Putin gives terms for Ukraine ceasefire and peace talks

I rarely respond to you but I will now very briefly. You are basically an ignoramus not worth my time. You see EVERYTHING in black and white with no grey areas because you are a political partisan hack. This is what makes you the ignoramus that you most certainly are.
Putin's offer amounts to a demand that Ukraine withdraw from and cede Ukrainian territory, and that Ukraine remain isolated and weak making them subject to Russian territorial ambitions in the future
Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin is just keeping Czar of Russia traditions with renaming Ukrainians coffee. tea, sugar or exterminating them for peace.......
The Trump/Kellogg plan has already been rejected by the Russians.
Sit and Spin is their response....they won...they will dictate terms.
For those who claim that I never criticize Trump please mark this down.

U R WRONG...In a universe were stupid hurts.
The guy who claims that he can solve Ukraine in 24 hours has no clue what reality looks like.

There......I said it!
Or I guess they could just fight to the last Ukrainian until they are fielding an army of 85 year olds and little kids if you want? Would that be a better fate for the people of Ukraine do you think? Sometimes even the most ferocious heavy weight boxer has to throw in the towel so he isnt beaten to death in the ring and lives to fight another day.
When you are facing genocide, it is fight or die. Better to go down fighting.
There are so many posts like this where you could not possibly be dumb enough to believe what you say.

Which is something to notice.
A lot is made of having an "exit strategy", but when you are attacked, there usually is not an exit strategy. We have been spoiled by wars of choice. The rest of the world does not always have those.

Ukraine can surrender, and have their people killed, or fight, and have their people killed. Israel can surrender, and have their people killed, or fight, and have their people killed. Neither can just leave the area, because that is their home.