Psychopath Elon Musk announces ASSAULT VEHICLE that will do 0-100 in 4 seconds

R6 #33

I'll take that as a yes.

Ever since the invention of the "horseless carriage," auto enthusiasts (and automobile manufacturers, for that matter) have striven to get more speed out of their automobiles, that is a fact.
My Cobra is fast (damn fast, actually), but I sure won't test it's limits on the streets or highways, I have no need to prove anything to myself or anyone else. It's all about responsibility and
common sense.
So, yes we can restrict automobile speeds, but it's the competitive human nature to become stronger, faster and better than the next guy (see my #41 post above), so it wouldn't be much
of a restriction at all, merely a setback.
So, yes we can restrict automobile speeds, but it's the competitive human nature to become stronger, faster and better than the next guy (see my #41 post above), so it wouldn't be much
of a restriction at all, merely a setback.

So you're saying there should be no speed limits at all?? You belong in the nuthouse.
So you're saying there should be no speed limits at all?? You belong in the nuthouse.

Accusing me of being a pervert because I'm an automobile enthusiast? Silly you!
I never said there shouldn't be speed limits, now did I?
Quit reading things that aren't there, and you say I belong in the nut house? Hmmm...
R6 #46

Now that the topic is on the table:

Many of our nation's posted speed limits were set generations ago, when there were cars with two wheel drum brakes, and bias ply tires.

Due to automotive innovations, today's cars have:
4 wheel power disc brakes
autonomous braking
radial, 4 season tires

Stopping distances have been cut roughly in half.
Yet we're still dogged with these mind-numbingly slow posted speed limits.

We have a natural feel for the appropriate speed for conditions; at what speed we safely traverse the pavement.

When I switched from Robert:


to my Cobalt:


I was driving to town, about a 20 mile trip. I got to driving it on the familiar highway I've driven hundreds of times over the past few decades.
I was used to the Ford Ranger above. Seemed like I was going about the same speed. I glanced down at the speedometer. It said 70 MPH.

- oops -

I had to learn to back off the pedal deliberately. And the ride at 55 MPH was so lethargic for such an agile car, my attention wandered.
I sincerely believe I'm a safer driver at 65 to 70, depending ...



On I-95 there are long stretches of highway with posted speed limit of 70 MPH.
There as elsewhere, on a bright sunny day, traffic is moving along at 10 MPH or more over the posted speed limit.

So I had to do 80 or more just to keep up with traffic. And this little gem takes it in stride (a little noisy though, above 70).

Why must a well designed roadster like this be stuck confined to the same speed limit a 20 year old garbage truck with a broken suspension spring can legally drive?

I suspect the State(s) could make money, and perhaps save lives issuing performance licenses to cars and drivers that warrant them.
R6 #46

Now that the topic is on the table:

Many of our nation's posted speed limits were set generations ago, when there were cars with two wheel drum brakes, and bias ply tires.

Due to automotive innovations, today's cars have:
4 wheel power disc brakes
autonomous braking
radial, 4 season tires

Stopping distances have been cut roughly in half.
Yet we're still dogged with these mind-numbingly slow posted speed limits.

We have a natural feel for the appropriate speed for conditions; at what speed we safely traverse the pavement.

Safely?? You think our roads are presently so safe we can RAISE speed limits??? So why do we have 37,000 americans killed every year on our highways? You are insane.
Safely?? You think our roads are presently so safe we can RAISE speed limits??? So why do we have 37,000 americans killed every year on our highways? You are insane.

Stupidity, distractions and impairment contribute to a majority of those accidents. I sure wouldn't want speed limits raised near schools, nor on winding country roads. But on long straight highways, 55 mph isn't that fast.