Another lie.
You aren't liberals - you're leftists. Leftists view the state as the ONLY god and hate all competing religions.
Another lie.
You worship Satan. You lie all the time.
I've seen no evidence that Tinker worships Joe Biden?
Meh, you're just lying - as always.
Is that a Chinese thing - or just because you're a CCP troll?
All they do is post questions for bored Democrats.
Oy vey goyim
And souls to the polls when Blacks bus the parishioners to the polls to vote after mass on Sunday.
I don't know - 5 years ago I would have said the democrats would never try and throw the opposition candidate for a presidential election in prison - but here we are.
I don't think there are any limits on what the democrats will do - they are no different than the Khmer Rouge.
I've seen no evidence that Tinker worships Joe Biden?
Meh, you're just lying - as always.
Is that a Chinese thing - or just because you're a CCP troll?
Not many democrats on this board, mostly alt leftie moonbats.
Despite the efforts of Joe Biden's own Heinrich Himmler - Merrick Garland in a move that would make Pol Pot blush by indicting the top candidate opposing Biden in 2024, several pollsters point to Trump leading Biden among likely voters.
Garland indicted Trump in an effort to corrupt the 2024 election, ending democracy by throwing the opposition in prison - a move common in banana republics and thug driven dictatorships.
Assuming that the attack on free elections by the democrat Reich has backfired and caused voters like me who were backing DeSantis to line up behind Trump, to save our Republic from the clear attempt by democrats to establish a totalitarian dictatorship and end legitimate elections, would democrats on the board, which outnumber Americans 3 to 1 here, support stronger measures to ensure that Trump cannot be elected?
If the attempt to imprison the opposition candidate fails, would board democrats support the party taking a more lethal approach to stopping Trump?
It's the only thing democrats have not attempted yet.
You think black churches hold MASS?
You fucking Nazis are beyond ignorant.
you are a boring troll, keeping you on ignore
I think RFK Jr. is a democrat from the 1970's I disagree with a lot of what he says but I could find myself in agreement on the majority of his policies.
As for this board, it seems we have crazed TDS infected loonies galore.
Talking to that one is a waste of time. The effect of trump porn addiction has gotten into its brain.
Moonbats vs Magaturds
Oh look.... another hyperbolic horse shit thread from a brainwashed Trump cultist nutjob.
We'll see what the polls look like after the news starts coming about what kind of national security information was contained in those hundreds of boxes of top secret documents Trump stole with the intention of turning them over to Putin.
That is funny.
Beyond clueless.
Trump is a fucking criminal and a traitor.
Members of his own party are beginning to say it.
His own VP says he should never hold office again.
The sooner you cultist Kool Aid drinkers accept that and move on, the better off we'll all be.
Would you be willing to put on a suicide vest to take out the object of your insanity and ensure Xi's man remain as dictator?
How far will you go to make sure fascism is secure in America?
Goddamn but you Nazi fucks are stupid.
That's not "mass" you drooling retard.
Mass is specific to Catholicism - you fucking retard.
Actually, the traitor is you.
You support ending free and fair elections and establishing Xi's puppet Joe Biden as dictator - throwing the opposition candidate in prison to keep America from voting against Quid Pro.
Yeah, that does make you a traitor. Your filthy party is attempting to overthrow the Constitution of the United States.