APP - Proof That God Exists

Dixie,What I have discovered in my conversations with Christians is that I know the Bible better than most.

I know the Bible fairly well too. I wouldn't go so far as to say 'better than most' because I know people who know a great deal more than I do. I'm probably 'middle of the pack' when it comes to knowing the Bible, maybe a little less than most, but any questions I have, I can go to two people who each know more than you and I put together.

Psalm 150:1-6 ESV: Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals!

Where does it say that God requires this?

Deuteronomy 28:47-48 ESV: Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joyfulness and gladness of heart, because of the abundance of all things, therefore you shall serve your enemies whom the Lord will send against you, in hunger and thirst, in nakedness, and lacking everything. And he will put a yoke of iron on your neck until he has destroyed you.

Where does it say God requires your praise? Still not seeing it!

Exodus 20:1-26 ESV: And God spoke all these words, saying, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. “You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, ...

This is a man's account of what God supposedly said to him. This doesn't prove or disprove God, or even prove God spoke to the man. You see what you are doing? You are morphing what Christianity believes into what "God" must be, and these are two different arguments. God doesn't HAVE to be the Christian God in order to exist.

And incidentally, nothing here says that God commands us to give him praise.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV: Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

Leviticus 26:1-46 ESV: You shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar, and you shall not set up a figured stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the Lord your God. You shall keep my Sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary: I am the Lord. “If you walk in my statutes and observe my commandments and do them, then I will give you your rains in their season, and the land shall yield its increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. Your threshing shall last to the time of the grape harvest, and the grape harvest shall last to the time for sowing. And you shall eat your bread to the full and dwell in your land securely. ...

There is more ..

Yes, there is LOTS, and most of these pull-quotes have entire chapters that go with them, to put them in context that is intentionally discarded here. That is often the case when arguing "Religion" ...I'm not here to argue Religion. I don't know if the Bible is right, or if we can take it too literally. I don't know if it was maybe misinterpreted in one of the many translations... There is quite a bit that can be debated about the Bible and what people interpret it to mean, but not one bit of it has anything to do with whether or not a spiritual entity actually exists.

A thousand pardons my brother. I meant no disrespect.

No problem, it's a common mistake, I just wanted to correct you since you didn't seem to be aware.
Your avatar reminds me a little of Reginald D Hunter when he was younger. He has lived in England for the past fifteen years.


I've heard a Hunter routine before. Intelligent guy, but I don't agree with some of his perceptions of language and culture. I don't agree with trying to rationalize the use of the "N" word. I don't agree with its use no matter who uses it. But then again, I'm a dinosaur.

I do agree that rappers have taken the sting out it.

The fact that Gwyneth Paltrow is being criticized for just repeating the name of a rap song that uses it demonstrates the social confusion over how it can be used and who can say it. Why is she being criticized for that? Makes no sense.

I'm betting that even the adminstrators on this site have had to struggle with it.

From my perspective there should be no way to use it without discomfort. There shouldn't be any socially correct way to use it .. as there should never be a way to use "rape" in comedy.

Like Hunter, I can be kinda' in your face about many issues .. but even that has to be done with tact.
I know the Bible fairly well too. I wouldn't go so far as to say 'better than most' because I know people who know a great deal more than I do. I'm probably 'middle of the pack' when it comes to knowing the Bible, maybe a little less than most, but any questions I have, I can go to two people who each know more than you and I put together.

First, I thought we weren't supposed to like each other. :0( I'm seeing no evidence of that. :0)

Most people are what their parents are/were. If their parents were Catholic, Muslim, or Jewish .. that's what they are. So they didn't come to their religion by study or comparative analysis .. they came to it by birth and culture. Thus, there is never a real need to study the religious text they accept in any critical or even historical way. The Bible is no exception.

Where does it say that God requires this?

You just read it. It is a passage from the Bible. Do you think this isn't taught to believers in church?

You just read the word "praise" mentioned 10 times in a single babile passage .. and you still don't see it?

Where does it say God requires your praise? Still not seeing it!

Not sure how you don't see it. Christians are being commanded to "serve the Lord your God with joyfulness and gladness of heart" .. else suffer his wrath.

Is thia a God, or a vengeful and spiteful human?

This is a man's account of what God supposedly said to him. This doesn't prove or disprove God, or even prove God spoke to the man. You see what you are doing? You are morphing what Christianity believes into what "God" must be, and these are two different arguments. God doesn't HAVE to be the Christian God in order to exist.

? So you discount the Bible? I do .. but is that your argument?

How about this .. God doesn't have to exist at all. Nature is the most powerful force that humans will ever see .. and Nature requires no praise, no obedience. It only requires the understanding of its forces, and the preservation of its wonder.

