Proof that Dems are more beautiful and sexier than Repugs

There is only one member of Congress who is on record as not holding a god-belief.

Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif.), a member of Congress since 1973, acknowledged his nontheism in response to an inquiry by the Secular Coalition for America. Rep. Stark is a senior member of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee and is Chair of the Health Subcommittee.

Although the Constitution prohibits religious tests for public office, the Coalition's research reveals that Rep. Stark is the first open nontheist in the history of the Congress. Recent polls show that Americans without a god-belief are, as a group, more distrusted than any other minority in America. Surveys show that the majority of Americans would not vote for an atheist for president even if he or she were the most qualified for the office.

LOL. I can't believe mormons have a better rap.
Not all buddists wear robes ?

Do buddists believe in an afterlife ? The heaven and hell stuff ?
I really don't know much about them. I think you are the only one I have ever known. To know you were one, I may have worked with some but did not know their religion.
Not all buddists wear robes ?

Do buddists believe in an afterlife ? The heaven and hell stuff ?
I really don't know much about them. I think you are the only one I have ever known. To know you were one, I may have worked with some but did not know their religion.
In many ways such beliefs are personal rather than religious in nature with many buddhists. While some sects have dogmatic approaches with rebirth cycles, not all do, and a Mahayana buddhist often relies on intuition to solidify personal beliefs of afterlife, reincarnation, theism, universalism or other systems of belief.
Do Buddhists have a God? It's been confusing to me, as I've hard some people say it's more of a philosophy, and I've heard of others worshipping Dharmic God's and stuff.
Not all buddists wear robes ?

Do buddists believe in an afterlife ? The heaven and hell stuff ?
I really don't know much about them. I think you are the only one I have ever known. To know you were one, I may have worked with some but did not know their religion.
Many believe that the Karma cycle would cause an evil person to reborn on a "lower plane", or in a place where life is very difficult to punish them. This would be as close a concept as "hell" as you would get.

Escaping the rebirth process is attained at enlightenment, although in Tibetan Buddhism there are special enlightened people who are reborn specifically to pass knowledge. The Lamas are an example of those people. They are believed to be supramundane, connected to the world only by the physical body.
Do Buddhists have a God? It's been confusing to me, as I've hard some people say it's more of a philosophy, and I've heard of others worshipping Dharmic God's and stuff.
Most of those who worship gods would come in from the Tibetan side. The belief system I subscribe to has a more disembodied god, each thing living is a piece of that God, connected, responsible to and for each other.

Theravada and Mahayana buddhism do not deal with a specific deity, and belief in a deity is not necessary to be a buddhist.
Many believe that the Karma cycle would cause an evil person to reborn on a "lower plane", or in a place where life is very difficult to punish them. This would be as close a concept as "hell" as you would get.

Escaping the rebirth process is attained at enlightenment, although in Tibetan Buddhism there are special enlightened people who are reborn specifically to pass knowledge. The Lamas are an example of those people. They are believed to be supramundane, connected to the world only by the physical body.

So bush will come back as a frog or something ?
Many people that do not understand Buddhism think that we believe Buddha is god, and believe I am the Buddhist pope. This is not the truth. Buddha also wasn't some fat guy that smoked a lot of pot, for any of you weed smokers out there. Buddha was in fact, quite skinny.
Many people that do not understand Buddhism think that we believe Buddha is god, and believe I am the Buddhist pope. This is not the truth. Buddha also wasn't some fat guy that smoked a lot of pot, for any of you weed smokers out there. Buddha was in fact, quite skinny.

Boy did I join the wrong team.