There are two ways to acquire immunity: naturally, or through vaccination. So it is not "natural immunity vs acquired".
There are many unanswered questions, so I will not be able to have your false "certainty." It appears that all forms of immunity to Covid-19 is short lived and weak. The current best guess is that it lasts about 5 months, when acquired naturally. They are suggesting that a booster shot of the vaccine could extend that to a year or two. So uninfected people would get two shots, and people with some natural immunity would get one shot.
What will the future hold? Biden is right to play it by ear, because honestly we do not know. The vaccines certainly decrease symptoms, but there is limited evidence what they do about the spreading of the disease. Lowering symptoms may make the disease spread more. There are definitely mutations of the disease forming, which is a very bad sign.
A year from now this may all seem like a bad dream... OR, ten years from now, this may seem like the good times before the far worse times.
The questions are pretty much answered but the media only reports on selective stories to sell a narrative.
Show me contradicting science to both of these and I'll listen. and no "St. Fauci says" doesn't count.
Remember how you were told cloth masks worked? I was on another forum at the time but I kept posting this peer reviewed study that people refused to pay attention to, or they would make up some nonsense.
So this study was discarded, ridiculed and dismissed without intellectual commentary by those following mandates and guidelines to a "T" without question....
Now if cloths masks work, why suddenly is St. Fauci recommending two masks? one surgical and one cloth?
because cloth masks really didn't work.
Note for example here in NY that we were already on the downside of the wave when cuomo mandated masks. note the trajectory didn't change at all.

There is not "limited data" and no, the diseases is not spreading more with lower symptoms based on the isreali real world experience of pfizers study. Its all right there, media agitators for ratings and agenda, need to keep selling fear.
all diseases mutate, its a natural progression. None of the mutations have been proven more deadly, some have been proven to spread faster, but the reality of this is, is that the corona virus is not very dangerous to healthy people under 65 or most under 65, and if these idiot governors did not put covid patients in nursing homes, we would have had close to 40% less deaths in this country.
So a little sanity, objective reasoning, and unbiased research and reporting needs to happen here, if you want to get out of this "bad dream".