How about this .. God was invented by humans. The only evidence of its existence is in the mind of the believer.

And incidentally, nothing here says that God commands us to give him praise.

Of course there is .. along with the admonition that God is a jealous God. You've lost me. Do you believe in the Bible or not?

Yes, there is LOTS, and most of these pull-quotes have entire chapters that go with them, to put them in context that is intentionally discarded here. That is often the case when arguing "Religion" ...I'm not here to argue Religion. I don't know if the Bible is right, or if we can take it too literally. I don't know if it was maybe misinterpreted in one of the many translations... There is quite a bit that can be debated about the Bible and what people interpret it to mean, but not one bit of it has anything to do with whether or not a spiritual entity actually exists.

Then what makes you believe that God exists?

One can't take the Bible literally .. or sometimes even seriously.

Here the Bible commands believers to murder non-believers ..

Deuteronomy 17: If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant; 17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; 17:4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel; 17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

A passage for morons.

No problem, it's a common mistake, I just wanted to correct you since you didn't seem to be aware.

Thank you brother. I won't make that mistake again.
I've heard a Hunter routine before. Intelligent guy, but I don't agree with some of his perceptions of language and culture. I don't agree with trying to rationalize the use of the "N" word. I don't agree with its use no matter who uses it. But then again, I'm a dinosaur.

I do agree that rappers have taken the sting out it.

The fact that Gwyneth Paltrow is being criticized for just repeating the name of a rap song that uses it demonstrates the social confusion over how it can be used and who can say it. Why is she being criticized for that? Makes no sense.

I'm betting that even the adminstrators on this site have had to struggle with it.

From my perspective there should be no way to use it without discomfort. There shouldn't be any socially correct way to use it .. as there should never be a way to use "rape" in comedy.

Like Hunter, I can be kinda' in your face about many issues .. but even that has to be done with tact.

As the article says he is trying to be like Lenny Bruce and Bill Hicks in that he wants to take the sting out of words. I commend him for that but it probably explains why he gets sellout audiences in the UK but is hardly known in the US.
As the article says he is trying to be like Lenny Bruce and Bill Hicks in that he wants to take the sting out of words. I commend him for that but it probably explains why he gets sellout audiences in the UK but is hardly known in the US.

I agree with you.

But even Bruce, Carlin, and Pryor stunned with tact. That was their genius.

Perhaps I'm simply too close to the issues to stand back and critique through the eyes of a newer generation.
First, I thought we weren't supposed to like each other. :0( I'm seeing no evidence of that. :0)

Most people are what their parents are/were. If their parents were Catholic, Muslim, or Jewish .. that's what they are. So they didn't come to their religion by study or comparative analysis .. they came to it by birth and culture. Thus, there is never a real need to study the religious text they accept in any critical or even historical way. The Bible is no exception.

I have never said that I don't like you bac, I disagree with you politically. Some people are what their parents are/were, I'll agree... but not all, and probably not even most. A lot of children rebel against what their parents believe, but I fail to see what this has to do with the argument. We were discussing where God mandates that we praise him, and you haven't shown me that.

You just read it. It is a passage from the Bible. Do you think this isn't taught to believers in church?
You just read the word "praise" mentioned 10 times in a single babile passage .. and you still don't see it?

Yes, I can read the word "praise" a billion times, it still doesn't say that God REQUIRES you to praise him. That was your claim, and what I challenged. So far, you are having difficulty finding a passage in the Bible that says God commands us to praise him. I see where it says we SHOULD do this, which is what I said.... Christianity teaches we SHOULD WANT TO praise God for the many blessings he has given us. It doesn't say God requires this or commands it.

Not sure how you don't see it. Christians are being commanded to "serve the Lord your God with joyfulness and gladness of heart" .. else suffer his wrath.

Yes, SERVE him... and do it with gladness and joyfulness... it doesn't say God requires you to PRAISE him. I serve my boss everyday, I do it with gladness and joyfulness, but I don't PRAISE my boss, and he doesn't demand that I do.

Is thia a God, or a vengeful and spiteful human?

I don't know, it is the teaching of a religious doctrine. Whether or not the specified doctrine is true or not, has no bearing on whether an actual spiritual entity exists. As I said, religion is mankind's way of comprehending something he can't comprehend. This could be the way some man decided was best to convey his understanding of the spiritual entity? I have no problem with you challenging that, or not believing in it. That doesn't mean that there is no God, and God doesn't exist.

? So you discount the Bible? I do .. but is that your argument?

