Proof that Dems are more beautiful and sexier than Repugs

there's a dem strategist way hotter than all of those. Thinks she's a hillary supporter forgot her name.
Just be on alert for the ridicule that Fred Thompson's will get from the left if he dares to get into the presidential race....that will be the end of the Most Beautiful People crap....she is too hot for the DC libs....remember heard it here first....
Say what....

this posting was pretty much equal on DNC gals vs GOP gals...and a couple of IND...what was your point again?
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The hottest were those who were unaffiliated. As rare as they may be in Washington. There most underepresented group in America are independents. I would also mention atheists, but they aren't just underepresented, they AREN'T represented, at all. There are more atheists in America than blacks. Number of black reps? 33. Number of atheist reps? 0.
Well admitted Atheists anyway WM. It would be a death blow for any politician to admit to being an atheist. Perhaps an actual death blow.
The hottest were those who were unaffiliated. As rare as they may be in Washington. There most underepresented group in America are independents. I would also mention atheists, but they aren't just underepresented, they AREN'T represented, at all. There are more atheists in America than blacks. Number of black reps? 33. Number of atheist reps? 0.

Only idiots think fairness is equal numerical representation of any and all conceivable groups.
The hottest were those who were unaffiliated. As rare as they may be in Washington. There most underepresented group in America are independents. I would also mention atheists, but they aren't just underepresented, they AREN'T represented, at all. There are more atheists in America than blacks. Number of black reps? 33. Number of atheist reps? 0.

We talked about this.

Peter Stark is either Atheist or Agnostic.

There is only one member of Congress who is on record as not holding a god-belief.

Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif.), a member of Congress since 1973, acknowledged his nontheism in response to an inquiry by the Secular Coalition for America. Rep. Stark is a senior member of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee and is Chair of the Health Subcommittee.

Although the Constitution prohibits religious tests for public office, the Coalition's research reveals that Rep. Stark is the first open nontheist in the history of the Congress. Recent polls show that Americans without a god-belief are, as a group, more distrusted than any other minority in America. Surveys show that the majority of Americans would not vote for an atheist for president even if he or she were the most qualified for the office.

Annual List of 50 Most Beautiful People on Capitol Hill

The overwhelming majority are Democrats, naturally:

Tiana, Care, Desh, and Darla made the list ;)
I am very sorry, but to me this consideration of physical appearance ot totally misplaced in Political commentary.

Edwards is a "pretty-boy" Thompson is hideous, etc????

who the hell cares, this is supposed to be about what is INSIDE his or her head, NOT the exterior physical appearance.

Annual List of 50 Most Beautiful People on Capitol Hill

The overwhelming majority are Democrats, naturally:

Tiana, Care, Desh, and Darla made the list ;)

"I wish the MSM would focus on this kind of crap - policies - rather than haircuts, cleavage, insider horse race nonsense...." - cypress

Now you why they don't focus on issues, because people, including your hypocritical self, DO care about those things...

Oh and Republican politicians in general tend to be older (after all more people become Conservative as they get wiser and older) and less grandstanding, so of course you would expect to see them less in intrigue type magazines. Plus of course the media polls as more Liberal and of course would be more interested in Liberal candidates.
calm down, and lighten up dano. This thread was intended to be light hearted.

My job is not to inform the american people. That's what journalists get paid to do. I can write about whatever I want to.
calm down, and lighten up dano. This thread was intended to be light hearted.

My job is not to inform the american people. That's what journalists get paid to do. I can write about whatever I want to.

But this is where i get my news from.
I have become more truely conservative as I have gotten older. But not a trace of the Republican virus yet...