Protesting Gas Prices

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I am doing my green thing this weekend and refusing to drive this weekend.

We have stored up provisions, ie., beer, and so I am having a sit in at my house.

All are welcome as long as you walk here.
LOL. Well, enjoy it Frog.

My CodePink friends and I spelled out I M P E A C H, with each of us holding
up one huge letter, and we stood on the edge of the LIE. It was great, because traffic is so heavy on Friday evenings in the summer, with all of the city-to-Hamptons crowd. I thought we'd get kicked out by the cops after five minutes, but we made it a whole hour before one of them even passed by! The rest of the weekend I'm saving for non-peace fun though.
Why not be upset at the government? Taxes add about 50 to 60 cents a gallon to the cost of a gallon of gas

Oil companies make about 10 cents profit on the same gallon of gas

Who is gouging who here?
In NYC the gas tax rate is attached to prices and therefore increases as consumer cost increases. The government makes a BUNDLE during times like this.

The retailer makes about 10 cents per gallon(Oil companies about 30 to 50 cents)...I'm all for cancelling all gas tax by Fed as well as long as it is written that the oil companies cannot raise the price and gain from the profit! As for this great weekend...went out for a beer or two last night...maybe the Lake for today or tomorrow...who knows...maybe another couple of cold ones at the Bucket too!:clink: I will toast our soldiers taking up the fight and may God bless em' and help em' win!
You are wrong

Oil companies profits are only a about dime per gallon

I laugh with the liberal media and lefties rant about the huge profits oil companies make - while ignoring government makes about 6 times as much money in taxes

Considering what oil companies do to make that dime - explore, drill, pump, ship, refine, and distribute - not alot of profit for all that work

As far as a link for the dime profit:
You are wrong

Oil companies profits are only a about dime per gallon

I laugh with the liberal media and lefties rant about the huge profits oil companies make - while ignoring government makes about 6 times as much money in taxes

Considering what oil companies do to make that dime - explore, drill, pump, ship, refine, and distribute - not alot of profit for all that work

As far as a link for the dime profit:
Of that dime they pay out about 2.7 cents in dividends and invest the rest back into researching new sources of oil, and infrastructure.

This creates jobs, and pays into the economy. The idea that it is some sort of zero sum game where all they do is collect rather than add to the economy is emotive rubbish.
Of that dime they pay out about 2.7 cents in dividends and invest the rest back into researching new sources of oil, and infrastructure.

This creates jobs, and pays into the economy. The idea that it is some sort of zero sum game where all they do is collect rather than add to the economy is emotive rubbish.

On top of that, whenever the oil companies want to explore for oil or build refineries - they go up against the tree huggers and enviro wackos who block their attempts

Next time you complain about gas prices, don't blame the oil companies - blame the left
Why not be upset at the government? Taxes add about 50 to 60 cents a gallon to the cost of a gallon of gas

Oil companies make about 10 cents profit on the same gallon of gas

Who is gouging who here?

Oil companies make about 10 cents profit on the same gallon of gas

Well, this either shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the petroleum industry, or it's a deliberate deception to elicit "sympathy" for the "cash strapped" oil companies.

READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY: this isn't 1875 anymore. Oil companies aren't simply making a profit by refining a barrel of oil, into a few gallons of gasoline.

Modern petroleum companies are highly diversified, making profits in both the upstream and downstream makets, petrochemicals, natural gas, LNG, chemicals, and other feedstocks that result fromt he refining process to make gasoline.

In short, focusing on the profit off of "a gallon of gasoline" is misleading. Cause their also making a profit off off other feedstocks that result fromt the gasoline refinement process, as well as their diversification into other markets of the petroleum industry: as mentioned above.

Oil companies make about 10 cents profit on the same gallon of gas

Well, this either shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the petroleum industry, or it's a deliberate deception to elicit "sympathy" for the "cash strapped" oil companies.

READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY: this isn't 1875 anymore. Oil companies aren't simply making a profit by refining a barrel of oil, into a few gallons of gasoline.

Modern petroleum companies are highly diversified, making profits in both the upstream and downstream makets, petrochemicals, natural gas, LNG, chemicals, and other feedstocks that result fromt he refining process to make gasoline.

In short, focusing on the profit off of "a gallon of gasoline" is misleading. Cause their also making a profit off off other feedstocks that result fromt the gasoline refinement process, as well as their diversification into other markets of the petroleum industry: as mentioned above.

Just got back from the Lake..the GD stayed with friends to party Hardy...old Gramps opted this is the first time I have agreed with Cippie...

Oil companies do in fact gain a profit of some .30-.50 cents per gallon..even after R&D....they have been crying the blues way too ya said 1870's..time for them to fess up...along with the Govt....hand in foot mouth disease...imho!...The lake is not sao much fun anymore when ya have to pay over $3.00 per gallon...***sigh*** Ob's suck fuel !
Give it a rest already...

On top of that, whenever the oil companies want to explore for oil or build refineries - they go up against the tree huggers and enviro wackos who block their attempts

Next time you complain about gas prices, don't blame the oil companies - blame the left

Oil companies think the general public is sooo dumb...NOT!
On top of that, whenever the oil companies want to explore for oil or build refineries - they go up against the tree huggers and enviro wackos who block their attempts

Next time you complain about gas prices, don't blame the oil companies - blame the left

and just how many new refinery permit processes have been started in the USA in the past 10 years ?

Contrary to what bush said about building them on abandoned military bases ?
The last refinery was built more then 30 years ago

Anytime the oil companies try to build one they run up against the tree huggers and EPA

No matter where they try to build them, the usual suspects will be there trying to stop it
a dumb, uninformed, and angry person is a perfect Dem voter

Libs have a cow over the dime oil companies make but rejoice at the tax revenue government makes

To a liberal it is simple:

profit - bad

taxes - good
I would seriously doubt if BB ever voted for a D.
So not to even try, even with Bush in the whitehouse telling them they can build on abandoned military bases ?
What a convenient excuse...

What a cut and run attitude. The greennies will fight it so I won't even apply to build a refinery :)

So convenitrent that they even cut maintenance costs and safety procedures on the Alaskan pipeline and their refineries. And the alaskan pipeline has outlived it's enginered life by nearly 100%....
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So not to even try, even with Bush in the whitehouse telling them they can build on abandoned military bases ?
What a convenient excuse...

What a cut and run attitude. The greennies will fight it so I won't even apply to build a refinery :)

So convenitrent that they even cut maintenance costs and safety procedures on the Alaskan pipeline and their refineries. And the alaskan pipeline has outlived it's enginered life by nearly 100%....

the libs answer to rising gas prices - increase the gas tax
I think we need to put a war tax on gasoline. To reflect the true cost of our oil.
And to pay for this war the main costs of which have been hidden in a decietful manner in supplemental spending bills.