APP - Protectionism: Our Only Hope

It's an oppressive regime. I don;t have to go to know it sucks.

Just because they have KFC doesn';t mean freedom is on the march.

All regimes are oppressive to some degree. If you want progress then governmental guidance and control is essential. China is oppressive in some areas and freer than the US in others. You really should go. It has more to offer in the way of scenic beauty, history, myth and magic than any other nation on earth.
And puh-lease stop banging the freedom drum. It is such a tired old lie. You really are not as free as you think you are.
All regimes are oppressive to some degree. If you want progress then governmental guidance and control is essential. China is oppressive in some areas and freer than the US in others. You really should go. It has more to offer in the way of scenic beauty, history, myth and magic than any other nation on earth.
And puh-lease stop banging the freedom drum. It is such a tired old lie. You really are not as free as you think you are.

Says the guy who lives under tyranny. LOL
All regimes are oppressive to some degree. If you want progress then governmental guidance and control is essential. China is oppressive in some areas and freer than the US in others. You really should go. It has more to offer in the way of scenic beauty, history, myth and magic than any other nation on earth.
And puh-lease stop banging the freedom drum. It is such a tired old lie. You really are not as free as you think you are.


Keep sucking that totalitarian cock.

I'm fighting for something different.
Says the guy who lives under tyranny. LOL

Says the guy who is still waiting for his balls to drop.
Have you EVER been abroad? On your own? Without mummy's hand to hold?
You have absolutely no idea.
Anyway you have the right, under your constitution to be a fool. Enjoy.
Says the guy who is still waiting for his balls to drop.
Have you EVER been abroad? On your own? Without mummy's hand to hold?
You have absolutely no idea.
Anyway you have the right, under your constitution to be a fool. Enjoy.

Go away troll. You're not deep. you're not intelligent. You're just another fascist with no soul.
Go away troll. You're not deep. you're not intelligent. You're just another fascist with no soul.

Oh come, come. Lets be positive.
You are as shallow as a skid mark, you are a yank. You are f***** stupid. You are just another misguided, mis-educated ignoramus.
Ad hominem attacks are not an effective argument. You look foolish. You're just plain out of ideas.

So sorry, yank. I thought, after your sad showing, that AH comments were the only ones you understood. If you would prefer a discussion in which you do not prove you own stupidity and inconsistencies please have another attempt. I don't mind waiting.
So sorry, yank. I thought, after your sad showing, that AH comments were the only ones you understood. If you would prefer a discussion in which you do not prove you own stupidity and inconsistencies please have another attempt. I don't mind waiting.

You've already been defeated. Now you're just making noise. Go away.
Herpes = He will NEVER go away. Just flare up.

You fed him. Now you're going to have to walk him and have him de-wormed once a year.

So sad. Too bad.

Still obsessed you stupid dried out cow. Go get a guy. Try the Home for the blind. Want me to lend you the money?

(Genuine apologies to all those this might offend. She's been begging for my attention since I came back. So now she has it)
Says the guy who is still waiting for his balls to drop.
Have you EVER been abroad? On your own? Without mummy's hand to hold?
You have absolutely no idea.
Anyway you have the right, under your constitution to be a fool. Enjoy.

Yes, I do. You on the other hand are REQUIRED to be a fool. Freedom.

BTW, my balls dropped recently, right into a tax-loving teabaggee's mouth. She was super hot, so I didn't care that her politics suck. Mission accomplished.
Yes, I do. You on the other hand are REQUIRED to be a fool. Freedom.

BTW, my balls dropped recently, right into a tax-loving teabaggee's mouth. She was super hot, so I didn't care that her politics suck. Mission accomplished.

Nope. Wrong again, sonny. My life is a quite a bit freer than is yours. If you would like to compare notes sometime I'll gladly engage.
Would someone like to explain what is meant by a teabag? Apart, that is, from a small bag filled with tea or an item of ladies' underwear. Strange language you speak.
BTW when you actually DO get a blow job (that you havent had to pay for) be sure and let us know. In fact let us know when you eventually lose your cherry as well.
Nope. Wrong again, sonny. My life is a quite a bit freer than is yours. If you would like to compare notes sometime I'll gladly engage.
Would someone like to explain what is meant by a teabag? Apart, that is, from a small bag filled with tea or an item of ladies' underwear. Strange language you speak.
BTW when you actually DO get a blow job (that you havent had to pay for) be sure and let us know. In fact let us know when you eventually lose your cherry as well.

Do you really want to know about [ame=""]teabagging[/ame]?
Why didn't someone pick a different name?

Because a bunch of retards thought they could capitalize off of the term Tea Party... Sadly for them, Tea Party will always have a positive conotation in America, due to our history. They can make perverted sexual references, but they cannot undo history.