Proposal for a new rule


I think we should establish that it's inappropriate to call other posters extreme racist or sexist insults such as the n or c word. Free speech is something that's important to the makeup of this site, but if we allow that kind of shit it's an unfortunate fact that this place is going to become a cesspool of all the other people that were banned for that shit on other sites. If they want to use extreme insults, they should go to stormfront.

Also, all presidential threats which take the form of bad jokes should be deleted immediately.
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I agree, free speech is one thing but on a forum such as this, certain civilities should apply.

It in no way enhances the debate. It comes from the usual sources, also. Children thinking they are adult when they talk that way.
I disagree. The only person who ever gets called it is darla because she's so reactionary about it and it's fun to watch go into a rage of righteous indignation. It is a problem of no significant scale. It is not a reason to start limiting the complete freedom of speech that makes jpp the internet political forum of choice for many savvy internet goers. Don't be a dog dick, nut sucker.
I think we should establish that it's inappropriate to call other posters extreme racist or sexist insults such as the n or c word. Free speech is something that's important to the makeup of this site, but if we allow that kind of shit it's an unfortunate fact that this place is going to become a cesspool of all the other people that were banned for that shit on other sites. If that want to use extreme insults, they should go to stormfront.

Also, all presidential threats which take the form of bad jokes should be deleted immediately.


Nobody has to go to stormfront to use those words, just go to KOS, DU or the official Obama’s Blog Site, their used all the time over their. Just make sure to use any of the following words after it, such as Republican, Bush, Jew, or McCain.
Free speech is something that's important to the makeup of this site, but if we allow that kind of shit it's an unfortunate fact that this place is going to become a cesspool of all the other people that were banned for that shit on other sites. If that want to use extreme insults, they should go to stormfront.

I'm speaking as a member and not behalf of the site when I say I think this is a bad idea. All of us have been posting with each other for almost five years now with very little restriction in how we talk and we've survived just fine. Very few people get to the point when such personal insults are thrown around, and when it happens they'll usually be condemned by the rest of our community and it's easy to put them on ignore.

Just be adults and quit getting mad at what people say about you over the internet. Putting someone on ignore takes 2 seconds. And in doing so you have the ability to silence that person for as long as you want, and other people can make their own choice as to whether or not they too want to keep reading that person's posts.
Isn't it interesting how the most liberal pinheaded posters are always the first ones to whine and moan about freedom of speech and want it curtailed in some way? I think I hold the JPP record for being called the most names in the book, and you don't see me sniveling about it, demanding that Damo change the rules. Grow some fucking skin, will ya?
Isn't it interesting how the most liberal pinheaded posters are always the first ones to whine and moan about freedom of speech and want it curtailed in some way? I think I hold the JPP record for being called the most names in the book, and you don't see me sniveling about it, demanding that Damo change the rules. Grow some fucking skin, will ya?

You have no feelings, you don't count.

Liberals, the new communist...everybody hates liberals.

The simpletons always need a group to hate. It is easier for them that way.
Toggle switch mentality.
You have no feelings, you don't count.

Liberals, the new communist...everybody hates liberals.

The simpletons always need a group to hate. It is easier for them that way.
Toggle switch mentality.

yep binary thinkers. We need more analog thinkers.

The answer is usally not just this or that, but lots more complicated.
You have no feelings, you don't count.

Liberals, the new communist...everybody hates liberals.

The simpletons always need a group to hate. It is easier for them that way.
Toggle switch mentality.
Right, the ABB'rs from the last election and "neo-con" is a good example.
I disagree. The only person who ever gets called it is darla because she's so reactionary about it and it's fun to watch go into a rage of righteous indignation. It is a problem of no significant scale. It is not a reason to start limiting the complete freedom of speech that makes jpp the internet political forum of choice for many savvy internet goers. Don't be a dog dick, nut sucker.

Wow, one of those, you loved how the ants reacted under the magnified sun, didn't you...chackle, chackle
I'm speaking as a member and not behalf of the site when I say I think this is a bad idea. All of us have been posting with each other for almost five years now with very little restriction in how we talk and we've survived just fine. Very few people get to the point when such personal insults are thrown around, and when it happens they'll usually be condemned by the rest of our community and it's easy to put them on ignore.

Just be adults and quit getting mad at what people say about you over the internet. Putting someone on ignore takes 2 seconds. And in doing so you have the ability to silence that person for as long as you want, and other people can make their own choice as to whether or not they too want to keep reading that person's posts.

Yeah Grind, I guess you're right.
Isn't it interesting how the most liberal pinheaded posters are always the first ones to whine and moan about freedom of speech and want it curtailed in some way? I think I hold the JPP record for being called the most names in the book, and you don't see me sniveling about it, demanding that Damo change the rules. Grow some fucking skin, will ya?

Dixie, you've clearly never been a woman called a cunt. There is no equivalent word for a man that can pierce that hard.

It's OK for people to throw around the word "cunt" as long as they don't run up into other peoples faces and do it. This forum is up in peoples faces. It's acceptable to put certain restrictions on it, since this isn't a fucking government, it's a private site on the internet.

On the other hand, the "free speech" philosophy that we've run this private site on is a huge part of the community. I think an individual ignore would be best. But most white man can't understand how degrading it is to be called a "nigger" or a "cunt", and idiotically assume that the difference doesn't exist. And we seem to have come into an environment where white male sexists (like Asshat, one of the most blatantly sexist people I've ever had the displeasure of conversing with) who can't understand what it is to be a woman make fun of and mock darla for being offended by that.

Honestly, if you walked up into a parking lot, called a black guy a "nigger", saw his reaction, and mocked him for being offended and continued calling him a nigger, you'd end up in the morg. And it's no different for this other word.
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Dixie, you've clearly never been a woman called a cunt. There is no equivalent word for a man that can pierce that hard.

It's OK for people to throw around the word "cunt" as long as they don't run up into other peoples faces and do it. This forum is up in peoples faces. It's acceptable to put certain restrictions on it, since this isn't a fucking government, it's a private site on the internet.

On the other hand, the "free speech" philosophy that we've run this private site on is a huge part of the community. I think an individual ignore would be best. But most white man can't understand how degrading it is to be called a "nigger" or a "cunt", and idiotically assume that the difference doesn't exist. And we seem to have come into an environment where white male sexists (like Asshat, one of the most blatantly sexist people I've ever had the displeasure of conversing with) who can't understand what it is to be a woman make fun of and mock darla for being offended by that.

Honestly, if you walked up into a parking lot, called a black guy a "nigger", saw his reaction, and mocked him for being offended and continued calling him a nigger, you'd end up in the morg. And it's no different for this other word.

Is it like being a man and getting called a cunt? That has happened before to me, and I didn't experience any traumatic thing, it wasn't much different than being called a prick, to he honest.
A cunt, either female or male, Compact Oxford English Dictionary defines "cunt" as "an unpleasant or stupid person"

Therefore, are yo males now offended by the word cunt?

and furthermore:

whereas Merriam-Webster defines the term as "a disparaging term for a woman" and "a woman regarded as a sexual object"; the Macquarie Dictionary of Australian English defines it as "a despicable man".

The word appears to have been in common usage from the Middle Ages until the eighteenth century. After a period of disuse, usage became more frequent in the twentieth century and, in particular, in parallel with the rise of popular literature and pervasive media. The term also has various other derived uses and, like "fuck" and its derivatives, has been used mutatis mutandis as noun, pronoun, adjective, participle and other parts of speech.