The Bible has no bearing on whether or not a supernatural spiritual entity exists. The Bible is a religious text, written and compiled by men, who developed a religious doctrine of belief around their comprehensions of a spiritual entity, which they didn't understand. It may be completely filled with flaws and misunderstandings, that doesn't prove God doesn't exist. Men use the Bible to teach philosophical views of how to behave and be a 'good' Christian, I have no idea if their ideas are correct or not, and it doesn't matter... it doesn't mean that God can't exist in some other perceptive form. Most Christians (maybe all) believe that Jesus was born as the son of God....God in human form. Most of their religion is based around his teachings and philosophy. I don't know if Jesus was the actual living son of God, or if his philosophy and understanding of God is correct. It doesn't matter... again, it has no bearing on whether or not an actual spiritual entity exists.

How about this .. God doesn't have to exist at all. Nature is the most powerful force that humans will ever see .. and Nature requires no praise, no obedience. It only requires the understanding of its forces, and the preservation of its wonder.

But the thing is, I know that some spiritual supernatural force DOES exist... or is present.... we can parse what 'exists' means. I don't believe this force is evil, and I don't believe it "requires" anything of us. I also believe a spiritual supernatural force exists which is evil. Likewise, I don't believe it needs or requires us to do anything. I believe we can tap into these forces, especially the positive one, because I often have. I've even taught others how to do this, and they agree, the force does exist and is real. I also believe it is entirely possible, this positive force may have had something to do with 'Nature' and construction of it, along with humanity and everything we know as life. I feel that it has had to battle the evil force along the way, which can be just as 'omnipotent' at times. How man has defined these things, is not my argument... "God" or "The Devil" ...these are images we created to try and comprehend what we can't comprehend. They have no bearing on these forces which DO exist around us.

How about this .. God was invented by humans. The only evidence of its existence is in the mind of the believer.

I think you have a rather shallow interpretation of "God." I think that is where you trouble lies. You believe that Christian's God doesn't exist in a physical sense, because there is no physical proof. I can agree with that. The thing is, you don't know if there might be a spiritual entity you don't understand, and maybe even the Christians don't understand, out there somewhere, controlling nature and everything else. You don't know, and you won't ever know, because you reject the possibility. This gives you satisfaction, to remain closed-minded to the possibility, and it gives you peace of mind to believe you have it all figured out. On the other hand, what if you are wrong? What if there is a force out there, and you just don't understand the potential of it, or what it can do for you?

As I said in the OP, whether God exists, is a matter of personal faith. That is ultimately the only way the question can be answered.

Of course there is .. along with the admonition that God is a jealous God. You've lost me. Do you believe in the Bible or not?

I don't believe the Bible or Christianity teach that God requires praise. You've still not shown that to be the case. You can say that Christians believe we SHOULD praise God... joyfully, with cymbals clashing... that isn't saying God requires this. Your daughter should tell you she loves you, but do your require it?

Do I believe in the Bible? Well, that's an interesting question. I suppose I do believe in a lot of what the Bible teaches as philosophy for a good life, if it is adhered to. I don't know if it is THE word of God, but it certainly seems to be spiritually inclined. It leads me to believe it is a construction of mankind's attempts to understand the supernatural spiritual entity that does exist, although... we are humans, and incapable of comprehending it. This would also explain the religious beliefs of 95% of the people who worship something greater than self. Our "religious" constructions, are merely our human way of trying to understand and comprehend something out of our realm of comprehension. Whether they are correct or incorrect, has no bearing on whether or not, in fact, a supernatural force is there.

Yes, there is LOTS, and most of these pull-quotes have entire chapters that go with them, to put them in context that is intentionally discarded here. That is often the case when arguing "Religion" ...I'm not here to argue Religion. I don't know if the Bible is right, or if we can take it too literally. I don't know if it was maybe misinterpreted in one of the many translations... There is quite a bit that can be debated about the Bible and what people interpret it to mean, but not one bit of it has anything to do with whether or not a spiritual entity actually exists.

Then what makes you believe that God exists?

The same thing that makes you believe the Big Bang suddenly caused all the matter in the universe to exist.... FAITH.

I rely on my intelligence to tell me that when we observe a species exhibiting the same rituals of behavior for the entirety of its existence, there is something fundamentally important about it. I can't dismiss it as a fallacy or fluke, because it is there for our entire existence as a species, we have worshiped some greater power. The fact that my physical sciences can offer no proof, doesn't make me believe that something doesn't exist in a spiritual sense, and I believe it is utterly stupid to make that assumption. It's not only stupid in a spiritual sense, it is stupid in a scientific sense, because science doesn't draw conclusions on things it can't explain... that is the ANTITHESIS of science.