Proof that Cops are universally bad human beings

Mexico's law enforcement relies on corruption to survive.

Are you stating our Police should be renegade morons or are you stating our police should be a highly trained force that may cost more than a name brand purse to aquire for a years work?
our police are already renegade morons and nice try at the false dilemma.

LOS ANGELES — When Maria Melendez emerged from Kern Medical Center in Bakersfield, Calif., just before midnight last Tuesday, she said, she heard screams that have kept her awake at night for an entire week.
A half-dozen Kern County sheriff’s deputies were across the street beating a man with clubs and kicking him, she said. So she whipped out her mobile phone and began to video the episode, announcing to the officers what she was doing.
For about eight minutes, Ms. Melendez said, the man screamed and cried for help. Then he went silent, she said, making only choking sounds.
Finally, having hogtied him, a number of witnesses said, two officers picked up the man and dropped him, twice. One deputy nudged the man with his foot. When he did not respond, they began CPR.
“He was like a piece of meat,” said Ms. Melendez, 53, who was visiting her son at the hospital after he was injured in a car accident. “We were telling them: ‘He’s dead. You guys already killed him.’ ”

I'm glad to see that America is finally waking up to a truth about cops that black people have known for about 400 years.
I'm stating that they should be fired, have all benefits stripped (including those already paid out) be unable to work any public job ever, have a minimum of 1000 years in jail, and never be eligible for parole. Their entire department should suffer the same fate and all those who do not report and fight such corruption.

I was going to groan this thinking you were referring to all cops; then I saw Darla's thanks, and thought maybe you were just referring to the cops who did the beating so ungroaned....

Bad cops should be punished; they should not be protected.

Good cops should be able to report bad cops without being punished.

And good cops should be paid a decent wage for risking their lives for us.

But saying "all cops are bad" isn't right either; there are good cops, but when they constantly demonized, they must get tired of trying to stay good.
Basely spoken, cops are criminals with guns and badges, however, no, not all cops are bad. I know 2 good ones. I am 49 years old, and have met two good cops.
You do the math.

Billy's estimate may be a bit off, at 1 per 1000, but then, I have never been to Detroit, in fact I live in a wealthy rural area so our experience is vastly different.
My estimate is that for every good cop, there are 100 who should be jailed.

There can be no doubt that they routinely abuse their power, ignore the law, act above the law, hide evidence of their own wrong doings, murder innocent civillians.

There is no longer a presumption of innocence until guilt is proven. If you think I am wrong about this, ask your mommy to explain it to you.
Basely spoken, cops are criminals with guns and badges, however, no, not all cops are bad. I know 2 good ones. I am 49 years old, and have met two good cops.
You do the math.

Billy's estimate may be a bit off, at 1 per 1000, but then, I have never been to Detroit, in fact I live in a wealthy rural area so our experience is vastly different.
My estimate is that for every good cop, there are 100 who should be jailed.

There can be no doubt that they routinely abuse their power, ignore the law, act above the law, hide evidence of their own wrong doings, murder innocent civillians.

There is no longer a presumption of innocence until guilt is proven. If you think I am wrong about this, ask your mommy to explain it to you.

My family had many good law enforcement persons. I am very proud of their service.
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My family had many good law enforcement person. I am very proud of their service.

One of my sons is a cop .. has been for about 15 years. He hates it .. he hates what they do.

But he has a brilliant daughter and a lovely wife who depend on him. He feels trapped.
I have never known a bad cop.

I have had very little contact with cops though.

I just cant believe they are all bad
One of my sons is a cop .. has been for about 15 years. He hates it .. he hates what they do.

But he has a brilliant daughter and a lovely wife who depend on him. He feels trapped.

My relatives all worked on forces in rural areas, like Andy and Barney, only one uncle was in the big city and he was a federal agent. I imagine the corruption is much worse in the big cities.

The police are know in Anchorage are all great guys.
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I work with hundreds (possibly over a thousand) cops daily. I can say that there isn't a good one among them, and I get preferrential treatment from them all. Hell, I'm pretty sure I could get away with murder if I wanted (I don't) in the tri-county area.
This debate exposes something I hate about politics. The people who criticize something without bringing up a fix or better option. So here is the question cop haters;

1) Are you simply stating that we shouldn't have police?
2) If not, state your better option. Explain their training and who they work for.

Yeah, I'm away for an hour. I was busy slaughtering infants you fudd.

What should happen? I already told you. 100 years in prison, all benefits revoked, whole department replaced for ang and abetting, etc. Also demilitarize police as a whole. Attach SWAT to national guard. And go back to Crown Vics (purely self interest in the last one).

I don't know how much training you need to not murder someone. I mean I never got that in the military or my current job and hey, haven't murdered a single person. Maybe I'm just gifted though. How many people have you murdered? Or did you get the 4 hour lecture on not murdering people?
This debate exposes something I hate about politics. The people who criticize something without bringing up a fix or better option. So here is the question cop haters;

1) Are you simply stating that we shouldn't have police?
2) If not, state your better option. Explain their training and who they work for.

neither. cops get extensive training now as it is. what we need is accountability. none of this 'good faith exception' crap or using the 'split second decision' excuse. if they are trained, then split second decisions should be better taken, not given more leeway on mistakes. If a cop makes a mistake on the job, he should be held accountable for it.
There once was a time where the police were respected, not ridiculed or criticized.

There was also a time they didn't murder people with impunity. There was a time when polio was a scourge of child hood. There was a time when Christianity was a cult. There was a time when aluminum was worth more per pound then gold. There was a time when ivory was cool. There was a time when uranium was used in glass.
You didn't answer me. But your mind is opening up.

Who should get paid more, a professional baseball player, or a cop.

It's that basic.

THE PEOPLE are the problem, not the government. Once the people see the flaws, the people will close the gaps. The problem is the people hate politics because they think they have no voice, mostly due to Fox News.

I don't argue that the government IS the problem. A lot of people here do, but I realize all too well that the people are a bunch of retarded proles who can barely tie their own shoes. I don't know how you get from they believe they have no voice to they watch Fox News, but, then, you aren't known around here for your honestly.

In answer to the question, the baseball player should get paid more.
I work with hundreds (possibly over a thousand) cops daily. I can say that there isn't a good one among them, and I get preferrential treatment from them all. Hell, I'm pretty sure I could get away with murder if I wanted (I don't) in the tri-county area.

You should invite Grind to come visit.