Protesting Gas Prices

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Besides oil comapny bashing - do you have anything to back up your rants about gouging?
Well, they believe that because the companies make plastics, chemicals, etc. from a barrel of oil that the profits increase per gallon of gasoline, but it isn't true. The profit on each of the products is about the same. The record profits come when gasoline actually gets profitable and people still use the same amounts.

If people wished to get into their pockets, driving less would do it. None of those inane little one day "Don't buy gas on this day..." things. They do nothing as the gasoline still gets purchased regardless of whether or not it is bought on that day particularly.

Profits from oil companies are a constant battleground.

Truly, if you wish to defund the terror groups it should also be your goal to use less oil. This is one of the areas that Bush goes wanting. We should have made it a goal to get off the oil teat, instead we are told to buy like there is no tomorrow and ignore that the funding comes from those enriched by our own purchases.

Basically, we sell them the rope that they attempt to hang us with.
Easy enough solution

Why not let the oil companies do what they do best?

Locate the oil, pump it out of the ground, ship it to a refienry, refine it, and distribute the finished product

Allow the oil companies to build all the refineries they need to without the damn treehuggers and EPA getting in the way

You will see the price of gas drop down
"You will see the price of gas drop down"

Actually you will not see the price come down. Even in your scenario. Demand for oil is increasing too fast for production to keep up. Even if they found huge reserves today, it would be at least 4-5 years before that production came on line.

While the EPA and environemental groups certainly have put a hammer to every new refinery proposed, the blame must be shared with US. None of us want a refinery in OUR backyards. Local communities always find a way to justify the oil companies building "somewhere else". So we too are to blame.

Gas prices should remain high... until we find an alternate source of energy. I think the surge in development within solar and wind power are a good start. Fuel cell technology is likely still a decade away from being econmically viable for most uses... but it too is coming.
Everyday, libs get up and when they pull into a gas station they think where the hell is all that oil at?

The war WAS for oil - so where is it?

Are the baby killing troops keeping it in their tents?

Only in the "mind" of a lib...........

LOL, I did not say that the Bush admangleistration was any good at obtaining oil, just that was what it was about. They do however seem very good at keeping the price of oil up.
"You will see the price of gas drop down"

Actually you will not see the price come down. Even in your scenario. Demand for oil is increasing too fast for production to keep up. Even if they found huge reserves today, it would be at least 4-5 years before that production came on line.

While the EPA and environemental groups certainly have put a hammer to every new refinery proposed, the blame must be shared with US. None of us want a refinery in OUR backyards. Local communities always find a way to justify the oil companies building "somewhere else". So we too are to blame.

Gas prices should remain high... until we find an alternate source of energy. I think the surge in development within solar and wind power are a good start. Fuel cell technology is likely still a decade away from being econmically viable for most uses... but it too is coming.

Yep the bottle neck on gas is in the refining processes. Big oil has successfully bottlenecked that down.
Even if we had 5,000 tankers coming in tomorrow with $20/bbl oil would the gas price drop much ?
Oil companies are NOT gouging

Now if you call ten cents profit on a gallon of gas goughing - then what do call the 50 to 60 cents in taxes the government makes

and there are some states where Dems want to RAISE the gas tax

then I am glad they will never run afoul of the anti gas gouging law in congress :)

But their profit margin is higher that the worlds largest retailer's is.
Meanwhile one of his FOUR MANSIONS comsumes 20 times the energy of an average Americans home

and the monthly gas bill is over $1000/month

and his many trips of private jets

Yes, Al the hypocrite strikes again

You are just jealous.
I guess demoncrats are not supposed to be rich ?
Lets talk about some of the rich Republicans. Did GWB earn his money or was it pretty much handed to him ?
You are just jealous.
I guess demoncrats are not supposed to be rich ?
Lets talk about some of the rich Republicans. Did GWB earn his money or was it pretty much handed to him ?

Only the limo liberals like Edwards fights poverty in this manner

Business Week magazine reports that Edwards launched a poverty center that conveniently worked out of the same office as his political action committee. The nonprofit center spent a staggering 70% of the money it raised on a speaking tour for Edwards and on salaries for staffers who in short order just happened to join his presidential campaign. This gives new meaning to the term "poverty pimp."
Yep the bottle neck on gas is in the refining processes. Big oil has successfully bottlenecked that down.
Even if we had 5,000 tankers coming in tomorrow with $20/bbl oil would the gas price drop much ?
No. Until demand decreases, why should it?
No. Until demand decreases, why should it?
Correct or refinery capacity goes up (fat chance).

but I keep hearing glimmerings of offshore refineries going up to ship in gas and compete a bit.
Porbably only Chavez though. But that would explain why he is labelled a terrorist axis of evil type.
yeah baby and prices pro be higher come mid summer.
USC, your boy Chavez is shutting down news stations in Venz.
Nice hero you have douche bag
hero ? sorry gashopper just tail pipe dreams of competition. I really dont like or dislike the guy. I never plan on going to his country anyway. And it is HIS country right now.
I figure bush is jealous as hell because he can't stomp on CNN here ;)
Correct or refinery capacity goes up (fat chance).
Fat head Schumer bitching on Capital Hill because there isn't enough on the supply side. Economics - supply and demand.... Supply side economics... Schumer hates that idea, and now he's bitching and saber rattling because the oil companies were unable to do something he opposed and worked to prevent. Somebody shoot the Son of a Bitch already!
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