Putin: "I Wanted Trump To Win"

Hello Nordberg,

trump has been going to Russia since 1978. He had to get his financing from Russia after his string of bankruptcies. Putin has dirt on trump. You know the womanizer has been filmed by the KGB. They are spies after all. Trump has been involved with Russian money launderers for a long time. Bannon said Money laundering is Trumps sore spot. Puitin has trump by his sagging scrotum. That is why Trump has embraced Russia and pushed away our European allies. His actions are exactly what a guilty man would take.

The Russians used Cyprus bank for money laundering and stashing. Wilbur Ross was president of that bank. The vehicle in moneyu laundering was real estate. Trump has sold 1300 apartments for cash to russians. All hidden from investigators.


Nobody in Russia who has millions of dollars to lend is clean. Russia is a corrupt economy. Anybody in Russia with big money is dirty. Trump borrowed tainted money to make his come back after being nearly a billion in the hole. Trump received extortion money. Nobody does big business in Russia without a pay-off. Anybody who even tries to do big business in Russia without the pay-off ends up being poisoned.
Ok, what would Trump have to do to Putin that would convince you that Trump isn’t under Putin’s thumb?

Put money and resources into combatting the ONGOING cyber attacks that are still occurring.

More and tougher sanctions

Call Putin out personally for what he has done and what he is doing
Put money and resources into combatting the ONGOING cyber attacks that are still occurring.

More and tougher sanctions

Call Putin out personally for what he has done and what he is doing

Putin feels plenty of pain from the sanctions already in place. In fact, no more than what he gets out of cyber attacking us, he’d be stupid to get caught again.

You realize China has done far greater damage to us in cyber warfare than Russia has, right? The troll farms are a joke. They’ve been hyped for political purposes. China steals our intellectual property and gets away with it.

Hello Lesh,

Ok, what would Trump have to do to Putin that would convince you that Trump isn’t under Putin’s thumb?

Put money and resources into combatting the ONGOING cyber attacks that are still occurring.

More and tougher sanctions

Call Putin out personally for what he has done and what he is doing

Thank YOU!

Why does tough-talking Trump turn into a sniveling wimp in Putin's presence? Any US President who is dedicated to our country, who wanted to put America first, would be all over Putin's case for meddling in our election.

Instead, President Trump says that Putin told him Russia didn't do it, so Trump accepts that.

He doesn't see why it would be Russia meddling in our election.

Who is he kidding? (besides his duped followers who would believe him if he said The US needs to start making extortion payments to Russia so they won't meddle again.)

Maybe he's just fooling himself.
Hello Darth,

Putin feels plenty of pain from the sanctions already in place. In fact, no more than what he gets out of cyber attacking us, he’d be stupid to get caught again.

You realize China has done far greater damage to us in cyber warfare than Russia has, right? The troll farms are a joke. They’ve been hyped for political purposes. China steals our intellectual property and gets away with it.


So ya think we should just forget about Russian meddling with our elections because having China meddle with our business is a greater concern?

How about we address BOTH???
Hello Darth,

So ya think we should just forget about Russian meddling with our elections because having China meddle with our business is a greater concern?

How about we address BOTH???

We should start by recognizing a few things.

One is that China has damaged us worse via cyber attacks—and nobody, has done anything about it. Why is that?

Also, the Russian meddling occurred under Obama’s watch, he told them to stop it but the Russians did it anyway. So I don’t see where Trump telling him to ‘stop it’ will do much good.

There’s a limit to what we can do keep the Russians from meddling since they’ve been at it since at least the 60’s. We meddle too, every global power meddles. Is what it is. Given that reality, we should harden our cyber security in order to thwart them.

Lastly, Russian meddling has been overblown: no one can demonstrate that they affected the outcome of the election. China is of much graver concern.

And it’s not even close.
Hello Darth,

We should start by recognizing a few things.

If only we could agree on the basics...

One is that China has damaged us worse via cyber attacks—and nobody, has done anything about it. Why is that?

I disagree. Election meddling is far more serious. If Chinese tech meddling is so bad, how come the DOW is so high?

Also, the Russian meddling occurred under Obama’s watch, he told them to stop it but the Russians did it anyway. So I don’t see where Trump telling him to ‘stop it’ will do much good.

