Question for Board Democrats

Assuming that the attack on free elections by the democrat Reich has backfired and caused voters like me who were backing DeSantis to line up behind Trump, to save our Republic from the clear attempt by democrats to establish a totalitarian dictatorship and end legitimate elections,
SMART decision. Trump 2024 or bust! There is no other sensible choice. Welcome to the rebellion, comrade!

would democrats on the board, which outnumber Americans 3 to 1 here,
... which still puts them at a disadvantage...

support stronger measures to ensure that Trump cannot be elected?
Yes they would.

If the attempt to imprison the opposition candidate fails, would board democrats support the party taking a more lethal approach to stopping Trump?
Yes, they would.

It's the only thing democrats have not attempted yet.
They have a few more tricks up their sleeve yet... including the refusal to step down from office that they pretended applied to Trump in 2020.
Trump is a fucking criminal and a traitor.

Members of his own party are beginning to say it.

His own VP says he should never hold office again.

The sooner you cultist Kool Aid drinkers accept that and move on, the better off we'll all be.

Sorry Buddy, I am not a Trump supporter but if the lefties want to win the next election they should all be supporting Trump in the primary.
Sorry Buddy, I am not a Trump supporter but if the lefties want to win the next election they should all be supporting Trump in the primary.

I think a lot of them are.

I think I'm kind of supporting him in the primary myself.

I think Trump has made himself unelectable.
What is it about you radical left fascists lying about being democrats?

You worship Joe Biden and support EVERYTHING the Reich does - then lie about being democrats?

It's just stupid. Do you think you have more credibility if you lie about what you are?

Trust me - there is no way for you to have less credibility that you already do, Trumpette.

Speaking about stupid, all you ever post is stupidity.
No they won't have him killed because EVERYONE would know who did it. It's too obvious. They have to cloak their hatred in "Democracy" and the "Rule of Law" and their favorite, "No one is above the law" unless of course you're a Democrat. I think their only play is to continue throwing allegations at trump in the hopes that something sticks. This is nothing but trump porn to leftists

It's already too obvious. They don't care about being subtle anymore. Remember, Democrats and leftists will kill to meet their goals and agenda.
Liberals hate God

Basically true, but for one of several reasons:

Either they belong to the Church of No God, or
They belong to a Christian church, but fail to acknowledge God's laws and councils, or
They belong to some pagan or 'new age' religion, sometimes worshiping even rocks.
Oh look.... another hyperbolic horse shit thread from a brainwashed Trump cultist nutjob.


We'll see what the polls look like after the news starts coming about what kind of national security information was contained in those hundreds of boxes of top secret documents Trump stole with the intention of turning them over to Putin.

Trump stole no documents. Putin is a socialist. That's like DEMOCRATS, dude.