Protest? next Saturday

William Faulkner had a southern accent. Was he an idiot?
Yep. And I do promote the "proper American accent." Of course, my favorite of accents is the Queen's English. Basically, language is one of those areas which most brings out the elitist in me.

Overall, I have often wondered just how in the hell the southern drawl developed. Was every single colonist south of Maryland that uneducated during the 17th Century?
How does a drawl affect your intelligence? Does an Indian accent affect your intelligence? Give it a break Threedee. Whenever you isolate people from each other they start developing their language in different directions. Pretending that stage English is the only real way to speak English is retarded, and by definition it would only be appropriate to speak English stage English. Otherwise you're a moron.
It seems to me that she was struggling to make up for that fact with her contribution to society.

Perhaps Faulkner was too...

3D, people's accent come from the language spoken around them.

But I would be happy to introduce you to my kids. I doubt you could keep up, but they would be happy to shoot down your ridiculous theory.
Yeah, okay. I'm sure they're excellent shots.

If it were shooting, I am sure that two of the three would humiliate you. The oldest does not shoot.

No, I am talking about intellect. Three kids born in the south, to a southern family, and educated in the south, would be more than a match for your puny intellect any day of the week.

If you had made these same remarks concerning any racial group, you would be run off the boards by everyone. But its odd that you can denigrate the intelligence everyone with a certain accent, and you think you are being profound.

The simple truth is that you are showing your own ignorance and bigotry with every attempt to continue this nonsense.
If it were shooting, I am sure that two of the three would humiliate you. The oldest does not shoot.

No, I am talking about intellect. Three kids born in the south, to a southern family, and educated in the south, would be more than a match for your puny intellect any day of the week.

If you had made these same remarks concerning any racial group, you would be run off the boards by everyone. But its odd that you can denigrate the intelligence everyone with a certain accent, and you think you are being profound.

The simple truth is that you are showing your own bigotry with every attempt to continue this nonsense.


Yes, the South has shown itself to be a joke, so its pc to make fun of its accent, and everything else to boot...