PSAKI: "Even after you’re vaccinated, social distancing / masks will be essential

What do you mean by "I was trained in the East"?

I fed my mind the wisdom of Eastern Civilization, and my most important teachers tended to be Western men who also had a affinity for Eastern Wisdom, such as Jung and Alan Watts. Somehow even as a boy I had the sense that the West was failing, so I set out on an adventure to look for other possibilities. I was very lucky to end up at Michigan State University which at that time had a fabulous library. I plundered it.
:laugh: That's rich. "Get over it." You go first.


“Who cares [if they] died in the hospital, died in a nursing home? They died.”

That’s how Gov. Cuomo callously responded Friday to the damning state attorney general’s report that revealed his administration downplayed the total number of nursing home residents killed by COVID-19.

“But who cares — 33 [percent], 29 [percent] — died in the hospital, died in a nursing home? They died.”
I fed my mind the wisdom of Eastern Civilization, and my most important teachers tended to be Western men who also had a affinity for Eastern Wisdom, such as Jung and Alan Watts. Somehow even as a boy I had the sense that the West was failing, so I set out on an adventure to look for other possibilities. I was very lucky to end up at Michigan State University which at that time had a fabulous library. I plundered it.

Eastern philosophy is fascinating, and useful in its way. I do not know how well it does against a pandemic, but not everything in life is about the pandemic.
:laugh: That's rich. "Get over it." You go first.


“Who cares [if they] died in the hospital, died in a nursing home? They died.”

That’s how Gov. Cuomo callously responded Friday to the damning state attorney general’s report that revealed his administration downplayed the total number of nursing home residents killed by COVID-19.

“But who cares — 33 [percent], 29 [percent] — died in the hospital, died in a nursing home? They died.”
They did die, it’s horrendous, none of us have denied that, but you trying to equate it to inciting a mob to attack the Capitol is ridiculous. Cuomo was stupid to cover it up. He has to answer to his constituents. Using the word incited doesn’t fit here.
Dr. Fauci and the NIH’s History in Experimenting on Foster Children and Using Aborted Fetal Tissue to Develop an HIV Vaccine
full article at


Medical Kidnapping in the U.S. – Kidnapping Children for Drug Trials

Some highlights from that article:

The U.S. federal government has mandated drug research with children. The need for children to participate in drug company research is high, and the temptation to overstep parental rights to force children to participate is great. Researchers publicly admit using money and other rewards to obtain participation of children in their drug trials.

Organizations that advocate for the rights of parents to make decisions regarding their children’s healthcare are finding that foster children in CPS custody are being enrolled in drug experiments without parental approval. State Child Protective Services are enrolling children in drug experiments without parental approval or court orders. However, those who conduct these drug experiments for pharmaceutical companies, and those who are charged with monitoring such research, do not see a problem with their recruitment methods.

In a 2011 article in the Journal Pediatrics, researchers discussed the problem of recruiting children for participation in clinical trials for drug testing. Researchers from Ohio State University (Columbus) and Case Western Reserve University, confirm that the US federal government is mandating that children be included in clinical research studies.

Dr. Tishler, PhD, and Dr. Staats Reiss, PhD stated:

Since 1994, federal guidelines have called for the inclusion of children in clinical studies. Related federal incentives and laws such as the “pediatric rule” (the Pediatric Research Equity Act) and the pediatric exclusivity provision have also been passed to increase the number of pediatric clinical trials launched by pharmaceutical companies. Despite these mandates, the allocations to pediatric clinical trials in federal and private research and development budgets have remained limited. In addition, pediatric researchers continue to experience difficulty locating children and families who are willing to enroll in clinical trials.

Recruitment for pediatric studies is hampered by several factors including ethical concerns with using children as subjects, regulatory oversight that is significantly more restrictive for child trials than for adult trials, a lack of research infrastructure, the need to obtain consent from parents, and the challenge of determining appropriate payments for participation that are not coercive.

In 2005, a hearing with the title “Protections for Foster Children Enrolled in Clinical Trials” was held by the U.S. House of Representatives. The Subcommittee on Human Resources of the Committee on Ways and Means, investigated whether adequate safeguards were in place to protect foster children from being forced to participate in drug studies.

The allegation that they were investigating involved clinical drug trials on AIDS drugs that were conducted during the period from the late 1980s through 2001.

Since publishing this article back in 2015, much more information has come to surface, especially in light of the COVID Plandemic of 2020. The same group of people who have been involved in HIV/AIDS research to develop an HIV vaccine, a vaccine which has never come to market, are the same group of people now working with the U.S. Government to develop a COVID vaccine.
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HIV/AIDS DNA Vaccine now a COVID DNA Vaccine Project – Same People, Same Methods

Having failed at their attempts to develop a DNA altering vaccine for HIV/AIDS, the same group of people are now collecting BILLIONS of dollars of U.S. funding to develop a COVID DNA altering vaccine.

