking world by duping idiots

This shows you clearly don't understand Austrian economics. It can't be pretend science, because they reject the idea that economics is a science, like biology or climate sciences. I don't disagree with them on that. You should read your link, because neither does Caplan.