APP - public option dead?

Oh yeah, that great government run health care system. The one that fucked my uncle up so bad his leg injury turned into a two year stint, then they hooked him on morphine. My Dad refuses to go there, and paid for private insurance until he retired. *shrug*

Sorry to hear about your uncle. Though, as a general matter, the VA receives higher patient satisfaction ratings than the private sector.
by specifying all insurance policies had to offer everything the public plan did....

And if they did not they could keep those policies only until they needed a new policy. They were "grandfathered" only for those who currently hold those policies and their dependents.

If a company wanted to remain off exchange and sell new insurance they must at the least match that of the basic tier in the public option or they would not be "approved" and as such could not offer new policies. Again, the single 20 year old man is forced to pay for pregnancy coverage and cannot save their money by selecting a high deductible and choosing a HSP.
Hopefully they've improved in 40 years. Our troops deserve better than he got.

didn't they pass something a few years ago that gives vets the option of going to any hospital they want to and still get the bill covered?.....I know that was proposed.....

I think what it boils down to is that the VA has a well deserved reputation in dealing with severe traumatic injuries.....there are probably lots of civilian hospitals with better care for geriatric matters......