It looks a lot like the same play book, only this time it is on “Warp Speed” for fast-tracking, and instead of using fresh fetal tissue to create “humanized mice” they have the FDA’s approval to conduct trials directly on humans, with no animal testing first.

What will be the results?
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The House That AIDS Built

Liam Scheff

This article deals with pharmaceutical abuse in a children’s home in NYC. This is a most controversial story – however, it’s entirely based in fact and good reporting. I hope you’ll find it as compelling and shocking as I did investigating it.

This piece was investigated and written in summer / winter 2003 and published in January 2004.

Liam Scheff. E-mail :


In New York’s Washington Heights is a 4-story brick building called Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC). This former convent houses a revolving stable of children who’ve been removed from their own homes by the Agency for Child Services. These children are black, Hispanic and poor. Many of their mothers had a history of drug abuse and have died. Once taken into ICC, the children become subjects of drug trials sponsored by NIAID (National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease, a division of the NIH), NICHD (the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) in conjunction with some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies – GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Genentech, Chiron/Biocine and others.

The drugs being given to the children are toxic – they’re known to cause genetic mutation, organ failure, bone marrow death, bodily deformations, brain damage and fatal skin disorders. If the children refuse the drugs, they’re held down and have them force fed. If the children continue to resist, they’re taken to Columbia Presbyterian hospital where a surgeon puts a plastic tube through their abdominal wall into their stomachs. From then on, the drugs are injected directly into their intestines.

In 2003, two children, ages 6 and 12, had debilitating strokes due to drug toxicities. The 6-year-old went blind. They both died shortly after. Another 14-year old died recently. An 8-year-old boy had two plastic surgeries to remove large, fatty, drug-induced lumps from his neck.
continued at
I fed my mind the wisdom of Eastern Civilization, and my most important teachers tended to be Western men who also had a affinity for Eastern Wisdom, such as Jung and Alan Watts. Somehow even as a boy I had the sense that the West was failing, so I set out on an adventure to look for other possibilities. I was very lucky to end up at Michigan State University which at that time had a fabulous library. I plundered it.
Thats good. I consider myself an "eastern mind" living in the west.
My religion and philosophical bent is decidedly "oriental"( to use the old fashion term given to the east by the west.)

The mind can do anything if you have the patience and discipline to take it to where it needs to learn and practice

I dont claim being trained in the east, but this westerner much prefers eastern mannerisms for ex.
As I grow wiser I try to see any synthesis or overlap but dont need any integration to be comfortable with this duality

and of course you need to check your ego so you dont start deluding yourself you are some kind of master -
..just observant
Thats good. I consider myself an "eastern mind" living in the west.
My religion and philosophical bent is decidedly "oriental"( to use the old fashion term given to the east by the west.)

The mind can do anything if you have the patience and discipline to take it to where it needs to learn and practice

I dont claim being trained in the east, but this westerner much prefers eastern mannerisms for ex.
As I grow wiser I try to see any synthesis or overlap but dont need any integration to be comfortable with this duality

and of course you need to check your ego so you dont start deluding yourself you are some kind of master -
..just observant

Most of these fucks I find online act like they barely/never have spent time with the Western Cannon, as for the East forget about it, they cant even begin to comprehend it. It is worth noting that Americans lack of interest in education, our general lack of curiosity, our extreme laziness and our narcissism largely account for why Americans have very little understanding of the Chinese (Or the Russians for that matter, or just about anyone else around the world). But they understand us, they have been studying us for a long time.

We are going to get creamed.
You are missing a step. When the pandemic ebbs, then we will no longer need masks. It is not tied to the vaccine, it is tied to the spread of the disease. If the vaccine ends the pandemic, then we no longer need masks. If the vaccine slows the spread, then we need masks more than ever, to finally end the pandemic.

Lets say the R0 (natural spread of the disease) for the new strain is 3. Every new infected person could be expected to infect three others, if nothing is done to stop that. Lets say the vaccine is 50% effective in reducing infections, so we get an R of 1.5. That is greater than 1, so the pandemic will continue to spread. Worse yet, it will continue to evolve around the vaccine, so we might be back to an R of 3.

Now lets say masks are also 50% effective. So if we use vaccines, and masks, then we get an R of 0.75. That means a slow end to the pandemic. It is not the quick end we want, but it is an end.

But you may say that I am picking worst case scenario numbers. What if the vaccine is 90% effective? We would get an R of 0.3 without masks, and 0.15 with masks. Even in this case, we are seeing a much quicker end to the pandemic with masks, which would save hundreds of thousands of lives, and trillions of dollars.

Antibodies fade quickly, and second infections are possible. I cannot see an upside to you not wearing a mask, but there is a very real possibility of a downside.

Notice I said possibility. We do not have all the answers, and may never have all the answers.

vaccine is over 90% effective according data. Can you rerun your numbers?

i get tested for antibodies every month. still have them since last march when I got the wuhan. ;)
vaccine is over 90% effective according data. Can you rerun your numbers?

