Putin gives terms for Ukraine ceasefire and peace talks

So, what's the alternative? Ukraine continues to fight a war that debilitates their country and that they cannot win? If there is a war between Russia and NATO, it will take years for NATO to win, simply because it will take years for NATO to build a military that can win. In the meantime, the whole of the West suffers the privations of war, and for what? To "save" Ukraine?

The only winner in that is China.
That's up to them to decide if they want to keep fighting.

They seem to have more fortitude and patriotism than Americans.

After decades of conservatives blustering on message boards about fighting to the death for freedom, it was a little jarring to see conservatives hollering for Ukrainians to throw down their weapons and run for the hills just three months into this war
That's up to them to decide if they want to keep fighting.

They seem to have more fortitude and patriotism than Americans.

After decades of conservatives blustering on message boards about fighting to the death for freedom, it was a little jarring to see conservatives hollering for Ukrainians to throw down their weapons and run for the hills just three months into this war
See,....you have it all wrong again. I could really care less if they fight right down to the last Ukrainian. Thats their choice. Just dont ask us to pay for it is all. They can supply their own shit,....we have done more than enuff for this lost cause fools errand. If they can beg weapons from the man on the moon go right ahead,....or fight with rocks and sticks for all I care.
That's up to them to decide if they want to keep fighting.

They seem to have more fortitude and patriotism than Americans.

After decades of conservatives blustering on message boards about fighting to the death for freedom, it was a little jarring to see conservatives hollering for Ukrainians to throw down their weapons and run for the hills just three months into this war
Ukraine is not a free country..... political persecution, religious persecution, free speech persecution.
Ukraine is not a free country..... political persecution, religious persecution, free speech persecution.
Ukraine is a developing democracy.
Russia is an totalitarian aggressor state.

Anyone who supported or made excuses for the J6 insurrection has no standing to lecture about democracy.

Ukrainians has the right to defend their country from invaders no matter what kind of government they have, without having to hear Republicans hollering at them to throw down their weapons and grovel for terms of surrender.
See,....you have it all wrong again. I could really care less if they fight right down to the last Ukrainian. Thats their choice. Just dont ask us to pay for it is all. They can supply their own shit,....we have done more than enuff for this lost cause fools errand. If they can beg weapons from the man on the moon go right ahead,....or fight with rocks and sticks for all I care.
Look who's talking.
I have been told that Z's security is MI6, and that he is an actor reading lines that the Americans and our littles the Brits hand him which makes a lot of sense when you take a look at how profoundly he whatever he is has betrayed Ukraine and Ukrainians.

Which the Ukrainians are now figuring out.
I have been told that Z's security is MI6, and that he is an actor reading lines that the Americans and our littles the Brits hand him which makes a lot of sense when you take a look at how profoundly he whatever he is has betrayed Ukraine and Ukrainians.

Which the Ukrainians are now figuring out.
He has led his people through a meat grinder and Russia has been fighting with one hand tied behind her back. (IS RUSSIA A HER OR A HIM....?)
See,....you have it all wrong again. I could really care less if they fight right down to the last Ukrainian. Thats their choice. Just dont ask us to pay for it is all. They can supply their own shit,....we have done more than enuff for this lost cause fools errand. If they can beg weapons from the man on the moon go right ahead,....or fight with rocks and sticks for all I care.
I agree with a lot with you ordinarily but here I emphatically do not. Anybody even slightly in touch with reality knows that Putin wouldn't stop with Ukraine. He wants to recreate the old USSR how is that not abundantly clear?
I agree with a lot with you ordinarily but here I emphatically do not. Anybody even slightly in touch with reality knows that Putin wouldn't stop with Ukraine. He wants to recreate the old USSR how is that not abundantly clear?
I fully believe that you are so dumb that you believe this.
Much closer to reality:

Russia isn't fighting for its existence, the United States is. The rest of the world has realized that it doesn't need the U.S., it's the U.S. that needs the rest of the world. The U.S. can't sustain itself or its standard of living, without creating money from thin air and vacuuming up the world's resources with it. The U.S. owes the world at least $53 trillion, thanks to this usurious scheme.All U.S. foreign policy is ultimately focused on clinging to single superpower status. This is why the U.S. set Ukraine up as a disposable proxy, to fight a perceived threat with Ukrainian fists.Put another way, the U.S. orchestrated an egregiously cynical sacrifice of human life in a foreign land, simply to extend the imperial ponzi scheme a little longer.
I agree with a lot with you ordinarily but here I emphatically do not. Anybody even slightly in touch with reality knows that Putin wouldn't stop with Ukraine. He wants to recreate the old USSR how is that not abundantly clear?
Believe you me,....I am no Russia lover. In fact in my youth I was trained every day to kill them if need be. In those days we referred to them as " the big red horde". I hated them with every fiber and everything they stood for. But as I grew older I learned to hate war much more. Countless young men chewed up or sent to the ground over this or that. When is it enuff death? Now,....that doesnt mean that I am anti war no matter what. I am not. I think we should always look to avoid war if possible but in cases where it is unavoidable then it is full go or nothing. NO MORE long protracted strung out wars that do nothing but extend the misery. PUT IT TO THEM and end it as soon as possible instead of playing footsies only to have it blow up in our faces every single time. If our governments were truly serious about this they would have hit them hard with NATO forces right from the start. But they didnt,....instead they fucked around and in the process got Ukraine chewed up and spit out. Also,.....I simply do not trust my own Government anymore or much of anything they say, same goes for the media. Can anyone blame me? They have a trac record of non stop lying,....why would they be honest now in this one case,...RUSSIA , when they lie their asses off about everything else. How can I trust THAT? I dont.
IMO,....DJT was bringing Russia into the fold. Had Trump had his second term I believe 100% that a military alliance would have been formed between Russia, the U.S , India, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Australia. A peaceful yet very powerful defensive alliance. We could have done a lot through economic ties and trade with Russia as well to sweeten the pot . It was all right there for the taking. Russia was open to the idea,...INDIA was more than ready. ALL that was fucked away when Biden was installed. It would have at minimum kept China in check. It would have went a long way towards insuring peace in the region. ALL GONE!!!!!!!!!!! Not only gone but gone while Joe and his corrupt pack sucked in millions from China. Infuriating...........
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Lets think about this a second. The old eastern bloc countries served as a buffer zone between modern day Russia and the NATO forces of western Europe. How many of those old eastern block countries are now NATO or supportive of NATO until they now border Russia? What would the U.S position be if the roles were reversed? Would we tolerate it? What if over the course of a few decades China began forming military alliances with troops and equipment included in South America, central America and finally including Mexico as well. What would our response be do you think? :thinking: :laugh: Pretty sure we all KNOW what it would be.
You are the one, and only Stoney Baloney.
I rarely respond to you but I will now very briefly. You are basically an ignoramus not worth my time. You see EVERYTHING in black and white with no grey areas because you are a political partisan hack. This is what makes you the ignoramus that you most certainly are.