APP - public option dead?

(almost an hour later) I didn't think you could.

You didn't honestly believe you'd get someone who's also a birther to give you a rational, reasonable answer did you?

OF COURSE they can't show how Government would be taking over the insurance industry.

That's why she has to re-post RightWing blogs, she hasn't had an original idea since she got here.
I'm all for any meaningful compromises that will do that. Damn the partisans, both sides, damn them all to hell. A pox on both houses.

how about a bare bones public option and permit the private industry to sell an umbrella supplemental policy with a deductible equal to the public option.....basically the same approach they use for Medicare and Medicare Supplemental.....
how about a bare bones public option and permit the private industry to sell an umbrella supplemental policy with a deductible equal to the public option.....basically the same approach they use for Medicare and Medicare Supplemental.....

What you describe above is far, far more than what is currently being proposed relative to the "public option." The "public option" that is in the House bill (and as approved by the Senate HELP committee) is simply government provided health insurance with different tiers of coverage that competes with various privately offered health insurance options. People can either sign up for one of the government insurance plans or are free to sign up for whatever private coverage they want.

If you want more coverage than the "public option" provides there is no need to get supplemental private insurance, you can just not sign up for the "public option" and buy private insurance instead.
People can either sign up for one of the government insurance plans or are free to sign up for whatever private coverage they want.
no private company could sell supplemental insurance under the current proposal....any private offering must include everything included in the public plan....
If you want more coverage than the "public option" provides there is no need to get supplemental private insurance, you can just not sign up for the "public option" and buy private insurance instead.
which is the exact opposite of what I am the Medicare, Medicare Supplemental situation the government plan covers the first dollars of damage and the supplemental only covers the amount after the government stops's like an umbrella liability policy, much cheaper since the first million or so in benefits is already covered by another policy....

think of it as health insurance with a million dollar deductible.....
how about a bare bones public option and permit the private industry to sell an umbrella supplemental policy with a deductible equal to the public option.....basically the same approach they use for Medicare and Medicare Supplemental.....
What you describe here is much like the French plan.
which is the exact opposite of what I am the Medicare, Medicare Supplemental situation the government plan covers the first dollars of damage and the supplemental only covers the amount after the government stops's like an umbrella liability policy, much cheaper since the first million or so in benefits is already covered by another policy....

think of it as health insurance with a million dollar deductible.....

You are basically talking about Medicare for all with supplemental insurance offered by private insurers. That's pretty much a non-starter in the current debate.
how about a bare bones public option and permit the private industry to sell an umbrella supplemental policy with a deductible equal to the public option.....basically the same approach they use for Medicare and Medicare Supplemental.....
Isn't that the big idea behind the co-ops? Yea, I'd go for that. How do they know that co-ops won't work if they don't at least try the approach. I'd even approve a phased in approach for that to see if it works. You can always go back to the drawing board if it doesn't.
Isn't that the big idea behind the co-ops? Yea, I'd go for that. How do they know that co-ops won't work if they don't at least try the approach. I'd even approve a phased in approach for that to see if it works. You can always go back to the drawing board if it doesn't.

I don't think that is the idea behind the co-ops. My understanding of the co-op idea is to have a non-profit consumer owned insurance option that would compete with for-profit private insurers as opposed to having a government sponsored "public option" that would compete with private insurers.

Neither the "public option" nor the co-op idea is designed to replace private insurance. Instead, both are designed to be competitors to private insurance.
Isn't that the big idea behind the co-ops? Yea, I'd go for that. How do they know that co-ops won't work if they don't at least try the approach. I'd even approve a phased in approach for that to see if it works. You can always go back to the drawing board if it doesn't.

coops isn't the same, as I understand it....
Somewhat true, they could offer more coverage than any of the plans.

yes, but the problem is, they must offer everything the public plan does....that means they can offer nothing which isn't more expensive than the government know as well as I do what the net effect of that is....
You are basically talking about Medicare for all with supplemental insurance offered by private insurers. That's pretty much a non-starter in the current debate.

except that it doesn't have to be government paid for all....that is the obstacle....if you can afford your insurance, you pay for it.....
Neither the "public option" nor the co-op idea is designed to replace private insurance. Instead, both are designed to be competitors to private insurance.
except that the problem was, they rigged the system so private insurance couldn't compete against the public.....
Nah, he left the VA alone.
Oh yeah, that great government run health care system. The one that fucked my uncle up so bad his leg injury turned into a two year stint, then they hooked him on morphine. My Dad refuses to go there, and paid for private insurance until he retired. *shrug*