Sounds like you're giving Trump a free pass.

There’s a limit to what we can do keep the Russians from meddling since they’ve been at it since at least the 60’s. We meddle too, every global power meddles. Is what it is. Given that reality, we should harden our cyber security in order to thwart them.

But Trump is not doing that. He doesn't think there is a problem. He doesn't see why it would be Russia.

Lastly, Russian meddling has been overblown: no one can demonstrate that they affected the outcome of the election.

We are in the process of finding that out. You are jumping to conclusions that you wish to be so. We need to wait until the investigation is completed.

China is of much graver concern. And it’s not even close.

Nope. I disagree. If China was hurting our economy that badly we would be in recession.
Hello Darth,

If only we could agree on the basics...

I disagree. Election meddling is far more serious. If Chinese tech meddling is so bad, how come the DOW is so high?

Sounds like you're giving Trump a free pass.

But Trump is not doing that. He doesn't think there is a problem. He doesn't see why it would be Russia.

We are in the process of finding that out. You are jumping to conclusions that you wish to be so. We need to wait until the investigation is completed.

Nope. I disagree. If China was hurting our economy that badly we would be in recession.

China has been involved in more than tech meddling. Here is an article from 2015 [prior to the media Russian obsession]:

A secret NSA map obtained exclusively by NBC News shows the Chinese government’s massive cyber assault on all sectors of the U.S economy, including major firms like Google and Lockheed Martin, as well as the U.S. government and military.


Where were our leaders when this was going on? And the better question is where would the DOW be now, had Obama done something about it?

Regarding the alleged Russian affect on our election: that’s beyond Mullet’s ability to find out. Indicting Russians doesn’t do much besides forcing us to presume them innocent until convicted by a jury.

Arguably, one of the more authoritative voices in that regard is Nate Silver. He’s a lefty but he’s also a statistical genius—I believe he referred to the Russian influence as ‘background noise or signal’.

As it stands, if you want to think Putin affected an electoral outcome—you are going beyond what the facts allow.

Aka an article of faith.
Hello Darth,

China has been involved in more than tech meddling. Here is an article from 2015 [prior to the media Russian obsession]:

A secret NSA map obtained exclusively by NBC News shows the Chinese government’s massive cyber assault on all sectors of the U.S economy, including major firms like Google and Lockheed Martin, as well as the U.S. government and military.


Where were our leaders when this was going on? And the better question is where would the DOW be now, had Obama done something about it?

Regarding the alleged Russian affect on our election: that’s beyond Mullet’s ability to find out. Indicting Russians doesn’t do much besides forcing us to presume them innocent until convicted by a jury.

Arguably, one of the more authoritative voices in that regard is Nate Silver. He’s a lefty but he’s also a statistical genius—I believe he referred to the Russian influence as ‘background noise or signal’.

As it stands, if you want to think Putin affected an electoral outcome—you are going beyond what the facts allow.

Aka an article of faith.

I am beginning to wonder if you are a Russian working for Putin.

It's hard to imagine an American making so many excuses for Russian meddling in our elections.
Hello Darth,

I am beginning to wonder if you are a Russian working for Putin.

It's hard to imagine an American making so many excuses for Russian meddling in our elections.

There’s excusing it and then there’s placing it in the broader context of other threats. That China has hacked our military doesn’t faze you.

I don’t wonder about your Russian obsession. The reasons for it are pretty apparent.
China has been involved in more than tech meddling. Here is an article from 2015 [prior to the media Russian obsession]:

A secret NSA map obtained exclusively by NBC News shows the Chinese government’s massive cyber assault on all sectors of the U.S economy, including major firms like Google and Lockheed Martin, as well as the U.S. government and military.


Where were our leaders when this was going on? And the better question is where would the DOW be now, had Obama done something about it?

Regarding the alleged Russian affect on our election: that’s beyond Mullet’s ability to find out. Indicting Russians doesn’t do much besides forcing us to presume them innocent until convicted by a jury.

Arguably, one of the more authoritative voices in that regard is Nate Silver. He’s a lefty but he’s also a statistical genius—I believe he referred to the Russian influence as ‘background noise or signal’.

