PSAKI: "Even after you’re vaccinated, social distancing / masks will be essential

I wear a mask at work 8+ hours a day. It’s not unusual for me to log 10,000-15,000 steps during that period. No big deal.

If someone can’t wear a mask for the few minutes a day they may be in public, then they are major pussies.

Whenever I take public transportation, or get on an airplane, I'm going to mask up. Frankly, it's something I should have done ages ago. I used to always give those folks who wore masks on planes funny looks, but I was wrong to do that. Now, I totally get it.
I wear a mask at work 8+ hours a day. It’s not unusual for me to log 10,000-15,000 steps during that period. No big deal.

If someone can’t wear a mask for the few minutes a day they may be in public, then they are major pussies.

Home depot?
lol does that include all of you who said they would not take any vaccine developed under the trump admin or has that changed?

Well the good news is that Trump didn't have a hand in any of the vaccines because they were all being developed before he tried to take credit for them.

But he did have a hand in fucking up the distribution of the vaccine, losing 20M doses.
Oh, give it up. He didn’t lie. He is a world renowned virologist. Novel viruses are a learn as you go type thing. I can’t have a discussion about this if you start from a false premise.
Novel virus isnt that novel that you cant figure out what mask to wear -and I dont mean 'doubling up' on whim by Fauci

Fauci et all kept promoting lock down long after the reason given "we need to not overflow the hospitals"
Instead Fauci advised lockdown as a containment strategy -it was a big screw up and hurt the economy needlessly
Lock downs are not more then temporary holding strategy
Mutation can led to increased replication.
mutation leads to increased transmission.
The replication rate is determined by how the body is able to suppress/interfere with replication or not, and WHEN early interference of replication 'nips it in the bud' ( like hydroxychoroquine cockatail at first infection detection.


You know, like you basically said three posts ago that you clearly forgot you wrote.
Transmission is effected by the exchange of virus direct contact with noses and eyes (receptor cites of the body)
and the amount of the virus ( count)

Which is what I said, you stupid, lying asshole.
you have no idea what you are saying

And the increased replication? That came from a mutation. And the mutation only happened because you dithered for 12 months.
Replication is not effected by the mutation. the mutation effects higher transmission rates
“Currently, we do not have enough data to be able to say with confidence that the vaccines can prevent transmission,” Fauci said in a tweet during an online Q&A session. “So even if vaccinated, you may still be able to spread the virus to vulnerable people.”
horseshit, there would have to be a high aount of live virus in the nose after inoculation.. It doesnt make sense that would be the case, since the amount of live virus is greatly diminished by the successful
I think masks can prevent some big droplets when a person sneezes n shit on someone.
It is rude to sneeze or cough on someone for a reason. Viruses don't stay with the fluid. They go right through the mask anyway as if it weren't even there.
but as we see by the spikes and infection rates they have been mostly ineffective.
Actually, they are completely ineffective.
Cloth masks are neer worthless
Actually, they are COMPLETELY worthless.
according to this peer reviewed study
Peer review is not used in science. There is no elite voting bloc in science, and consensus is not used in science. Science is not a study. A study is not a proof.
and this is in a medical setting,
it would only be worse with layman and cheap chinese cloth masks that most are wearing. :
It is actually the same. They are completely ineffective.

Standard N95 mask performance was used as a control to compare the results with cloth masks, and our results suggest that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles<2.5 μm
N95 masks do not stop any particle <3um. A typical virus is about 0.25um.
as for St. Fauci? you are correct. and he's been caught lying about the suibject twice.
Three times, if you are counting his differing opinion about masks.

If you are counting the number of times he lied about masks at all, it's hundreds of times.
When I become vaccinated, I will still mask wear and social distance. Why?

Just as I don’t know your vaccination status, you don’t know mine. I at least owe you the respect and peace of mind to do so.

That is not respect. It is hypochondria. I owe you NOTHING.
I wear a mask at work 8+ hours a day. It’s not unusual for me to log 10,000-15,000 steps during that period. No big deal.

If someone can’t wear a mask for the few minutes a day they may be in public, then they are major pussies.

If someone lives in unnatural fear and wears a mask, then they are major pussies.
Whenever I take public transportation, or get on an airplane, I'm going to mask up. Frankly, it's something I should have done ages ago. I used to always give those folks who wore masks on planes funny looks, but I was wrong to do that. Now, I totally get it.

Enjoy your fear.
Well the good news is that Trump didn't have a hand in any of the vaccines because they were all being developed before he tried to take credit for them.

But he did have a hand in fucking up the distribution of the vaccine, losing 20M doses.

Trump had a big hand in vaccine development. He got government out of the way of it.
Cuomo lost the doses (actually he destroyed them), not Trump. Pfizer distributes the vaccine, not the government.
WTF is it with this woman? she's a gaffe machine (oh right -so is her boss)

Hey, she is not up there antagonisticly attempting to sell lies

And she is right on the masks etc., it isn’t known yet if one vaccinated can still pass the virus, none of the vaccines are 100%