Truck Fump / h1b
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Actually, its Muslims in neighboring countries that keep Muslims in ghettos in Israel.
Why, becasuse they refuse to absorb the refugees israel created. Your neocon noahide idiocy is showing again.
Actually, its Muslims in neighboring countries that keep Muslims in ghettos in Israel.
You're referring to "Palestinians", which is a recently made-up name for a group of nomads that have never made a contribution to civilization and have been subsequently abandoned by their Muslim neighbors. Now that they are useful in the Muslim goal to annihilate the Jewish race they suddenly become someone else's victims.Why, becasuse they refuse to absorb the refugees israel created. Your neocon noahide idiocy is showing again.
Life itself. That all these things that needed to happen to cause life just randomly came together, that after billions of years we are around today, that there are an incalcuable number of stars in space.
The anthropic principle states that this apparent coincidence is actually a necessity because we wouldn't be able to exist, and hence, observe the universe, were these laws and constants not set this way.
The God of the old testament is an ugly brute. But I hear it all the time from Christians that that God doesn't really apply in any argument because of the New Testament.
Ah, but there is the error in what you hear. The God of the Old Testament...who immediately punished bad behavior, unbelief, idolatry, not doing things His way, etc., etc., is the same God in the new Testament. He is loving in that He provided the way for man to be reconciled to Him by offering His son on the cross. He is vengeful in the fact that those who do not accept that way will be condemned to hell for eternity, but He does not take immediate action like He did in the O.T. (then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment,). Both love and fear are persuading factors for people (just like it is for child/parent relationships) ....the loving side of God and the vengeful side of God.
"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men;..."
I first obeyed my parents out of I grew I learned to obey them out of love. Primitive? Could be. bet.
I must add: I know that some so-called Christian parents have taken the fear side too far and became abusers. That was never intended with a "spare the rod, spoil the child" biblical application.
Ah, but there is the error in what you hear. The God of the Old Testament...who immediately punished bad behavior, unbelief, idolatry, not doing things His way, etc., etc.,
Ah, but there is the error in what you hear. The God of the Old Testament...who immediately punished bad behavior, unbelief, idolatry, not doing things His way, etc., etc., is the same God in the new Testament. He is loving in that He provided the way for man to be reconciled to Him by offering His son on the cross. He is vengeful in the fact that those who do not accept that way will be condemned to hell for eternity, but He does not take immediate action like He did in the O.T. (then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment,). Both love and fear are persuading factors for people (just like it is for child/parent relationships) ....the loving side of God and the vengeful side of God.
"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men;..."
I first obeyed my parents out of I grew I learned to obey them out of love. Primitive? Could be. bet.
I must add: I know that some so-called Christian parents have taken the fear side too far and became abusers. That was never intended with a "spare the rod, spoil the child" biblical application.
Ah, but there is the error in what you hear. The God of the Old Testament...who immediately punished bad behavior, unbelief, idolatry, not doing things His way, etc., etc., is the same God in the new Testament. He is loving in that He provided the way for man to be reconciled to Him by offering His son on the cross. He is vengeful in the fact that those who do not accept that way will be condemned to hell for eternity, but He does not take immediate action like He did in the O.T. (then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment,). Both love and fear are persuading factors for people (just like it is for child/parent relationships) ....the loving side of God and the vengeful side of God.
"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men;..."
I first obeyed my parents out of I grew I learned to obey them out of love. Primitive? Could be. bet.
I must add: I know that some so-called Christian parents have taken the fear side too far and became abusers. That was never intended with a "spare the rod, spoil the child" biblical application.
The God of the old testament is an ugly brute. But I hear it all the time from Christians that that God doesn't really apply in any argument because of the New Testament.
Well, why then are modern Christians so much more disgusting, immoral, ignorant, and vile than Jews who don't have the somewhat more loving God of the New Testament to turn to? The Jews in Israel are extremely progressive and much more loving than these abominations we call Christians in America.
Christians, what is wrong with you? Why do you suck so much as human beings?
You're referring to "Palestinians", which is a recently made-up name for a group of nomads that have never made a contribution to civilization and have been subsequently abandoned by their Muslim neighbors. Now that they are useful in the Muslim goal to annihilate the Jewish race they suddenly become someone else's victims.
Is he as short of cash as the other god seems to be?WOW, nice other religion BURN!!!!
ThisLOL. The jews in israel keep muslim children in ghettos to maintain their race-based state. LOl.. Funny.
I'm sorry, I would rather burn in hell for eternity than kill my kids for talking back to me.
The Jews have mostly abandoned biblical literalism because to be a biblical literal Jew would be ridiculous. Christians have a little bit of wiggle room. However, I still think biblical literalism is really a ridiculous and entirely arbitrary point of view. For one, the bible contradicts itself in quite a few areas. For another thing, the magical thinking that god would never allow the bible to be corrupted is that same kind of thinking that lead heretics to throw suspected criminals in the water and say that if they're innocent god won't let them drown.
assuming hell were to be real, I would do absolutely any conceivable thing you could imagine to avoid it.
The Bible is the first example of "Good cop/Bad cop". The old testament is full of the "Bad cop". Some angry prick that's going to smite you based on his massive ego problems is in charge. Large and in charge. My man is throwing people into fire, causing floods and asking people to kill their own children, just to see if he's really the boss.
New Testament rolls around, and we've now got this sweetheart of a gentleman walking about the streets of the middle east, saying jive like "love your neighbor!" and "Do unto others!". But the Romans, those guys were used to the old god, the pissed off guy that wants to kill everyone. So they took this new guy, "Jesus" and applied the worst torture known to man to him, and homeslice DIED from torture for it. Thus, you should be tortured infinitely worse unless you kiss the proper ass.
But whose ass to kiss?!?!? That old god is the same one the hebrews worship!!! And the MUSLIMS (GASP!!!) How can we reconcile JEESUS with this!!! I know! Just worm around, lie about values and CLAIM RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!!!!!!
So now, you have dear old dad (GOD)who wants to send everyone to hell, but you have his kid (JESUS) who wants everyone to go to heaven. But, wait! There's more!
They're the SAME GUY! Who knew? Well YOU did evangelicals! Thanks for enlightening us!
Is he as short of cash as the other god seems to be?