question for democrats and liberals

Another one, don’t hate Trump, just hold him in disdain for the damage he did to the country, hey, if you want to worship a narcissistic egotist who puts himself infront of anything else, feel free, it’s your “freedom,” the rest of us rather focus on what is good for the country

Ok, exactly what damage did he do to the country? give us a specific list.

making fun of whoopi doesn't count.

what freedoms did Trump take that Biden has restored? list?
we don't elect presidents on the popular vote. Trump beat hillary on the electoral college vote which is how the constitution set it up. the 3 million PV delta was all in california, it means nothing. without the EC 4 places would select our presidents and no place else would have a say in it. NYC, LA county, Miami Dade, and Harris county texas (Houston). The founders got it right, STFU.

Always love the “it was all in California,” like people living in California aren’t Americans.

And I don’t think the founders would approve today of a system that favors geography over actual Americans.
Another one, don’t hate Trump, just hold him in disdain for the damage he did to the country, hey, if you want to worship a narcissistic egotist who puts himself infront of anything else, feel free, it’s your “freedom,” the rest of us rather focus on what is good for the country

Please, you can not possibly believe what you have sated above???!!!! It is absolutely insane, dishonest and perverse that a rational person can believe such crap. You are literally witnessing the destruction of the USA - once the greatest country that has ever existed on earth - you dems and lefties are sick to want your country taken to the cleaners. COMMUNISTS I SUPPOSE.
As best can be told, none of those individuals used the power of their position to personally attack private American citizens, label half of America as “traitors,” “evil” or “enemies” of America, nor went or immediately penalized anyone who criticized them.

Don’t believe any of them got caught bonking a porn star, or admitting to “grabbing pussy,” paying to cover up extramarital affairs.

And even mentioning Trump and honesty in the same breath is an oxymoron, and bad enough as it is, he did it directly to the American public even though he knew it was a complete lie. And he did often to advance his own personal ends

As I said, character, Trump lacks it, and the irony is that it wasn’t that long ago that the right said character was important to them, one of their principles

and Biden and Harris have character? tell the laid off union workers, tell us how willie Brown's hooker has character by screwing her way to the top. Is being a high paid call girl your example of character?

you don't like Trump's persona. admit it. that has nothing to do with character. If you want to discuss his character ask the women who he put in high responsible positions in his companies, ask the people he helped financially, ask the military families whose loved soldiers are now home.
Please, you can not possibly believe what you have sated above???!!!! It is absolutely insane, dishonest and perverse that a rational person can believe such crap. You are literally witnessing the destruction of the USA - once the greatest country that has ever existed on earth - you dems and lefties are sick to want your country taken to the cleaners. COMMUNISTS I SUPPOSE.

well said
Always love the “it was all in California,” like people living in California aren’t Americans.

And I don’t think the founders would approve today of a system that favors geography over actual Americans.

facts are facts, the entire PV delta was in LA county, Cal. Should the people in Idaho, Alabama, Vermont, and Wyoming have no voice in picking presidents?
Ok, exactly what damage did he do to the country? give us a specific list.

making fun of whoopi doesn't count.

what freedoms did Trump take that Biden has restored? list?

Endless, but let’s just take the last few months, Trump, manipulating his base, promoted a lie, and in the process undermined the very election system upon which our democracy is based, that which separates us from the third world dictatorships. And he did it all for his own personal gain

And from here I know you are now going to tell us, completely ignoring even the decision of Trump’s own personal fixer, that the election was rigged, etc., etc., etc., meaning you’ve drunk the Kool Aid and are incapable of recognizing any facts
Please, you can not possibly believe what you have sated above???!!!! It is absolutely insane, dishonest and perverse that a rational person can believe such crap. You are literally witnessing the destruction of the USA - once the greatest country that has ever existed on earth - you dems and lefties are sick to want your country taken to the cleaners. COMMUNISTS I SUPPOSE.

By the mere fact you employ the term “communists,” even embolden it, shows you are living a illusionary reality, “communists” is a 20th Century term, has next to zero relevance today, there isn’t even a communist country in the world today
and Biden and Harris have character? tell the laid off union workers, tell us how willie Brown's hooker has character by screwing her way to the top. Is being a high paid call girl your example of character?

you don't like Trump's persona. admit it. that has nothing to do with character. If you want to discuss his character ask the women who he put in high responsible positions in his companies, ask the people he helped financially, ask the military families whose loved soldiers are now home.

