Question about Jews and Christians


The God of the old testament is an ugly brute. But I hear it all the time from Christians that that God doesn't really apply in any argument because of the New Testament.

Well, why then are modern Christians so much more disgusting, immoral, ignorant, and vile than Jews who don't have the somewhat more loving God of the New Testament to turn to? The Jews in Israel are extremely progressive and much more loving than these abominations we call Christians in America.

Christians, what is wrong with you? Why do you suck so much as human beings?
Find 500,000 unique, individual examples of modern Christians acting so vile. There's roughly 1,500,000,000 of them so it shouldn't be a problem. Unless you're just being biased because it's the new thing to hate.

By the way, for the record, I'm not a Christian. I'm a Deist.
Find 500,000 unique, individual examples of modern Christians acting so vile. There's roughly 1,500,000,000 of them so it shouldn't be a problem. Unless you're just being biased because it's the new thing to hate.

By the way, for the record, I'm not a Christian. I'm a Deist.

Why a Deist? Deism was popular when we had no alternative to turn to but someone going POOF! and everything appearing. It makes much less sense and is much less elegant when we have natural explanations for all of these phenomena. Just watered down theism, to quote Dawkins.
Only 500,000 Christians acting vile? What about the 60 million that voted for Bush?

Well first, that not vile. You can argue the intelligence of it, but it's not evil. And second I said 'unique, individual acts'. All have to be different.
Why a Deist? Deism was popular when we had no alternative to turn to but someone going POOF! and everything appearing. It makes much less sense and is much less elegant when we have natural explanations for all of these phenomena. Just watered down theism, to quote Dawkins.

And Deism because I believe in god, but not in the way any major religion subscribes to it. My god is much more powerful than theirs. And pretty open minded.
watermark is incapable of understanding the concept of a benevolent deity. Most likely because he was molested by his priest.

it's ok to come out with it now WM. Let's have some healing prayer, k?
The God of the old testament is an ugly brute. But I hear it all the time from Christians that that God doesn't really apply in any argument because of the New Testament.

Well, why then are modern Christians so much more disgusting, immoral, ignorant, and vile than Jews who don't have the somewhat more loving God of the New Testament to turn to? The Jews in Israel are extremely progressive and much more loving than these abominations we call Christians in America.

Christians, what is wrong with you? Why do you suck so much as human beings?

LOL. The jews in israel keep muslim children in ghettos to maintain their race-based state. LOl.. Funny.
i'm glad to finally be educated on the fact that christians are the ONLY evil, disgusting people on this planet....

thanks watermark...hooked on phonics worked for me!
why do you believe in god?

If you lived the life I have, done the Horrible things I have, and yet still have the amazing luck I have, you'd believe too. Plus looking at all the way things work in this world, it's too coincidental to me, that everything has happened just randomly and yet so perfectly.
If you lived the life I have, done the Horrible things I have, and yet still have the amazing luck I have, you'd believe too.


I don't mean to be an asshole, but that's just not a good argument. It's just a tad bit presumptuous of you.

And being a deist you don't really believe in a personal god anyway, do you?

Plus looking at all the way things work in this world, it's too coincidental to me, that everything has happened just randomly and yet so perfectly.

Argument from improbability.

One improbabilities in particular do you have in mind?

I don't mean to be an asshole, but that's just not a good argument. It's just a tad bit presumptuous of you.

And being a deist you don't really believe in a personal god anyway, do you?
Yeah, it is presumptuous, but religion is a personal thing, so it can only be based on my own experiences. I used to be an atheist.
Argument from improbability.

One improbabilities in particular do you have in mind?

Life itself. That all these things that needed to happen to cause life just randomly came together, that after billions of years we are around today, that there are an incalcuable number of stars in space. The tiny, irrelevant (on a cosmic scale anyways) amount of knowledge that we have about the universe, it's all too much to be mere coincidence.

But that's just my belief. It helps me try to lead a good life, and be a better person, regardless of whether I actually go to my heaven or not. I don't look down on anyone else for their beliefs or ideas, as long as they don't force them on me.
Well first, that not vile. You can argue the intelligence of it, but it's not evil. And second I said 'unique, individual acts'. All have to be different.

If I may .... thank you.
Again quoting Dawkins, or rather paraphrasing him, To take the innocent minds of human children and fill them with certainty and fear is tantamount to cruelty to children. You are denying them the right to free will. They are woken, fed, schooled and sent back to bed in the name of an unprovable, illogical, restrictive and, if believed, cruel set of rules that must not be questioned.
But we want our children to be creative. We want them to be independant. We want them to be inquisitive.
Isn't it strange that progressive human beings tend (note the word, tend) not to believe the claptrap that is religion.
It matters not whether that religion be christian, judaic, islam or born again idiots. They all restrict natural intellect and in some cases, most notably American Southern Baptists and Muslims actively spread hatred..... all in the name of a loving god...! Give me the child until he is seven and I will give you the man.
Give me that man and I will show you a bushite!
If I may .... thank you.
Again quoting Dawkins, or rather paraphrasing him, To take the innocent minds of human children and fill them with certainty and fear is tantamount to cruelty to children. You are denying them the right to free will. They are woken, fed, schooled and sent back to bed in the name of an unprovable, illogical, restrictive and, if believed, cruel set of rules that must not be questioned.
But we want our children to be creative. We want them to be independant. We want them to be inquisitive.
Isn't it strange that progressive human beings tend (note the word, tend) not to believe the claptrap that is religion.
It matters not whether that religion be christian, judaic, islam or born again idiots. They all restrict natural intellect and in some cases, most notably American Southern Baptists and Muslims actively spread hatred..... all in the name of a loving god...! Give me the child until he is seven and I will give you the man.
Give me that man and I will show you a bushite!

Well if that's how you see it, I'm sorry. But again, in the spirirt of my my little challenge, that would still be only 1 act. So I'll count both, and you have 499,998 more to find. Modern Christians, so no Crusades or anything.