APP - Protectionism: Our Only Hope


The belief that all national governments should merely be vehicles to enfore the desires of multinational corporations.
Sending whole industries and skill sets overseas, while perhaps profitable in the short term, is stupid in a myriad of other contexts. We can go over those if you like.
You can't take me on, threedee. You'll just end up having another breakdown and another sociopathic identity crisis.

You are both wrong.
Protectionism and globalisation cannot be reduced to sound bites. There are potentially huge successes and potentially huge disasters in each.
It all depends on how these things are managed. There is nothing wrong with exporting jobs if it frees up home labour to be engaged in more profitable industries. There is nothing wrong with high profits providing the ethics of the day are honoured.
Even those simplifications cannot tell the whole story. You cannot criticise Coca Cola for being a global brand and while you might be critical of some industries for using cheap overseas labour it does mean their products are affordable to you, thus keeping inflation under some sort of control.
So in this instance the answer is the same as for the question, 'how long is a piece of string?'
There is nothing wrong with high profits providing the ethics of the day are honoured.
But they aren't honored. Globalization, instead of spreading freedom, is incentivizing totalitarianism and fascism. Reference china.
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But they aren't honored. Globalization, instead of spreading freedom, is incentivizing totalitarianism and fascism. Reference china.

How short is your dick? Once again, your pompous nonsensical foolishness emerges.

My humble apologies to you, sir. I had forgotten, albeit briefly, that you are the archetypal dumb-arse yank,
Nice personal attack, devoid of substance. Carry on, loser.

More substance in that short sentence than in anything I have seen you post here. Anyway, you would be better employed and, I am sure, happier in a discussion with your intellectual equivalents. I doubt that that includes mammals, let alone members of the human race.
More substance in that short sentence than in anything I have seen you post here. Anyway, you would be better employed and, I am sure, happier in a discussion with your intellectual equivalents. I doubt that that includes mammals, let alone members of the human race.

I offered cogent arguments. You offer adhominem attacks.
Originally Posted by Lowaicue
There is nothing wrong with high profits providing the ethics of the day are honoured.

But they aren't honored. Globalization, instead of spreading freedom, is incentivizing totalitarianism and fascism. Reference china.
I offered cogent arguments. You offer adhominem attacks.

His Chinese masters force him to post those comments.
If he doesn't kowtow to their whims, then he's sent off for "re-education".
Why do you think he had such a long abscence and just returned.

At one time, they forced him to say that he wanted the US to fail; but when asked about the possibility of a future revolution in China, he wasn't allowed to comment.

If you push him long enough, his masters will let him post something that has no bearing on the subject matter and then they make him defend it.

He's really very amusing, when you realize that he's just a lakey.