APP - public option dead?

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
it looks like the dems have shot themselves in the foot over the public option for health care reform

this leaves the insurance companies to do what they like without serious competition - the proposed coops are insufficient

where are the no gender discrimination, no preexisting condition discrimination and no canceling if an insured gets seriously ill provisions

150 million in contributions to congress critters is paying off for the insurance companies
you have got to be kidding me, so the over 50% of the American people who are now against this, is now all being paid off by the insurance companies??

what don't you people NOT understand about people not wanting the Federal Government taking over the decisions about their HEALTH CARE..
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you have got to be kidding me, so the over 50% of the American people who are now against this, is now all paid off by the insurance companies??

what don't you people NOT understand about people not wanting the Federal Government taking over the decisions about their HEALTH CARE..

They're misinformed. They, like yourself, don't know why the hell they oppose it. They oppose it because they see some scary lies about killing grandma, death panels, etc. You still think the government is going to be "taking over" and making decisions for your healthcare. But you can't tell me how or where in HR 3200 it provides for such things.

You will not see a bill leave the house without a strong public option. It's guaranteed. What happens in the senate is anyone's guess.

My guess is all these sabres rattling about getting rid of the option is going to mobilize the liberal/progressive constituents to lobby heavily to get it back in, and the six obstructionist/enabling Democrats in the senate will cave by November.

The president will sign a bill with a strong public option.
They're misinformed. They, like yourself, don't know why the hell they oppose it. They oppose it because they see some scary lies about killing grandma, death panels, etc.

You will not see a bill leave the house without a strong public option. It's guaranteed. What happens in the senate is anyone's guess.

My guess is all these sabres rattling about getting rid of the option is going to mobilize the liberal/progressive constituents to lobby heavily to get it back in, and the six obstructionist/enabling Democrats in the senate will cave by November.

The president will sign a bill with a strong public option.

oh yeah that is right, we are all misinformed and the Democrats are all telling us the truth..
have you seen the latest polls...not many people consider themselves commies..I mean progressives..
my prediction, you all sign this bill against the wishes of the American people...I for one will be happy to see it..nice knowing you all in the failed and dead progressive-Democrat party..:clink:
oh yeah that is right, we are all misinformed and the Democrats are all telling us the truth..
have you seen the latest polls...not many people consider themselves commies..I mean progressives..
my prediction, you all sign this bill against the wishes of the American people...I for one will be happy to see it..nice knowing you all in the failed and dead progressive-Democrat party..:clink:

If you're not misinformed, tell me how HR 3200 is a "take over" of your health decisions.
There can really be no meaningful reform of our health care system with out public option. Self centered special interest has triumphed over the national interest.
They're misinformed.

if there is any misinformation involved, it can be laid squarely at the feet of the Democrats....after all, they were the ones that presented this plan and insisted on trying to pass it before it had even been read and certainly without any debate in Congress.....
There can really be no meaningful reform of our health care system with out public option. Self centered special interest has triumphed over the national interest.

to be honest, I can live with a public was taking an axe to the private option that destroyed this plan.....
you have got to be kidding me, so the over 50% of the American people who are now against this, is now all being paid off by the insurance companies??

what don't you people NOT understand about people not wanting the Federal Government taking over the decisions about their HEALTH CARE..

first, by what poll

second, what about the millions receiving federal health care benefits, VA benefits and medicare benefits

not mention the private insurance committees that decide your health care
I think we need about 9 to 18 months more debate about it. That way cap and scheme is not in the works before the recovery takes hold.
I think we need about 9 to 18 months more debate about it. That way cap and scheme is not in the works before the recovery takes hold.
This would be an effective means of educating people as well, the ideas should be put out there and discussed and a consensus reached. Passing far-reaching legislation against the will of your constituency is a mistake of epic proportions when it happens right at the beginning of an election cycle. I don't believe that they will pass anything this year.
This would be an effective means of educating people as well, the ideas should be put out there and discussed and a consensus reached. Passing far-reaching legislation against the will of your constituency is a mistake of epic proportions when it happens right at the beginning of an election cycle. I don't believe that they will pass anything this year.

Not according to Bob Beckel, Sr Political Analyst (Liberal) for, GASP!, FoxNews!

He so haughtily reported that it will be passed by the end of the year in his usual pompous-assed, brook no argument fashion.

If it doesn't, I can't wait to see that jackass squirm in his seat on national television as he spits and sputters about why those evil Repubs foiled a beautiful thing.
first, by what poll

second, what about the millions receiving federal health care benefits, VA benefits and medicare benefits

not mention the private insurance committees that decide your health care

VA and Medicare? You mean taking care of people who have spent their whole life paying taxes? Or soldiers who sign up to risk their lives for country?
I think we need about 9 to 18 months more debate about it. That way cap and scheme is not in the works before the recovery takes hold.
Not gonna happen. Obama is spending tons of political capital on this. He has essentially till the end of the year and then he has to concern himself with his political survival. If there's not bill presented by the end of the year, it's just not gonna happen.
This would be an effective means of educating people as well, the ideas should be put out there and discussed and a consensus reached. Passing far-reaching legislation against the will of your constituency is a mistake of epic proportions when it happens right at the beginning of an election cycle. I don't believe that they will pass anything this year.
I agree with you in principle but the political realities pretty much doom the measure to happening this year. 2010 begins a new political cycle and congressional reps are going to be more concerned with getting re-elected with out having health care reform around their neck like a lead anchor.
I agree with you in principle but the political realities pretty much doom the measure to happening this year. 2010 begins a new political cycle and congressional reps are going to be more concerned with getting re-elected with out having health care reform around their neck like a lead anchor.
The new election cycle will begin this October, this has no real shot at passing because these people will fear for their jobs. Obama's political capital notwithstanding this will kill their shot at reelection if they ignore it, it is that unpopular.