Biden exhibits character, he doesn’t openly lie to the American public to attain his own personal ends, the common denominator of his actions isn’t doing whatever he can as long as he can get away with, he shows empathy, he doesn’t belittle nor strive to destroy those that disagree with him, he and Trump are on the opposite ends of the sphere when it comes to character

And forget trying to rationalize Trump and women, his Hollywood tape pretty much summed up Trump’s view of women
facts are facts, the entire PV delta was in LA county, Cal. Should the people in Idaho, Alabama, Vermont, and Wyoming have no voice in picking presidents?

People in Idaho, Alabama, Vermont and Wyoming should have a voice in picking Presidents, a representative vote, not a disproportionate say, living on a farm or ranch doesn’t mean you are more of an American than the guy living in city high rise
Why did it happen just as congress was about to review the evidence of vote fraud?

Is that what Congress was about to do? What evidence were they about to review? Trump losing the popular vote AGAIN is not evidence of fraud.

what specific crimes did he commit?

Being a pathological liar, ignoramus and egomaniac is not a crime, but it sure isn't a good qualification for POTUS. Except in the minds of dupes and cultists, I guess.
please tell us specifically why you hate Trump so intensely

Is it because he beat Hillary?
Is it because he kept his campaign promises?
Is it because he had the lowest unemployment rates in history?
Is it because he made the USA energy independent?
Is it because he brought our troops home from the mid east?
Is it because he talks like a typical new yorker?
Is it because he gives politicians nick names like Crooked Hillary and Sleepy Joe?
Is it because he has married beautiful women?
Is it because he is a billionaire?
Is it because he got 75 million american votes in 2020?
Is it because he named the virus the chinese virus?
Is it because he got vaccines available in record time?

this is a semi serious question. so please try to give semi serious or serious replies. What is the intense hate really about?

Why do you have this delusion that most people hate Trump? It's not about him personally.
we don't elect presidents on the popular vote. Trump beat hillary on the electoral college vote which is how the constitution set it up. the 3 million PV delta was all in california, it means nothing. without the EC 4 places would select our presidents and no place else would have a say in it. NYC, LA county, Miami Dade, and Harris county texas (Houston). The founders got it right, STFU.

no duh. but the electoral college is antiquated and bad for the country. look just in this century how it screwed this country- gomer bush instead of Gore...and traitor trump instead of hillary.
please tell us specifically why you hate Trump so intensely

Is it because he beat Hillary?
Is it because he kept his campaign promises?
Is it because he had the lowest unemployment rates in history?
Is it because he made the USA energy independent?
Is it because he brought our troops home from the mid east?
Is it because he talks like a typical new yorker?
Is it because he gives politicians nick names like Crooked Hillary and Sleepy Joe?
Is it because he has married beautiful women?
Is it because he is a billionaire?
Is it because he got 75 million american votes in 2020?
Is it because he named the virus the chinese virus?
Is it because he got vaccines available in record time?

this is a semi serious question. so please try to give semi serious or serious replies. What is the intense hate really about?
Sorry, but its none of the above....I hate the guy because he's stupid question???
please tell us specifically why you hate Trump so intensely

Is it because he beat Hillary?
Is it because he kept his campaign promises?
Is it because he had the lowest unemployment rates in history?
Is it because he made the USA energy independent?
Is it because he brought our troops home from the mid east?
Is it because he talks like a typical new yorker?
Is it because he gives politicians nick names like Crooked Hillary and Sleepy Joe?
Is it because he has married beautiful women?
Is it because he is a billionaire?
Is it because he got 75 million american votes in 2020?
Is it because he named the virus the chinese virus?
Is it because he got vaccines available in record time?

this is a semi serious question. so please try to give semi serious or serious replies. What is the intense hate really about?

That is not close to serious. I do not hate Trump. I am disgusted by him. He is an embarrassment to the nation. I just hope he will go away . Most likely he will have fun in courts.
please tell us specifically why you hate Trump so intensely

Is it because he beat Hillary?
Is it because he kept his campaign promises?
Is it because he had the lowest unemployment rates in history?
Is it because he made the USA energy independent?
Is it because he brought our troops home from the mid east?
Is it because he talks like a typical new yorker?
Is it because he gives politicians nick names like Crooked Hillary and Sleepy Joe?
Is it because he has married beautiful women?
Is it because he is a billionaire?
Is it because he got 75 million american votes in 2020?
Is it because he named the virus the chinese virus?
Is it because he got vaccines available in record time?

this is a semi serious question. so please try to give semi serious or serious replies. What is the intense hate really about?

They don't know. Seriously, they don't know why they believe the things they do.