Question about Jews and Christians

Blue Label is supposed to be awesome. Like $50 a shot, but awesome. My friend, Carlos, likes it, but its never been carried at the bars where he's attempted to introduce me to it...

The local casino charges $65.00/shot. I won a grand a few months ago so I decided to treat myself.

Yep, it's good stuff.
It's about $300 a bottle here in MI. And it is AMAZING stuff. I've bought two bottles in my life so far and never regretted it either time.
Find 500,000 unique, individual examples of modern Christians acting so vile. There's roughly 1,500,000,000 of them so it shouldn't be a problem. Unless you're just being biased because it's the new thing to hate.

By the way, for the record, I'm not a Christian. I'm a Deist.

Would you like to include WWII?
Gladly, but if all you're going to say is 'the holocaust', that only counts as one, which would leave 499,997.

Who the Hell are the guilty three?(note your subtraction) Pulling a trigger on a woman, child, or an innocent person is not an "individual" crime? Starving and murdering slaves and other captives by guards are not "individual" crimes? Plundering is not a crime? All of the above and more are individual criminal acts which, apparently, you consider 'A' crime.
The Holocaust plus how many millions more died at the hands of murderers?Were the triggers pulled, dive bombers piloted, gas chambers operated, tortures implemented, etc. by just three persons? That, while the churches of Germany, Italy, etc. were conveniently silent. Is complicity in murder not also a crime?
Apparently you buy the "We didn't know" or "We just followed orders" denials after the war and during the trials. That makes dealiing with guilt so much easier for so many criminals of any faith.
I travel to Germany often to visit family, no one I know uses those excuses any longer. Most now accept the guilt of a great portion of their parent's generation and that of their country whose actions were empowered by criminals, but individually criminal just the same.
Your ridiculously puny number of 500,000 "individual acts" is but further denial when considering only WWII in addition to the actual amount limited by you to "modern", because we no longer may consider The Crusades, The Inquisitions, The Conquistadors, and let's not forget Salem. Were not lynchings accompanied by burning crosses used as a symbol of fright by groups proclaiming their religion?
Who the Hell are the guilty three?(note your subtraction) Pulling a trigger on a woman, child, or an innocent person is not an "individual" crime? Starving and murdering slaves and other captives by guards are not "individual" crimes? Plundering is not a crime? All of the above and more are individual criminal acts which, apparently, you consider 'A' crime.
The Holocaust plus how many millions more died at the hands of murderers?Were the triggers pulled, dive bombers piloted, gas chambers operated, tortures implemented, etc. by just three persons? That, while the churches of Germany, Italy, etc. were conveniently silent. Is complicity in murder not also a crime?
Apparently you buy the "We didn't know" or "We just followed orders" denials after the war and during the trials. That makes dealiing with guilt so much easier for so many criminals of any faith.
I travel to Germany often to visit family, no one I know uses those excuses any longer. Most now accept the guilt of a great portion of their parent's generation and that of their country whose actions were empowered by criminals, but individually criminal just the same.
Your ridiculously puny number of 500,000 "individual acts" is but further denial when considering only WWII in addition to the actual amount limited by you to "modern", because we no longer may consider The Crusades, The Inquisitions, The Conquistadors, and let's not forget Salem. Were not lynchings accompanied by burning crosses used as a symbol of fright by groups proclaiming their religion?

And there are plenty of examples to use for the other major, and minor religious groups as well. My point is/was to demonstrate that the vast majority of Christians are good people, same as any other group, but that when it comes to demonizing them, it's open season, verse any other 'minority' group.
And there are plenty of examples to use for the other major, and minor religious groups as well. My point is/was to demonstrate that the vast majority of Christians are good people, same as any other group, but that when it comes to demonizing them, it's open season, verse any other 'minority' group.

...and I agree about the good of all people, but to say that WWII is an example of but one individual criminal act is avoiding reality.
I'm not sure if Christians are demonized more than any other group, but perhaps, when some claim superiority, it sets them up for derision from others that take offense to such claims. Then again, it may financially benefit those who are enriched by keeping the congregation angry.
And there are plenty of examples to use for the other major, and minor religious groups as well. My point is/was to demonstrate that the vast majority of Christians are good people, same as any other group, but that when it comes to demonizing them, it's open season, verse any other 'minority' group.

OH, the woes of the persecuted majority! Waaaahhhh!!!
Who the Hell are the guilty three?(note your subtraction) Pulling a trigger on a woman, child, or an innocent person is not an "individual" crime? Starving and murdering slaves and other captives by guards are not "individual" crimes? Plundering is not a crime? All of the above and more are individual criminal acts which, apparently, you consider 'A' crime.
The Holocaust plus how many millions more died at the hands of murderers?Were the triggers pulled, dive bombers piloted, gas chambers operated, tortures implemented, etc. by just three persons? That, while the churches of Germany, Italy, etc. were conveniently silent. Is complicity in murder not also a crime?
Apparently you buy the "We didn't know" or "We just followed orders" denials after the war and during the trials. That makes dealiing with guilt so much easier for so many criminals of any faith.
I travel to Germany often to visit family, no one I know uses those excuses any longer. Most now accept the guilt of a great portion of their parent's generation and that of their country whose actions were empowered by criminals, but individually criminal just the same.
Your ridiculously puny number of 500,000 "individual acts" is but further denial when considering only WWII in addition to the actual amount limited by you to "modern", because we no longer may consider The Crusades, The Inquisitions, The Conquistadors, and let's not forget Salem. Were not lynchings accompanied by burning crosses used as a symbol of fright by groups proclaiming their religion?

Will individual muslims be bearing the responsibility and individual criminalhood of not stopping jihad?
Will individual muslims be bearing the responsibility and individual criminalhood of not stopping jihad?

Any religious hierarchy supporting or ignoring murder and torture by its followers is equally guilty if no attempt was made to prevent or stop the killing or torture.
Any religious hierarchy supporting or ignoring murder and torture by its followers is equally guilty if no attempt was made to prevent or stop the killing or torture.

So that makes the Council for American Islamic Relations a criminal terrorist organization.
Thank you for finally making sense.
So that makes the Council for American Islamic Relations a criminal terrorist organization.
Thank you for finally making sense.

I'm not sure of CAIR's policies. If they support killing innocent people, I condemn them. If you want to find out more about CAIR, I suggest you ask Grover Norquist, he would know far more about them than I do.
The God of the old testament is an ugly brute. But I hear it all the time from Christians that that God doesn't really apply in any argument because of the New Testament.

Well, why then are modern Christians so much more disgusting, immoral, ignorant, and vile than Jews who don't have the somewhat more loving God of the New Testament to turn to? The Jews in Israel are extremely progressive and much more loving than these abominations we call Christians in America.

Christians, what is wrong with you? Why do you suck so much as human beings?

Sure the ghetto-ization of palestinians and a racial supremacist state feels like love.