As it stands, if you want to think Putin affected an electoral outcome—you are going beyond what the facts allow.

Aka an article of faith.

good posts. both of them
But Trump lol.
But Putin..lol

I got into it on FB - not a great place to discuss geopolitics,,but it happens.
I made the case Trump is far harder on Russia then the media tells you ( IC types also w/their innate Russiaphobia)

I got called all kinds of Putin/Russian loving names. My fav though was "Russian oligarch mobs" or something.

I broke it down abut Javelin/closing consulates, all kinds of sanctions,NATO readiness spending and it barely registers.
Americans act like the see a cobra when they get ginned up with Russiaphobia
Hello Darth,

There’s excusing it and then there’s placing it in the broader context of other threats. That China has hacked our military doesn’t faze you.

I don’t wonder about your Russian obsession. The reasons for it are pretty apparent.

OK, we're talking about Russian election meddling.

Bringing up China is just 'Whataboutism.'

It is also notable that the only people who seem unconcerned about Russian meddling are Trump supporters.
Hello Darth,

OK, we're talking about Russian election meddling.

Bringing up China is just 'Whataboutism.'

It is also notable that the only people who seem unconcerned about Russian meddling are Trump supporters.

It’s not whataboutism if you’re head of national security.

China has hacked our military—amongst other things. The Russians set up troll farms before the election and aired the DNC’s and Hillary’s dirty laundry.

You know what hacking the military means? It means it’s conceivable China could shut down our weapons systems, crash military computer systems and the like.

And it’s like no-biggie compared to *whatever* the Russians accomplished with their meddling. Honestly, I worry about this country sometimes.
Hello Darth,

It’s not whataboutism if you’re head of national security.

China has hacked our military—amongst other things. The Russians set up troll farms before the election and aired the DNC’s and Hillary’s dirty laundry.

You know what hacking the military means? It means it’s conceivable China could shut down our weapons systems, crash military computer systems and the like.

And it’s like no-biggie compared to *whatever* the Russians accomplished with their meddling. Honestly, I worry about this country sometimes.

Definitely 'Whataboutism.'

Are you claiming to be the head of national security?

If you want to talk about China hacking do it in a China hacking thread.

This one is about Trump and Putin
Hello Darth,

Then doesn’t it belong in the conspiracy theory forum?

No, but I'm sure that's where Trump supporters wish it belonged. The fact that Putin revealed he wanted Trump to win is a current event, a fact.

That's why this thread is in the Current Events forum.

It must be difficult to believe in the integrity of the President. I presume you have to simply block out a lot of real information, pretend it's fake news.

Sorry. This one is real. Putin said it. It was reported. This is no conspiracy theory.

It's shaping up to be another rough week for Trump.

His ex-lawyer Cohen has made a plea deal and is ready to talk.

His Campaign Manager Paul Manafort is found guilty, and still faces yet another trial.

Just let me know when you want to label any of this as fake news or unsupported conspiracy theory.

It is fascinating to me how people can still believe in Trump given all the dirt that we now know, and the fact that more is being revealed as time goes by.

Tick tock.
Hello Darth,

No, but I'm sure that's where Trump supporters wish it belonged. The fact that Putin revealed he wanted Trump to win is a current event, a fact.

That's why this thread is in the Current Events forum.

It must be difficult to believe in the integrity of the President. I presume you have to simply block out a lot of real information, pretend it's fake news.

Sorry. This one is real. Putin said it. It was reported. This is no conspiracy theory.

It's shaping up to be another rough week for Trump.

His ex-lawyer Cohen has made a plea deal and is ready to talk.

His Campaign Manager Paul Manafort is found guilty, and still faces yet another trial.

Just let me know when you want to label any of this as fake news or unsupported conspiracy theory.

It is fascinating to me how people can still believe in Trump given all the dirt that we now know, and the fact that more is being revealed as time goes by.

Tick tock.

Do you think this was the first time Putin wanted a particular candidate to win? Say Putin wanted Obama over Romney. Was
Obama guilty of a crime?

Yes or no will do.

Manafort is done. He’ll spend the rest of his days in prison unless Trump pardons him. Why would Manafort help Mullet? Would you if you were Manafort?