No, the vaccines are over 90% effective in reducing symptoms. That is very different than reducing contagion. And I did run the numbers for the vaccine being 90% effective in reducing contagion.

But you may say that I am picking worst case scenario numbers. What if the vaccine is 90% effective? We would get an R of 0.3 without masks, and 0.15 with masks. Even in this case, we are seeing a much quicker end to the pandemic with masks, which would save hundreds of thousands of lives, and trillions of dollars.

i get tested for antibodies every month. still have them since last march when I got the wuhan. ;)

Why? Serious question there. Why? The first antibody test would tell you that you had Covid-19. If it is part of a study to see how long Covid-19 antibodies last, they should not be telling you the results, because that will change your behavior. People with testable amounts of the antibodies are getting Covid-19 a second time, so telling you the results is encouraging you to do dangerous things.

What benefit is being gained by you being tested for antibodies every month?
Pretty common sense, and also a fairly consensus opinion in the scientific community.

It’s goal post shifting.

Where does common sense come in? Common sense says that after you’re vaccinated you’re immune to the disease; and if you’re immune, then by definition, you’re incapable of becoming infected and if you’re not infected, then you’re unable to transmit the disease.

The Goal Post Shifter in Chief, Fauci, bumped the herd immunity number up to something like 90%. I don’t know if he pulled the figure out of his hat or what. It’s Fauci, so it’s hard to say. But how are we going to get there without vaccinating children?

There’s the small problem that children weren’t included in any of the trials. So we/they are either going to mandate that children become literal trial subjects [parents are going to love that] or we’re going to settle for something south of 90%.

Since our numbers are dropping, seemingly inexplicably, common sense would seem to dictate that our herd immunity number could be way south of Fauci’s number.

Wouldn’t that be something.
No, the vaccines are over 90% effective in reducing symptoms. That is very different than reducing contagion. And I did run the numbers for the vaccine being 90% effective in reducing contagion.

Why? Serious question there. Why? The first antibody test would tell you that you had Covid-19. If it is part of a study to see how long Covid-19 antibodies last, they should not be telling you the results, because that will change your behavior. People with testable amounts of the antibodies are getting Covid-19 a second time, so telling you the results is encouraging you to do dangerous things.

What benefit is being gained by you being tested for antibodies every month?

link to "reducing contagion" rates.

I am an "essential person" due to my contracts, I get tested every month and told the results as is everyone who gets the antibodies test. I do so because a positive antibodies test is the same as what the vaccine would show. as long as I have them, I am defacto "vaccinated".
link to "reducing contagion" rates.
Late-stage clinical trials have already shown that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has an efficacy of 95 percent against symptomatic infection, and the Moderna-NIAID has an efficacy of 94.1 percent.
“We need to be sequencing and keeping track of these mutations,” she said, as well as looking at whether the vaccines prevent transmission of the virus from one person to another.

I am an "essential person" due to my contracts, I get tested every month and told the results as is everyone who gets the antibodies test. I do so because a positive antibodies test is the same as what the vaccine would show. as long as I have them, I am defacto "vaccinated".

You are either being given wrong information, or giving yourself wrong information. The antibody test is good at saying whether you have any antibodies, and therefore have ever had the disease. It does not tell you the level of antibodies, and the likelihood of getting Covid-19 again. You might be "de facto vaccinated", but you might not be. Even if you were really vaccinated, no one knows what effect that has on your ability to infect others.

You are either being given wrong information, or giving yourself wrong information. The antibody test is good at saying whether you have any antibodies, and therefore have ever had the disease. It does not tell you the level of antibodies, and the likelihood of getting Covid-19 again. You might be "de facto vaccinated", but you might not be. Even if you were really vaccinated, no one knows what effect that has on your ability to infect others.

"natural immunity" vs acquired.

read this interesting article it discusses how the politics are fucking up your world view on what med school students learn very early on.

you are being fear mongered. the vaccine is the key to going back to normal life, not two masks and a vaccine and continued living in fear isolated and at home.
"natural immunity" vs acquired.

There are two ways to acquire immunity: naturally, or through vaccination. So it is not "natural immunity vs acquired".

There are many unanswered questions, so I will not be able to have your false "certainty." It appears that all forms of immunity to Covid-19 is short lived and weak. The current best guess is that it lasts about 5 months, when acquired naturally. They are suggesting that a booster shot of the vaccine could extend that to a year or two. So uninfected people would get two shots, and people with some natural immunity would get one shot.

What will the future hold? Biden is right to play it by ear, because honestly we do not know. The vaccines certainly decrease symptoms, but there is limited evidence what they do about the spreading of the disease. Lowering symptoms may make the disease spread more. There are definitely mutations of the disease forming, which is a very bad sign.

A year from now this may all seem like a bad dream... OR, ten years from now, this may seem like the good times before the far worse times.